Splurged today? AND NOT GUILTY!!

pannellkat Posts: 709 Member
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
Add my name to the list. Not sweating it either, tomorrow is a new day.
On the menu today: Burgers, hot links, grilled chicken, crab stuffed salmon, macaroni salad, potato salad, bbq chips, baked beans, watermelon and liter of coke for 5.

I had one stuffed salmon filet, half cup of macaroni salad, half cup of baked beans and about two handfuls of bbq chips. I then moved onto half cup of watermelon and in between, yes this is about to become weird.... I had post raisin bran cereal with 2% milk haha!!! I could have done worse. Oh yes forgot the cup of coca cola.

Guess what?? I do NOT FEEL GUILTY AT ALL! If you over ate today and you know you did and you are not going to take it hard on yourself because tomorrow is a new day and we are allowed to splurge....add your name to this list!!!


  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    I totally agree with you. I didn't splurge today but if you need moral support I'll be happy to down a cup of strawberry shortcake that is sitting in the fridge. :laugh:
  • srtakelch
    srtakelch Posts: 24
    totally ate 600 more calories than I was supposed to. Oops. Doubling up the workouts tomorrow...
  • Woohoo. I oinked! bunless hamburger with ketchup, potato salad, tons of black bean salsa and baked tostitoes, two bowls of watermelon, shrimp, handful of olives, I did manage to stick to water the whole night--yay me! The biggest thing is that I have no idea how much I had of most of the items. Wasn't about to start measuring,and frankly, didn't care. But now I am going to have fun logging all that junk in. Curious to see how many calories I really consumed. But I agree--NO GUILT! I will be right back on track tomorrow!:wink: Great fun, great friends, great fireworks...It was all totally worth it if you ask me!

    Happy 4th, everyone!
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    I have completely been there. I'm totally spending most of my calories today on alcohol because I NEVER drink.
  • tiffanygil
    tiffanygil Posts: 478 Member
    that would be me!
  • leakewh
    leakewh Posts: 91 Member
    All I can say is.....Golden Corral...!!! I not only fell off of the wagon...I got tangled up in the wheel....Like you say, tomorrow is a new day...Consider it exercising my right to celebrate losing 20lbs.
  • nursegirl79
    nursegirl79 Posts: 146 Member
    Yeah...me too!! I ate 826 more calories than I should have today.:ohwell: I worked out this morning and decided if I over eat I would exercise...HA!! :tongue: I'm too drunk..:drinker: (I lost at beer pong...hehe) Good times with the family. Hope it doesn't set me back to far!!

    Hope everyone had a wonderful fun filled 4th!!!!

    Sleepy time....nite nite:yawn:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I totally took the day off. Reached my 50 lb. goal this morning and promised myself for the past 6 months that I would eat whatever I wanted today. AND I'M NOT EVEN GOING TO LOG IT, FOR THE FIRST TIME IN FOREVER! Absolutely no guilt. I celebrated independence, and tomorrow will start on the next 50. Happy Birthday America, and here's to 50 lbs. lost! Woo hoo! Mary
  • TNYorker
    TNYorker Posts: 164
    You can add my name to the list! We had a bbq at home, and boy did I splurge!

    Although...I was bored the last hour and ran 4.5 miles on the treadmill and burned off around 630 calories. :tongue:
  • Losetheweightnat
    Losetheweightnat Posts: 53 Member
    I did my workout today but yeah i ended up splurging today :embarassed: .. hotdog, hamburger, ribs, corn, macaroni salad, and had two cupcakes. :noway: they looked so good! :tongue: getting back on the saddle tomorrow.:happy:
  • pannellkat
    pannellkat Posts: 709 Member
    Oh yea I forgot to mention I did start logging my food and then said SCREW IT! and I worked out this morning before the gym closed AND I'm about to have some banana and peanut butter! ha!
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    I'm snacking on some cheetoes right now :laugh:.

    I rarely ever splurge though so I have no need to feel guilty when I do.
  • slimmingmom
    slimmingmom Posts: 297
    I spurged by having some tri tip, beans, and ranch on my salad along with a slice of french bread and a few tortilla chips and salsa!!! And for desert...two cookies which were delicous :laugh: I could have eaten more, but didn't...but could have also eaten less! I still avoided soda, had ALL my water and took my fiber and vitamin pills. I had a great night, it was my 7 month olds first 4th of July and he loved all the fireworks and I loved not counting my calories (though still smartly aware) and just kickin back relaxin with the family and having a great time!!! Tomorrow is a new day and i'm ready to be back on track!!!
  • evanslawn
    evanslawn Posts: 27 Member
    Did not gain weight from splurging yesterday - yay!
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