Been here before, not giving up!!

I'm not entirely new to MFP as I was once a member here a while back. MFP did help me to lose at least 3lbs so I'm returning knowing that helps. I'll be traveling in March and in July so even if I don't lose weight (although I hope I do) I would like to tone. My exercise activity has increased as I now go to the gym just about every day. I'm hoping that using MFP will give me an even greater push towards achieving my goal. Any London people please feel free to add me...actually anyone can add me. I love the extra encouragement I get from people and giving encouragement to others also helps me out. Good luck to everyone here!!!


  • joannes68
    Hi - I just joined 2 days ago at the request of 2 of my sisters.. I have a lot to lose and could use the encouragement and will be here to hep too.. I have been going to the gym since Aug 2011 and just figured out going to the gym and not eating right doesn't help.. So here I am.. Good luck..
  • spekticalface
    spekticalface Posts: 49 Member
    its my second time round too!!.... first week i did it i lost 4 pounds and then just fell splat off the wagon :( but this time i am determined to see results and give my lifestyle a make over :) im 3 days in and feeling really positive :D the community on mfp really are the driving force you need! feel free to add me <3
  • wtlos4me
    wtlos4me Posts: 39 Member
    Me too! Joined a while back, but was not an active user. Now giving it a go...I just found out I could connect my fitbit tracker to MFP which is going to make this process much more interactive! Looking forward to getting a move on and getting off this weight! I haven't tried the message boards before, I am hoping the support of weight loss friends will really give me a boost ;)
  • 65jmh
    65jmh Posts: 9
    Me too! Have been a member for a while but struggle to stay on track. I am not giving up and I know that is the first step in going in the right direction. I am looking forward to making forward steps instead of 2 steps forward 3 steps back.
  • R_is_for_Rachel
    R_is_for_Rachel Posts: 381 Member
    yeah, i lost 14lbs last year then gradually let it go back on, but i'm determined this time to not make that same mistake! good luck!