Support sytem needed!! I want to get healthy.........

Hello out there!

My name is Christine, I'm 37y/o female, married and have a 16y/o son. I work full time and attend college part time 180miles round trip twice a week. I live in a very remote area which makes it difficult to find a face to face support and motivation either through JC or WW due to the town I commute into is very small itself.

I want to do this, I need to do this for a healthy and fit life. I want myself back to good health without having to take a pill, eat when I'm unfulfilled in life, I want to change and not just my body but my mind and attitude towards eatting.

Firm buns again is a just bonus! :happy:

How are those out there doing with this program? I have found it to be user friendly compared to another site I tried to use a year or so a go. What do you like about it? Does anyone pay to use this? if so, What added benefits does it bring to your life?

Wishing you all the best,



  • iqnas
    iqnas Posts: 445 Member
    I've been trying to lose weight for about 3 years...ever since I joined this site 4 months ago, I've lost 30 pounds! It's a great site. I love it! Hope you enjoy it and reach your goals!
  • Feel free to add me. I am just finishing up with college. I also drove 120 miles round trip to get there. It was a long journey but as been so worth it. I am 30 and have two boys 4 and 1. I would love to give support as well as get some.
  • egoheen
    egoheen Posts: 24 Member
    This site has been awesome. It holds me accountable. Once I stop tracking, I start fudging. I'll eat more than I should. I'll not pay attention to testing blood sugars, and of course the people I chat with on here are pretty awesome and fun to talk with.
  • lewandt
    lewandt Posts: 566
    This place is truly awesome! They take all the work out of counting calories (or at least a huge chunk of it). I enter recipes i eat often and it gets easier and easier as i go along because i can just pick the recipe and enter it for the day.

    If you stick with your calorie allotment, exercise if you can, try to choose healthy options over junk you should be just fine. We all have our days that we fall off the wagon so to speak, just don't give up. Dust yourself off and get back to it.

    I also find it really helps to be organized and shop weekly for the foods i need for the week. It also helps to enter my food the night before. That way i know how much room i have or if i need to re-adjust a meal or snack.

    Best of luck to you. You have come to the right place.
  • amdpei12
    amdpei12 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm new here too - just joined in January. Down 12 lb so far - doing well with the eating - still struggling to get the exercise in. Feel free to add me and take a look at my diary. If there's any recipes you would like me to send you just let me know!

    I love this site - have tried WW many many times and never stuck with it. This site is very easy to use and it's free!

    Good luck!

  • Try herbalife. Its a protein meal shake. I drink it twice a day. Been doing it for 2 weeks so far and lost 4 1/2lbs. Great stuff.
  • Wow That is wonderful!! What do you like about it he most?
  • cbl40
    cbl40 Posts: 281 Member
    Welcome! Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like!! :)
  • Awesome!
  • samf36
    samf36 Posts: 369 Member
    Welcome! I sent you a request
  • Got it and Added!

    Have a great day,


    headed out the door for work
  • fuzzer75
    fuzzer75 Posts: 2 Member
    I am 36 soon to be 37 and I am wanting to get healthy and fit as well. I am not so much concerned about weight numbers as I am about dress sizes. I am currently a size 26 and would like to be a size 14 (which I haven't seen since I was in middle school). Feel free to add me. I have been using this site for about 2 weeks and I like it a lot. It holds me accountable for my eating and exercising. I have started going back to the gym and I am hitting the treadmill for right now. Next week I will start to add some weight machines to my routine. I have a short term goal to reach a size 18 by June 30th and then reach my goal of a size 14 by next January. :smile:
  • iluvmycats
    iluvmycats Posts: 29 Member
    Best of luck!
    If you need an extra friend feel free to add me..i have met some pretty amazing ladies on here who have been supportive and make me smile when i need it the most. I would be happy to give you what I can anytime you need some extra support or just a place to rant!

    We are all in this together!!