Runners, advice for sprains?

Hi everyone,
I'm a relatively new runner (Cross Country this past fall and starting up Track this spring). Track tryouts are in about a week, so I've been trying to get back in shape, running a bit over 2 miles a day, and lo, I've already somehow managed to sprain my foot. Can anyone tell me if (from a training standpoint or health standpoint or whatnot) I should continue running on it? If so, should I be significantly reducing the intensity of my workouts? Wearing an ace bandage? Or should I just stop running on it altogether until it heals? During cross country, I had similar issues with sprained ankles and soreness in my knees, but I'm still at a loss for a solution beyond my trusty arnica gel. :ohwell:


  • Guys, please? Any advice is greatly appreciated :flowerforyou:
  • DRetel
    DRetel Posts: 136 Member
    I sprained my foot almost 6 weeks ago. (Hyperextended as I fell down a step)
    I took almost 2 weeks off from running, then eased back in using an ace bandage, and short runs. Ice and elevation afterwards.
    My physiotherapist said its now ok to run on, but she doesn't want me doing any weight bearing work outs just yet.
    I also do exercises such as "writing the alphabet" with my foot, using a resistance band to stretch the foot out, standing on one foot at a time, etc.

    Don't rush it...
  • cherlea33
    cherlea33 Posts: 25 Member
    Definitely take a couple of days off from running, and be sure to ice your injury several times a day (for about 20 minutes each time, not more). If it isn't better in a week you will probably want to see a doctor. I could be just a strain but you might have torn a ligament. Bummer about the timing.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Get it checked by a doctor, and get advice from a professional who knows your exact situation.

    The mild pain in my ankle was a stress fracture. If I hadn't stopped running on it, I'd have ended up with major problems. Taking time off from running and wearing an ankle brace for a few weeks sucked. It would have sucked more if I'd had to take several months off from running and ended up in a cast.
  • Rest is always best. Are you sure that it is a sprain? Could it be planar fasciitis?
  • It wouldn't be plantar fasciitis; whatever I sprained seems to be on the *top* of my foot.

    Thanks everyone else for the advice--I'll definitely try icing it several times a day. :smile: I don't think it's a *major* sprain so hopefully a couple days' rest will clear it up.