90 pounds to lose, already lost 40 : )


My name is Meredith I am 29 years old. I have been overweight my entire life and recently had weight loss surgery (vsg). I have a long way to go and was wondering if anyone else has a lot of weight to loose.


  • Shannon2714
    Shannon2714 Posts: 843 Member
    HI Meredith! My name is Shannon and I have about 75lbs to lose. I'm 31 and my weight has yo-yo'd for about 12 years. This is an amazing site for support and information!!! Feel free to add me if you would like a new MFP friend!
  • islandjumper
    islandjumper Posts: 369 Member
    Congrats on your weight loss. Actually, I'm also 29 and I have about 90lbs to loose overall (I've lost about 15 since the start of the year...yay@ only 75 more to go:happy: )
  • I have 130lbs to lose and have already lost 29 since January 3rd.......good luck to you and keep it up. You can do it!!
  • marylouise123
    marylouise123 Posts: 127 Member
    Congrats on the 40 pounds down.. I have over 100 to lose.. I have been on here since January 9th.. I am down 21 pounds & almost 15 inches.. I watch portions & exercise my butt off.. I love MFP & it has saved my life.. I am so happy I joined & I feel amazing.. I am addicted to working out now. Good luck with you journey ..
  • I'm 41. I lost 10 pounds before really getting serious on this site in January. Since January I've dropped almost 20 pounds. So 30 pounds total. I still have 100 pounds to go. It's rough. Sometimes I plateau during the week and don't see any drop at all. That's very frustrating. But I'm still watching what I eat, counting calories, and walking away on the treadmill. I need to find a "beginners" workout video. Tried yoga today. Didn't go so well. LOL LOL Feel free to add me.
  • Motiv8ed2lose
    Motiv8ed2lose Posts: 1 Member

    Let me start by saying, GOOD FOR YOU! I was previously on a weight loss journey...lost 80 lbs and unfortunately gained back 50lbs. I started a new full time job after only working part time and found the transition very hard. I am determined to get to my goal weight and to look and feel healthy. I am hoping we can be of some encouragement to each other along the way.

  • Hi

    Well done on the loss so far. I have over 100 pounds to lose eventually but am setting myself small goals along the journey.

    Have been here for less than a week but am hopeful this will work for me
  • Hi,

    Well this is my first day on this site and I'm really impressed with everything I'm seeing. I have been overweight my whole life and have dieted on and off since my early teens. The weight has just kept climbing - I'm now at my all time high and have about 160 pounds to lose. I am literally carrying a whole other person around - no wonder I'm so exhausted all the time.

    I really hope that I can stick with it this time, as I feel like this is my last chance - my body can't possibly take this abuse much longer. I'm turning 46 next week, and it's only getting harder and harder to lose the weight, so I'm going to need all the support I can get!

    I'm happy to see the folks on these boards seem very supportive of eachother and wow, very knowledgeable too! I look forward to sharing and supporting others as well!

  • Gwenski
    Gwenski Posts: 348 Member
    Hello Everyone;
    I've been here a few months and still have 120 pounds plus to lose.. so I share the feelings of many that have replied. We WILL get there.. but the journey is just as important as the goal. Wishing each of you a successful day today, and the day after that, and the day after that.. well, you get the picture!
  • BevP123
    BevP123 Posts: 58 Member
    I'm the same and we're all human but I've decided enough is enough and MFP has been the boost I needed.
    Have some really supportive friends on here but hoping more support will equal even more lost pounds.
    Never stuck to anything before this but things are on the up (or should I say on the down!)
    Feel free to add me, bevp123, would love to hear from anyone/everyone
  • PammyKY
    PammyKY Posts: 129
    Welcome.. You are in the right place to lose weight and to keep it off. I have lost 57 pounds so far and have 60 more pounds left to go. If you follow the program and be honesty with you food journal there is no reason why you should not succeed. There a great people here that will give you all the support that you need. Good luck and feel free to send me a friends request but just know that I do not tell people what they want to hear. I am honest when reviewing food journals and if I see you are doing something wrong I will point it out. I rather someone is honest with me and point out things that I should be doing so that each week I get on that scale I should see the scale go down instead of up or staying the same. Don't think of this as a diet but as a lifestyle change.
  • Thank you everyone to your responses! It really helps to know I am not the only one with a lot of weight to lose! I wish you all good luck on your weight loss journey, we can totally do this!