
Hi. This is one that makes me regret that all my friends get a notification of my postings, lol :blushing:

I have always been not so regular anyway, but these past few weeks have me a bit worried. I am very constipated. Ironically, due to a challenge week in a group competition where we had to up our veg intake and also due to my choices to get healthier and maybe boost my loss that was a bit slow lately, I have been eating a really good level of veg generally in recent weeks. Has anyone any ideas what might be happening. I have also started to eat some more vegetarian meals - curries, using lentils and chickpeas instead of meat. Obviously my veg intake had increased anyway since I started this diet but particularly over the past few weeks. I seem to remember hearing before that dietary changes can cause constipation, but I wouldn't have thought it would have happened with increasing veg...would the pulses make a big difference or should they help?

I went to the pharmacist and got laxatives that I used last week and this week. Very definitely I will go to my doc very soon if it persists (I am not one who believes in letting health issues go for too long). The pharmacist told me porridge would help so I started that this morning. Has anyone got some good suggestions of foods that I might try to add to my diet to stimulate things. I want to try this fast as my gut seems to have gone really inactive so I need to try to solve this fast or go to my doctor.

Thank you if you can suggest a cause or a cure : )


  • nuttyfamily
    nuttyfamily Posts: 3,394 Member
    Never in my adult life have I been regular.

    This year, I finally went to a gastro doc. Despite eating better, drinking water, exercising, I was still irregular.

    We have ruled out any blockage of the colon (colonoscopy) as I was having some stomach pains that we now are thinking could be my ovaries so now seeing by gyn.

    In November, I started using Miralax per the doc. I have been the most regular I have ever been. I think there have only been a few days where I haven't gone.

    Long story short, definitely go to the doc. There are so many reasons why you might not be regular. For me, it is just my body's medical reason why.
  • you need magnesium citrate. It's what we give patients before they undergo bowel surgery. Works every time.
  • tmandras
    tmandras Posts: 22 Member
    are you tracking your fiber intake on the food diary? I add a fiber supplement to my diet most days, I typically eat high protein and need extra fiber to stay regular
  • Never in my life have a ben regular - but with my Dr's help, I'm getting there.

    I take Metamucil every morning, I eat prunes (usually at least 8 per day!) I eat Activia (Light - only 70 cals!) I eat Double Fiber Wheat Bread.

    Basically, whatever you can do to boost your fiber in take, will help.

    Also, drink a LOT of water. That helps a lot. And if you can, take Colace - Colace is safe to take every day, and won't get your bowel addicted to it (like ex-lax! If you take laxatives too often, your bowel will come to rely on them, and won't be able to function without them, making the problem worse!!)

    But anyway - the colace draws the water you drink into your stool, to soften it and bulk it out, so it passes through more easily and quickly. And that's what fiber does, too. Bulks out the stool, causing your body to pass it more quickly.

    Talk to your Dr, if you're really uncomfortable! They have a lot of great advice.
  • goldninja
    goldninja Posts: 28 Member
    Most vegetables contain iron and for some lucky few sensitive to it, like myself :( that means constipation. Have you also upped your fiber with apples, whole grains, and other fiber rich foods to help with the constipation?
  • Never in my adult life have I been regular.

    This year, I finally went to a gastro doc. Despite eating better, drinking water, exercising, I was still irregular.

    We have ruled out any blockage of the colon (colonoscopy) as I was having some stomach pains that we now are thinking could be my ovaries so now seeing by gyn.

    In November, I started using Miralax per the doc. I have been the most regular I have ever been. I think there have only been a few days where I haven't gone.

    Long story short, definitely go to the doc. There are so many reasons why you might not be regular. For me, it is just my body's medical reason why.

    This was me, too.

    Miralax didn't work too well for me - I would be bloated and uncomfortable one day, literally in pain the next, diarrhea the third day, to start the cycle over!

    Another thing my Dr did was make sure I my iron levels were adequate, and then made me stop taking a multi vitamin that had iron in it. Iron can make things difficult, too!

