Weight Watchers Drop Out



  • I was on and off Weight Watcher for years, and I loved it when I was able to stick to it. It did work for me. A friend told me about MFP, and it took a few months to get out of the 'points' state of mind. I have to remind myself to check calories for fruits and vegetables :) I tried counting calories in the past, but MFP really is an amazing tool. Give MFP a chance, I think you will love it as i do! Good luck!!
  • josieandcasper
    josieandcasper Posts: 15 Member
    ww dropout also. I find it easier to count calories vs points. I still check out the ww boards as there's a MFP thread I follow:)
    I must say I love the database on MFP so much better:)

    Add me as a friend if you like. I could use the support.

    Cheers :smile:
  • Loves418
    Loves418 Posts: 330 Member
    I did WW many years ago lost 15 pounds then moved here to NC gained it plus more. I tried the new points plus it was to complicated for me. Then I found MFP so much easier to just enter my food and read labels for calories. I know myself if its not easy I am not doing it. I don't want to spend hours worrying about food and points.
  • thank you for this post, i thought i was the only one that hated WW! the points system just didnt work for me, too tedious.
  • blondejillie
    blondejillie Posts: 305 Member
    I recently signed up online at WW as a first time member, for the points plus. I've had friends that went the meetings route and were successful but that wasn't for me. Another friend turned me onto MFP and I joined a month later. For the past month I've been logging food and exercise at both sites to compare. MFP won big time as the most supportive, user friendly, motivational and potentially likely to become a lifetime habit. Consequently, quit WW online yesterday.

    One thing I learned there that applies here as well: "Count it all, cause it all counts"
  • Katie1951
    Katie1951 Posts: 312 Member
    I was on weight watchers for a couple of years and just went up and down. I found this website a few weeks ago and it is great. I like the daily support from friends vs. the weekly meetings. Another great thing is that you can scan foods that you eat and it logs it in for you, so it has been fairly easy for me to convert from points to calories. I think you'll really like this site.

    Add me as a friend if you want.
  • I have been doing Weight Watchers forever but recently I have not done so well on the plan. So I am ready for a change. Would love to hear from any one that was once doing Weight Watchers and has switched to counting calories with My Fitness Pal. Let me know how the change went and how you are doing with the calorie counting. It would be great to give and receive support. I am nervous; I have been doing points for so long that it is hard to change the way you count food BUT change is good, right?

    I lost a lot of weight on WW and loved it but I was doing it with my mom and that really motivated me. Unfortunately the way I lost weight was by NOT working out and by eating too few points. I ended up skinny fat - Don't get me wrong - I loved being 118 lbs but I was WEAK! It was too easy to NOT eat my points (spoken as a girl with anorexic tendencies). When I went to meetings they never spoke about that side of the program. It was all about how to curb your appetite and eat things with few points as possible. The anorexic girl inside loved all those tips and I earned many bravos.... I would never suggest WW to a person with an eating disorder. :( However it DID change the things I ate - I reached for more veggies and high fiber things. That part was great.

    Now I am doing it by going to the gym a lot, running 5k, 10k, 15k's, have a personal trainer and using MFP! It is a huge difference so far. That being said there is a chance I might sign back up for WW when I hit my lifetime weight again - we'll see. BUT I refuse to pay them so much $ a week when there is an amazing FREE resource right here. :)
  • I also dropped out of WW after 3 months. First few week I lost weight then I started gaining. This fitness pal is awesome, I was always hungry with WW, but I am not with this plan. Plus I am forced to exercise and use the cals burned towards my calorie count per day. Also, this program is free with a lot of support. Who can beat that!
  • Katie1951
    Katie1951 Posts: 312 Member
    Can you scan labels with a Droid app? Something new that I hadn't heard about before.
  • I can scan bar codes with my iPhone. So far everything I have scanned has shown up.
    Sure makes it easy.
  • I am also a WW drop out. I've done it a few times and have been successful then I think I can do it myself and end up even heavier! I tried the new WW program at the end of last year and hated it, I just couldn't get my head around the new way. So I joined mfp and am trying something different :) So far so good!
  • spinqueen72
    spinqueen72 Posts: 406 Member
    I have been doing Weight Watchers forever but recently I have not done so well on the plan. So I am ready for a change. Would love to hear from any one that was once doing Weight Watchers and has switched to counting calories with My Fitness Pal. Let me know how the change went and how you are doing with the calorie counting. It would be great to give and receive support. I am nervous; I have been doing points for so long that it is hard to change the way you count food BUT change is good, right?

