arm broke


yesterday, in an effort to get the family out for a walk, I fell and broke my arm and this metal bracket impaled my arm and I got a bunch of stitches. I had been doing very well... how do you keep motivation up when injured?

I think after my leg heals some (just minor bruises) I'll be able to walk still... but i'm feeling sore and depressed and kind of just want to eat....


  • Jessi40
    Jessi40 Posts: 75 Member
    no ideas?
  • kfox15
    kfox15 Posts: 97 Member
    I feel you on this one. About 2 years ago I sprained on of my paraspinus muscles (the long ones that run along side your vetebral column all the way up your back). It was incredibly painful and all you feel like doing is nursing yourself back to health with not so great food and sitting around. You've got the right idea that you need to take it easy on the exercise to heal properly (it took me 5 weeks because I was dumb and tried to get back into cycling too fast) so bascially you need to manage your intake to make up for the lower output. I would change to maintenece calories for the time that you are off your feet and just focus on maintaining.Once you feel up to exercising again, slowly work back into it and then reset your calorie goal. Hope this helps!
  • horsesandhipbones
    Poor you! I have severe RSI in my wrist from playing my flute too much, and I tend to find that I'm OK doing cardio work like running or using the stationary bike. Walking is also a good option, as it doesn't involve your arm, although if you have a bad leg as well that could be difficult...maybe you should rest for a few days and then walk for 20 minutes or so every day for a while, just to build up your strength again.

    Don't worry about it too much, just give yourself a bit of rest and then you'll be fine :)

    Good luck!
  • christibam
    christibam Posts: 478 Member
    I'm going to use the same saying I tell myself every day. Work through the pain!

    No, I'm not saying to go work out with a broken arm. However, work with your diet through the pain. Remember that you injured yourself in an effort to get healthier. Don't make it entirely not worth anything now by messing up your diet, sweetheart. I know it sucks but try to remember that you don't want to have to start over or have a huge setback to correct by the time you're healed.

    I'd ask your Doctor what you can and cannot do right now. If your balance is good, you may still be able to do standing calve raises, leg lifts (even if only half way up) and some light lower body and core stretching.

    I really hope you feel better very soon. :)
  • abfit4life
    abfit4life Posts: 220 Member
    I was really sorry to read that this happened to you. Once the pain subsides I would go back to walking. If you need to take it slower for a while that's fine. Just keep moving. I had a torn rotator cuff a while back and the orthopedist gave me a sling for my arm so that I could stabilize the arm while I walked. If you need one a scarf will do fine.

    I know its frustrating right now but you've done such good work you don't want to derail things now. Keep logging and take it easy on yourself. This is a lifelong journey we're on and we are going to face all kinds of challenges. You can and will get through this!!
  • 4hotmama
    4hotmama Posts: 112 Member
    That sucks, sorry!! I have had many running injuries- due to my own stupidity in overtraining- So I feel your pain. But press on, just remember this not an end all. You will get better, in the mean time just keep tracking your calories and you will be fine, you do not want to overeat and go backwards. You can do this!!
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Ouch, what a setback. But as you say, keep plodding on, do plenty of walking when you feel up to it. keep busy so you don't snack!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    I broke my ankle a week ago. So far, so good, I am just holding the course. I can't walk either, and I really miss that, but I"m holding pretty wel on the eating. Good luck, post often and keep logging!! Friend me if you wish!
  • TurtleRunnerNC
    TurtleRunnerNC Posts: 768 Member
    somehow I missed this earlier !!!!!!!!! So sorry you are injured. That sucks. I would say nothing but rest for a couple of days and your leg will feel better. You are INJURED if you don't allow your body to heal properly it can make it worse. I had hip surgery in Dec 2010. During my physical therapy I developed hip flexor tendonitis. Did not know that is what it was but I was in AGONY but I kept pushing because I always heard that PT was painful & assumed that I was supposed to feel that way. Went to Ortho for f/u and he pulled me out of PT completely & put my back on crutches for 3 weeks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do not push when you are truly hurt.

