How to lose weight when I can't seem to stay under the 1200



  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    I have it set to 1lbs a week right now.

    The sites says that I need 1,730 calories to maintain my current weight (119lbs), 1,230 to lose 1lbs a week and lose 5lbs by march 31st, and 1,200 to lose 2lbs a week and lose 5.3 lbs by march 31st. Needless to say I am quiet confused.

    (I'm only 5'3 and im small by nature, and I am usually around 110lbs which seems to be a healthy slim weight for my height).

    I have been eating around 1,700 calories a day, according to my food diary. But I have also cut out at least one serving of pop a day since I started this and replaced it with water. Also before I started this I was having a treat almost every night (candy bar, cookie, etc) and since I started this I've majourly cut back on my treats.

    I've also started exercizing more, when I can. I have the biggest loser for wii that I use when I can (about a 20 minute work out once or twice a week is what I get in). I also have been doing other active wii games and various short workout videos on youtube. I've also been doing a lot of crunches, 100+ a night.

    So does that mean I was eating way more calories a day before I started this and that I'm still going to lose weight because even eating 1,700 calories a day is cutting back from what I was eating a day?

    This sounds like a really great plan, except that I would up your calories to allow for 1400 a day, more if you are working out too. You've got this, just give it a couple of days. Make healthier choices with your food, you will be amazing at how further home-made calories go. There are a lot of people trying to work around parents or roommates or spouses that have unhealthy eating habits, I would recommend doing a forums search for some tips on that one.
  • stitchsds
    stitchsds Posts: 2 Member
    Remove the fries, pizza, and breadsticks from your diet. And bread. You cannot eat fast food, or even eat out very often, and stay under 1200 calories.

    You need to really use this site to see what kind of calories your food has in it, then change the food. Like everyone else who replied before me, add fruits and veggies (but mostly the veggies) to your diet. You can eat a ton of veg without adding very many calories. (A serving of lettuce is three cups and is under 50 calories, if I remember correctly.

    Also, if you really are moving around and walking around all day, invest in a pedometer or iPod Nano to track your exercise. You may be burning more calories than you think and that'll add to the food you can eat. I had a JC Penney employee recently tell me that she started using a pedometer at work and found that she averages 5 miles of walking a day and has lost 15 pounds in a few months, without changing her diet.

    Also, change your goals to 1/2 pound a week instead of one pound. And use the site to find out what your maintenance calorie count is. As long as you are under thank, you'll still lose weight, just not as quickly.
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    Eat the 1200 then if you workout eat healthy snacks....only if your hungry!!
    If you want to eat bread Sara lee has 45 calories a slice.
    No pizza or french fries or you will be hungry and out of calories to eat.
    Eat more stir fry and can be full and stay under your calories for the day.
  • dontdomornings92
    dontdomornings92 Posts: 47 Member
    I would love to prepare my own healthy meals every day that include vegtables and such. I hate the fact that we go out to eat all of the time, but my dad hates cooking and is a VERY picky eater, so he just suggest we go out to eat most of the time. My parents can be quiet judgmental and would not be suportive if I brought this up with them. I have asked to buy more vegies before, and sometimes we do but my dad is one who would rather buy a bag of chips than a bag of vegies.
  • I agree that you need to increase your calories and change what you're eating however I gather what you're saying is you're pretty much stuck eating whatever your parents feed you? If that's the case, I would stick to increasing your calories. If you are going to school then I am sure you spend a lot of time walking around, which expends calories. Same with your job. Do you have a pedometer to see how many steps you're taking? I use a FitBit which tracks all of my activity and most days earn about 400 calories back just from being a stay at home mom (cleaning, shopping, errands, etc.). It's allowed me to see just how active I am and how many calories I should *really* be taking in.

    Good luck!
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,247 Member
    I knew I would forget something..... OP unfortunately, as tiring as it may be being on your feet all day, it is not aerobic, therefore, the calories you burn are your day to day living (albeit lightly active) - but they are not exercise calories.

    If you insist on guessing at those calories that you consider burned and then counting and eating them back, you are just adding to your total, which will, in actual fact, be an overestimation making any weightloss even harder than it already is.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    1700 a day with good healthy choices like fruits, veggies, lean protien etc instead of the current choices..I believe you would loose weight. I eat 1800 and on workout days up to 2600 but they are good calories to build muscle. All calories are not the same.
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    I would love to prepare my own healthy meals every day that include vegtables and such. I hate the fact that we go out to eat all of the time, but my dad hates cooking and is a VERY picky eater, so he just suggest we go out to eat most of the time. My parents can be quiet judgmental and would not be suportive if I brought this up with them. I have asked to buy more vegies before, and sometimes we do but my dad is one who would rather buy a bag of chips than a bag of vegies.

    Then you need to check the website of the place you go to you know what is the best choice
    Like eat a chicken sandwich with only 1/2 the bun...or no bun on top of a salad.....little changes even eating out will make big changes in your calories!!
  • jbella99
    jbella99 Posts: 596 Member
    First off you need to eat healthier. Bottom line... Unfortunately that means you will have to skip the fast food and processed preccoked meals. I eat 1600 calories a day and I lose but i eat very healthy. Sure I cheat and have a choclate bar or candy once in awhile but the rest of my diest is healthy. If you want to know about what I mean check out my blog I have daily meal plans and recipes
  • MomDupuis
    MomDupuis Posts: 18 Member
    Less then 1200 calories puts your body into hibernation and it will fight against loosing weight. Stay between 1200-1220 and be sure to eat all of your excerise calories. The more you are active the more you can eat.
    If you find yourself at subway have a salad with meat instead of a sub.
    Drink lots of water 8 x 8oz a day AND get rid of the caffine drinks like coffee, tea, cola even some of the clear pops have caffine.
    READ the nutritional info on what you eat. Learn what foods fall in what calories categories this way you can choose wisely from what is presented for dinner, but ultimately you should learn to cook your own meals.
    If you work, buy your own food and make your own meals.
    I just had a large bowl (3.5 cups) of mexican stir fry ... 3oz chicken onions, mushrooms, corn, brocoli, carrots and salsa all for under 300 calories and it is FILLING.
    Try a cereal with protien in it (Kashi) for breakfast. With 1% milk it under 300 calories and will fill you for the morning.