    Your Dr will be able to work with you to find ways to make you more comfortable!
  • I have had the same problem since adjusting my diet. I think sometimes our bodies rebel when we make changes. Even though all you are eating should have the opposite reaction your body says "oh no you don't, I am going to hold my breath til I turn blue (brown in this case) so you will give me back what I want". Stick with it. Temper tantrums pass and so will the food. Having said that seeing a Dr. is always the right thing to do if a problem persists or there are other symptoms. The other thing I am doing that has helped is I have started using apple cider vinagar daily and organic coconut oil. Between the two my problems have "moved on". I put the vinagar on foods throughout the day and the oil in my coffee in the morning and use it to cook with. I know it sound bad but it isn't really. Read up on the combination and maybe give it a try. Good luck with your movements!:drinker:
  • Ughh! I thought I it was just me with this problem. I was chronic, in pain etc. Always going to the doctor with this problem. Did have colonoscopy, upper GI to make sure nothing was going on. Doctor said to increase fiber.
    I started WW last year to lose and increased my diet to more fresh foods, I began avoid processed food, found I was still having problems. RN friend suggested I REALLY increase my water intake above the standard 8 glasses a day, she also suggested Benefiber daily and that seems to have made a difference with me. A teaspoon over my oatmeal, tea or whatever seems to be working for me.
  • RenaPink11
    RenaPink11 Posts: 329 Member
    Same prob here!
  • Amy911Gray
    Amy911Gray Posts: 685 Member
    This may sound funny, but I've always stayed away from green peppers. Started eating them in a stir fry with cabbage and onions and then on my subway sandwich. Voila--I'm regular.

    I had to go to the laxative route too and hated that. Now it seems after two weeks, things are "moving along as they should". Good luck. If you do have to go to the doctor, make sure you bring your food diary with you so that the doctor can pinpoint the hows and whys for you.

    Good luck! :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    I've been the same since I was born. Always had issues with my gut... Suspected problem with some dairy, mostly hard cheeses but also when I've had too much of certain fruit and veg.

    Having too much insoluble fibre and not enough soluble fibre can be a cause, along with dehydration.

    I got prescribed Movicol back in October as could barely sit down was so bad. It took about a day to work and about a week for me to be able to sit in comfort again.
  • MrsSpinks
    MrsSpinks Posts: 274 Member
    Prunes people, prunes!!!
  • Make sure you are getting 8 cups or more of water. Also stay away from laxatives if you can but try a Stool softner. I am having the same problem. I had increased my water and used the Stool Softner (colace) for a couple of days and it did the trick without the side effects of the laxatives. Water and Stool Softner hopefully will help. Good Luck
  • Clara
    Clara Posts: 88 Member
    i had the same problem when i started to eat healthy. when i eat a high fibre cereal (fiber 1) in the morning, it keeps me regular
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    4 of these wil sort you out when taken daily -