    I started WW up last March....did it for 3 months..never lost an oz!! I had done it several times in the past...but had little to no success with those times, either!
    I have been on MFP since the end of January (this year). I've only lost a pound...but I know it's because I've had to make a few adjustments.
    WW is a good program....but I like this much better. I feel I will have an easier time keeping track!
    Good luck to you...you can, and will make it happen!
  • spinqueen72
    spinqueen72 Posts: 406 Member
    Can you scan labels with a Droid app? Something new that I hadn't heard about before.

    I have an Android phone. I have MFP App on it...and yes, I scan foods with it.
  • LPinTheD
    LPinTheD Posts: 129
    Give yourselves a a break!
    As a former Leader in WW back n the early 90's, before Jean sold out to the Heinz company you could really lose and keep your weight off. But the newer programs aren't very sucessful in my opinion.Let's face it when the small conpany began the goal was to help overweight people get healthy. Now owned by a major corporation the goal is simply make cash!

    You can follow the older exchange or flex programs and build them right into Mfp or simply count your calories which is what I'm doing and having great results.

    I like the fact that it's not as cookie cutter as the WW program is, and the folks are so much more knowledgable here.

    Good luck n your journey:)

    I'm glad someone said this! I had great success in the 80/90ss with the old plan where you counted servings of fruits/proteins/milk, etc etc... very similar to a diabetic eating plan. When it switched to the "points" gimmick (and to me, it's a gimmick"), I didn't see the results that I did on the old plan. Yep, she sold out and I never went back.
  • I agree the old plan worked well. I was able to get to goal after my first child was born but that was 22 years ago.
    I kept coming back because of that positive experience but it is not the same plan and have never had the same results.
  • Cruz2Fit
    Cruz2Fit Posts: 159 Member
    Welcome! I've done WW, NutriSystem and many more. If you're ready to make a lifestyle change, we're all here for you! It may not be fast, but we all work for permanence!!!

    Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • chicpeach
    chicpeach Posts: 302 Member
    I've done Weight Watchers too. The first time was almost 20 years ago. I got down to goal weight, maintained for 6 weeks and then found myself pregnant. At the time, they didn't have anything to really help a pregnant person maintain a healthy weight thru pregnancy (I don't even know if they have this even now), so needless to say, I didn't go back for years. When I did go back, they had switched to the point system which didn't work for me. The flex points and bonus for exercise was too much for me. About 3 years ago, me and a few friends did "free weight watchers" - we just got together and did the program informally - so informally, that only did the parts that worked for me, not the flex points or exercise bonus. That helped. I got down to my goal and held steady for nearly a year. I've spent the last 2 years on a slow weight gain. Gained 3/4 of my weight back and here I am.

    I'm hoping this works better for me because you just enter the info and the system does all the tracking and stuff for you. The stuff that's worked for me in the past. So this is Day 1 for me. Here I go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • WOW.. I thought I was the only one!! I recently joined WW online but am cancelling after my first 3 months because I prefer counting calories and MFP has a much better database. I have been able to find everything I eat and plan my daily meals much better. The point plus system just wasn't working for me. I like scanning as well. Oh and the fact that it's free is a plus~ :smile:
  • Good Luck!!
  • jmorris7156
    jmorris7156 Posts: 8 Member
    Good to hear that it was not my failure with Points Plus 2012. Joined in January, lost a lb, gained 2, lost half a lb gained .2. The message boards are horrible, you're not following the GHG, what difference does it make if I have 2 TSP of oil a day if I don't want it. I'm glad to have found this site. Good luck to all. Forgot to say that I lost 35 lbs on the old plan so it really wasn't working for me.