    Most of all stick with it and ask the MFP members for support. We are here for you. You'll get 100 different answers, but find what works for you and your body.
  • Most of all stick with it and ask the MFP members for support. We are here for you. You'll get 100 different answers, but find what works for you and your body.

    Worth saying again
  • Aerohead21
    Aerohead21 Posts: 333 Member
    I'd have a talk with your parents and let them know what your goals are and how they can help you get there. I would also look into the possibility of buying your own food if you can. The first time I lost weight I was dependent on my parents but they were supportive of me losing weight so they bought me food they knew would be healthier for me. They might not understand or even know why you want to lose weight so helping them understand can help you. Also, you may find out that they don't know how to help or your goals may be too high.

    Lastly, as much as pizza and chicken sandwhiches/fries aren't bad, they definitely don't help dieting so try to find alternatives (salad w/fat free dressing instead of fries, mustard instead of mayo, grilled instead of fried). Modifying when you don't have a choice can help. And if you can't modify, watch the portion size. The unfortunate truth is that eating healthy foods gets you a lot more quantity and quality than the foods that got us to the place we are in now.

    Good luck and feel free to add me :)
  • sunshinekind919
    sunshinekind919 Posts: 51 Member
    Unless you're fibbing about your age, your profile says you're 19. If you're working why don't you use some of your own money for veggies and things? If you don't have transportation or something like that, maybe you can offer to give money towards the things you want or extra chores around the house? (And the extra housework will burn some calories!)

    I used to live in a household with limited healthy choices too, but if you eat out a lot, almost everywhere has a salad and there are things you can take off or ask without (croutons, bacon bits, shredded cheese). As far as dressings go, I grew up on ranch, blue cheese, and other full fat dressings and I had to learn to get used to the taste of veggies not smothered in dressing. A small amount of vinaigrette and some salt and pepper go a long way. I love it now. Salsa can help flavor too if you don't like oil and vinegar.

    I'm on a 1200 calorie limit and actually try to stay under that. It can work if you want it to, you just have to be conscious of what you physically "need" and what you may "want". For instance, no one get sick from a brownie deficiency. People can get sick from not getting Vitamin C, so eat fruit instead. It will be hard at first, but you'll get used to it and feel really good about yourself when you make good choices. Hope this helps and good luck to you! :)
  • tigrrl
    tigrrl Posts: 3 Member
    It can be a challenge to change your ways when you're surrounded by people who aren't interested in changing with you. Tracking your calories here is a major first step. Once you know where the calories are going it's much easier to cut back a little. Specifically - avoid carb-intense foods like breads and pastas when you can; you'll quickly go over your calories on those and they're usually not giving you a lot of nutrients or fiber other than excess energy which gets turned into fat if you're not using it up. It's okay to _sometimes_ eat those things, just watch how often and keep track of the calories. When you do have pizza or pasta, limit your serving size and don't eat breadsticks or garlic bread with it. Most cheeses, butter, mayo and salad dressings pack calories on fast - avoid them or only use a little, and try to find a lower-calorie substitute you like. Cut out sugar soda and other sugar drinks - check the labels and you'll realize how quickly a can or bottle here or there can add a ton of calories. Like everyone else has said, more exercise and more veggies! These are changes for life and they will help you live better, longer. You're doing the right thing and you will get there!
  • vvanm
    vvanm Posts: 157
    You are 119 pounds and trying to lose ten? How tall are you? Pizza, fries, and breadsticks don't seem to be doing too much damage. So many nice people on here giving you their very best advice, you will reach your goals.
  • sondra216379
    sondra216379 Posts: 174 Member

    I do not like this website's recommendations for calories.

    I use this tool. ... and do not eat back any sort of exercise calories. I've been eating in the 1650 -1850 range for months and consistently losing 1 to 2 pounds per week. I hope this helps.

    Thi site has me at 500 calories more than MFP, I think I'm going to try it
  • Anyaaaa11
    Anyaaaa11 Posts: 242 Member
    I can relate to you in so many ways. Let me tell you.. Lol
    I still live with my parents and they do the same thing. Always buying junk
    Always buying pizza and whatnot. It is hard to exercise also, especially when you don't have
    Anyone to workout with.. And with the bad weather. Well where I am at least.
    And you don't have to eat 1200 ,calories to lose weight!! I did the same thing. I ended up always
    Giving in to junk food and going over my intake and saying I'll just try again tomorrow.. Well
    With all the yo yo dieting I did. I decided it's best to upp my calories to maintanence which is about 2000
    Just so i could give my body a little consistency..And then lowered them to about 1600 and I'm losing weight!(:
  • Eating highly caloric foods like pizza and bread will cause you to max out calories on one small meal. If you eat healthy, low calorie, healthy foods you should have no problem staying full on 1200 a day, especially if you are exercising and earning exercise calories. I am set at 1200 and I eat all day long and am full all the time! Check the food diaries of people you friend on here and observe what people are will catch on quickly! :)