Looking for friends

Hi there. I am looking for some friends, especially those who have 60 lbs or more to lose or those who already have lost that. I need to lose at least 60lbs. and then see where I am at that point. I am new to the site and so far I am really liking it and it makes tracking food so easy. I have a bad habit of starting then getting side tracked with my weight loss and I really need to stick with it. I can't continue to be this overweight. I have 2 kids that I want to be a good example for. I am a stay at home mom during the day and usually work 3 nights a week in a restaurant. I have been doing the gym thing for over a year and haven't seen the results I was hoping for. Part of that was my eating habits, which I am trying hard to change. I know I am more fit and healthier but have not seen the results on the scale. I love to look at the success stories on here, so inspirational, and makes me think I might actually be able to do this if I stick with it.


  • cooper21120
    cooper21120 Posts: 34 Member
    Hello, I'm in a similar place to you I have lost 21lbs so far feel free to add me :)