    Swill down with water as fibre needs plenty to digest with.
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    If you have increased your fibre intake, increase your water. Your body takes a while adjusting to changes, and sometimes to certain foods. Make sure you schedule time and take more time for bowel movements, because they may take longer than what you are used to and your body might not signal its readiness in quite the same way. Bring in a book so you don't get bored. Drink several cups of hot water after your morning coffee. Stay away from laxitives because they can create a dependency--lazy bowel. Metamucil is not a laxitive, but if you are now taking in more fibre due to increased vegetable intake, it might be more of the same. You might also be taking more time to digest high fibre beans and lentils, which is normal. Those things just don't zip through.
  • I have a couple of questions- are you drinking enough water, and do you tolerate milk products? Since your veg intake is pretty good already, I would recomment drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day (I know, cliche, but sometimes it's all you need). Also, I would recommend trying Activia yogurt. It really does work in helping to regulate your BMs and also populates your intestines with good bacteria, helping everything stay in order. Also, you want to get lots of insoluble fiber (which is in foods like veggies and fruit and whole grains). Something you might try is adding ground flax seed and banana to grapenuts cereal in the morning- a good dose of insoluable fiber with omega-3 and potassium for your heart. (FYI, oatmeal contains soluble fiber, which is beneficial for lowering cholesterol, but not for constipation). Along with increasing your water intake, this may help. If you are on any kind of prescribed pain med, this may also be causing the constipation. Good luck!
  • fififox
    fififox Posts: 360 Member
    Wow, thank you all so much for the many replies. Firstly it is a relief to find out that my lifetime pattern of not being 'regular' is somebody elses 'normal' too. I have always worried about it. I will print off this thread and take a good read of it and look at what I am doing against questions asked and suggestions made. One thing that it makes me realise is that maybe I should diiscuss it with my GP (doctor) anyway. I guess I thought I should go now as this change really put the frights up me, but tbh it probably is a long term thing that I have learned to live with that hasn't been doing me any favours and that I should be finding solutions to for an ongoing basis. I hadn't thought of going to my gp to just discuss it as an ongoing issue anyway. I have never gotten laxitives before this past 2 weeks and tbh I do see them as an emergency thing and really need to find a way of not letting this happen. So I will read the replies and try to make a few changes that look like they might link with what is happening and see if I can get a pretty immediate change over the next few weeks. Otherwise it will at least tell me that I need a doc's opinion on it. Thank you all again for such great feedback. I am o.k now today :bigsmile: but I want this next week to be better so I can allay my worries.
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    i feel ya. i actually alternate between constipation and diarrhea and the only thing that helps me is Miralax!
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    Your diet sounds like mine. When I first started here and began really tracking my veggies and fiber and increased them to above 30 it didn't seem to help me to go. It took some time. Now my veggie diet is really great and I can get typically 50 - 80 gms of fiber in by eating real food. The things that seem to put on the brakes for my guts IMMEDIATELY are eating out, vacation away from home, and eating white flour products, meat, or fried food - basically things that I don't normally eat.

    I've always been a case, too. When I had my colonoscopy at age 50 she told me I tended to be constipated easily because I had a "loopy bowel". The thing was she didn't know if the loopy bowel caused the constipation or the constipation caused a loopy bowel.

    I know people like to take "products" for irregularity. I am a retired medical floor hospital nurse and we gave out laxatives and stool softeners like candy. Before I got smart, I used to take 4 colace capsules 4 times a day because I would only go once every 3 or 4 days. My fiber content must have been 4 - 9 gms per day in fruit and veggies.

    Now I put 4 - 6 oz of greens in my morning smoothies. Berries, bananas, and cocoa powder can hide an awful lot! If I think I need a little something extra after I eat out I'll have 2 tbsp of psyllium fiber husk (the ingredient in Metamucil without all of the sugar, artificial sweeteners, and extra chemical junk) and that will fix me up. During the holiday eating parties I finally wised up and instead of suffering for 2 days and waiting I decided that after one "bad" meal why not just dose myself with the psyllium husk fiber and get things started before they actually stop? Just add it to juice, or your oatmeal, or whatever.

    You can spend the money on "products" and "medications" if you want to buy chemicals that might mess with your system or you can choose to add a natural food supplement like the psyllium husk fiber. You can find it in bins at whole foods and other places and it is pennies compared to the fancy Metamucil. If you are eating vegetarian you can really increase your fiber up to 50 or 70 without too much trouble. I am biased and cheap. I don't' want to spend the money on a remedy when I can do it with food to begin with.

    I'd still like to know why eating an entire bag of prunes did nothing for me! Gas? Yes! Results? No! Enjoyed eating them, though!

    I also sprouted some great northern beans by allowing them to soak in water for 8 hours. Then I ate half a cup of them and 2 cups of steamed cauliflower. Yikes! By the end of the day I was ready for a colonoscopy! What a combo that was!