What is the best workout video for weight loss?



  • Bump!
  • MinaAriel
    MinaAriel Posts: 138 Member
    I like Jillian videos but they haven't helped me lose weight. For that, I'm doing a random mixture of DVDs, most of which I get from the library. There is a 3 week checkout so I get to try them and then get a new one when I'm getting bored. If I really like it, like Biggest Loser Cardio Max, I buy it. I've got some Leslie Sansone dvds that are low impact but get a decent burn and help out since MN winters are easy to go walking in. I've done a Dancing with Stars that was fun and got the heart going. Yoga Meltdown wasn't a super high burn but it did make me think I would like regular yoga for flexibility. I've got some kettlebells that I do while watching tv occassionally, I just use a chart to figure out how to do the exercise.
  • xMsAlly
    xMsAlly Posts: 164 Member
    Have you tried any of Jillian's other Vids? 6-week six pack is pretty good
  • xgg2rs
    xgg2rs Posts: 128 Member
    You don't need a video.

    Go outside and walk/jog/run. Do jumping jacks. Do body squats. Do push ups. Do lunges. Do burpees. Do hip raises. Do dips. Do planks. Do supermen. Do high knees.

    There. All free. All doable in 30 minutes or less.

    Agree with above. At least for me personally, I really enjoy running. Gives me a chance to work out life stress and I feel so much better afterwards.
  • Favorite workout DVDs:

    Yoga - Anything with Suzanne Deason (GAIAM brand), especially the AM/PM for weight loss
    Strength/Resistance - Core Fusion series, Body Sculpt is the best. 10 min segments focusing on each body part - LOVE, LOVE this DVD!!
    Cardio - Leslie Sanson walk series... they are all good.

    I see the best results when I alternate cardio and strength... you should always give your muscles a day of rest after doing a resistance workout!

    Good luck! :)
  • akjstyles
    akjstyles Posts: 75 Member
    I picked up one of the older Biggest Loser DVD's in a bargain bin for $5. Thought I'd try it out and see, and I love it! Now I am searching for more every time I pop into a store with DVD's. I find that the quick pace of it and that they change exercises often keeps me interested.
  • FootFrenzy
    FootFrenzy Posts: 4 Member
    I wish that were that true....but it is not for me.
    My foot is in a frenzy, as is my Achilles tendon- so that leaves the cardio portion of what you stated out of the question for me. I need the other part of the workout and or weights. I feel discouraged; my recovery has taken far too long and the weight is piling on. :(
  • sevencallmemom
    sevencallmemom Posts: 505 Member
    I saw this same question asked recently and I loved one answer to it...

    The best workout video it the one you will do.

    Good luck!
  • Lib_B
    Lib_B Posts: 446 Member
    bump - i'll keep an eye for other ideas. also doing 30 DS. haven't been impressed with results thus far - but i'm only 2 weeks in.
  • FootFrenzy
    FootFrenzy Posts: 4 Member
    Favorite workout DVDs:

    Yoga - Anything with Suzanne Deason (GAIAM brand), especially the AM/PM for weight loss
    Strength/Resistance - Core Fusion series, Body Sculpt is the best. 10 min segments focusing on each body part - LOVE, LOVE this DVD!!
    Cardio - Leslie Sanson walk series... they are all good.

    I see the best results when I alternate cardio and strength... you should always give your muscles a day of rest after doing a resistance workout!

    Good luck! :)

    Do any of these require impact? They sound amazing from your description! My foot can't cannot jump- period.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    bump - i'll keep an eye for other ideas. also doing 30 DS. haven't been impressed with results thus far - but i'm only 2 weeks in.
    that was me, didn't get good results either :(
  • I have done Insanity and P90X and got good results.
  • DataBased
    DataBased Posts: 513 Member
    I'm really out of shape - bad knees, too - so things like the shred or Jumba are out for me right now. I bought a Wii game for 10 bucks called Walk it Out and I really like it. It's just a stupid walking game that distracts you by giving you things to click with the Wii-mote as you walk, which is nearly impossible at first. So you get peeved and try harder, and before you know it, you've walked for 20 minutes and you're covered in sweat.

    I don't know if it comes in any other format or game console, but for 10 bucks, I'm thrilled. I got a copy of Gold's Gym Dance Workout used for cheap, also, and there's a cardio boxing game on it that kicks my behind. You can set up your own warm up, workout, coolout routine and name it whatever you want. I made a 20 min. basic beginner cardio boxing routine and couldn't finish it the fist time I tried it. I hope by the end of the month to get through it all the way at least once.

    But I agree with the other poster - just do something fun that gets you moving. Walk, especially if you can help somebody else who can't walk and maybe take their pets for a stroll. Play catch with the neighborhood kids. Heck, go up and down your staircase as many times as you can for 20 minutes. You'll find something you like well enough to stick with.
  • I do Turbo Jam and love it! I've been doing it for a little over a month and I've lost 10 pounds and 14 inches. I don't know if those results are typical, but it works really well for me. Chalene Johnson is awesome, give it a try! :)

    I also enjoy Turbo Jam. If you want something a little more intense try Turbo Fire, same instructor, but definitely burns more calories!
  • I love the Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30. Got it along with 3 of her other DVD's at Costco for less than $20.
  • Sl1ghtly
    Sl1ghtly Posts: 855 Member
    You guys should definitely try 'A mild calorie deficit for weightloss' by Yew Yurself.
    It's free and works wonders.
  • annalee_1
    annalee_1 Posts: 235 Member
    Can someone please explain the walking DVDs do you walk in place or what I'm dense
  • Can someone please explain the walking DVDs do you walk in place or what I'm dense

    yes it's mostly walking in place, sometimes you move back and forth and side to side. that's about it. I like the walk away the pounds videos and i use them right now in addition to 30 day shred. One thing i don't understand is that people say you have to give your muscles a recovery day after resistance training, however, i was under the impression that you do 30ds for 30 days continuously..
  • jingoace
    jingoace Posts: 219 Member
    The Core Fusion collection is AWESOME! Includes 15 10-minute workouts. I usually do 2 a day & sweat ALOT!
    These core fusion dvds are way worth it for me...One set is Pilates, one set is thighes/glutes, one set is body sculpt.
    I am losing INCHES with these. (btw - I also did the JM 30day shred series TWICE & it did not make abit of difference
    in my weight or inches lost. I don't know why - just figured out it wasn't the workout for me).

    Kettlenetics dvd is my second choice, and the Lesly Sansone walk-at-home dvds are good to warm-up...but annoying as
    heck after awhile. LOL. I generally turn on some other more exciting music when I do the Walk Dvds.

    Core Fusion with Elizabeth & Fred is the best for me. YMMV

    : ) J