Low Iron

Now that I am tracking my food here on MFP I've noticed how low my daily iron intake is. I don't eat a lot of red meat and can't take a supplement. So I guess that means I will need to increase my seeds/nut and beans.

Any one else having trouble getting their iron through diet alone?


  • SoozieQuarks
    SoozieQuarks Posts: 14 Member
    Yes, I knew I was deficient before I really started tracking foods. Can I ask why you can't take supplements? I finally got my prescription filled 3 weeks ago and can't believe the difference I'm feeling in my energy levels.
  • Mythel
    Mythel Posts: 72
    I'm allergic to the supplements. With both my pregnancies I was subscribed iron pills by my doc and both times I broke out with a very itchy, bug bite looking rash within a day or two. Doc told me not to take supplements anymore and increase iron through my diet. So while I was preggers I ate a lot of beef. Mooo! Typically though I only eat red meat maybe, maybe once or twice a week.
  • jutymo
    jutymo Posts: 162 Member
    Suggestion - Peanut Butter Cheerios have 45% of daily iron requirement. Eat 3/4 cup of those every day and get in almost half of your daily requirement! Other good iron foods include asparagus, Boca burgers and chicken patties, oatmeal, Special K Blueberry cereal, sugar snap peas.

    All of those will up your iron level. Check your favorite cereals, many of them are fairly high in iron.
  • SoozieQuarks
    SoozieQuarks Posts: 14 Member
    Have you tried any non-synthetic supplements? When I told my chiropractor that I was taking iron pills she mentioned if I had problems (ie - if they gave me BM issues) with the synthetics she could find me some natural / made from food source iron pills. I didn't take her up on it, because I haven't had any issues, but it's worth researching it if you can't seem to get enough in your daily diet. Also, spinach is very high in iron.
  • ALH1981
    ALH1981 Posts: 538 Member
    hi all

    i have chronic sever anemia (related to celiac disease) - i have to go to hospital regualry and get iron infusions. Buti think watching your diet is also very important.

    things which are high in iron: oysters, spinach, red meat, liver (YUK) almonds, broccoli.

    Things which prohibit iron absorbtion : coffee, alcohol
    Things which help iron absorption: vitamin C and D, folic acid - make sure your adrenals are in check also.

    hope this helps
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    daily values - the limit for iron is 18 mg for adult women..the upper limit is 40.

    unless you have had a blood test that says your iron is low, you should not worry about increasing iron.
    dont go on what mfp says..if you want the truth on what you should be intaking..look up the DRI (dietary reference intakes) and RDA (recommended dietary allowances)
  • AmandaK3
    Try replacing the beef you're eating with bison. It's much leaner and has more iron.