    Just try your best to stay in your calories. Once your leg is feeling better you can walk, exercise bike. Maybe squats, leg lifts, ab work - I have an app on my phone - 5 min abs, has them for buns, legs, arms etc. Do not do anything that could cause you to fall and injure your arm worse.

    This is a setback for sure & frustrating but doesn't have to end your journey for the moment. Maybe lower your goal for your healing period - if it is 1lb a week change it to half and change to sedentary if it is not. May give you add'l calories to eat and still lose. You can change it all back once you are healed.

    take care - we are still here for you.
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    Eat good, let your leg heal and then start walking. The blood circulating should help your arm heal too. You may also be able to do squats, and lunges which will be lower impact. Every little bit counts, so if all else fails just get up off the couch and mess around the house!!!


    Oh yeah, if you can afford it go get your hair washed at the salon. Mine charges $5 and it feels soooo good and clean when they are done.
  • puggypatti
    I'm sorry to hear about your accident. I found after a snowmobile accident that left my right arm/wrist shattered that I just had to use the parts of my body that did still work. Once they repaired the arm with a bone donors bones and gave me an external fixator I was able to get out and about. You need to focus on what you can still do . Exercise the other arm and if you get casted you will still be able to do some exercises with the broken one. This will also ensure that you keep that all important range of motion. I am sure you can do this. Best of luck. No one ever thought I would be able to use my wrist again and now I have full use of it and it is stronger then ever. Don't get discouraged or give up...bones heal in 6 weeks. :)
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    Oh yeah, and when I had to quit exercising for my kidney back in Oct -Jan I lost a little bit of muscle tone but keeping on the diet kept me at the same weight. Now that I am starting to exercise regularly (but lightly) the weight is moving nicely again. My point is that this may not be as bad as you might imagine. :)
  • Jessi40
    Jessi40 Posts: 75 Member
    I broke my ankle a week ago. So far, so good, I am just holding the course. I can't walk either, and I really miss that, but I"m holding pretty wel on the eating. Good luck, post often and keep logging!! Friend me if you wish!

    im sorry, here im having a pity party for myself, cant imagine not walking and doing this!! thanks and get well soon!
  • Jessi40
    Jessi40 Posts: 75 Member
    thanks everyone!
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Eeek! Make it your mission to come up with some healthy new recipes during the downtime. That might motivate you to keep your calories down while you can't workout!
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    That's awful!

    I hope you heal quickly!

    Eating when you are feeling down is not going to make you feel any better, though. I have learned this the hard way, but it's true.
  • mooglysmom
    mooglysmom Posts: 319 Member
    Oh ouch!!

    I broke my upper right arm when my youngest was 4 months old, and it was miserable. I was corked out on pain killers for a few weeks, and stayed on the couch. I would not recommend that, lol. But they also didn't SET my freaking arm, so everytime I moved, the bones moved. Worst pain ever.

    I'd just watch the food intake, and take it slow. I didn't pay attention then, but I wasn't trying to lose weight either. Though, truth be told, when I was on vicodin I wasn't that hungry ;).
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    I have Grade 3 Osteoarthritis Both Knee's, Torn Meniscus Both Knee's, and a Shredded ACL in my Left Knee... I am on 3 pain pills, get knee injections every other month, and wear 2 custom fitted OA braces by DonJoy to get around... and will be getting 2 total knee replacements this fall after I finish the last of this weight loss and have my skin surgeries done... Going in Wednesday for another Clean out this time on my left knee to buy me a few more months.... 32 months ago I could barely walk and now 302 lbs. lighter i fight severe pain daily but I will not let it stop me from living my life. Pain only lets you know you are still living. I just get up everyday strap on my braces and Go....... Life is worth living in any state and I choose life!!! Sorry to here about your set back but don't dwell on it, heal up and stay strong, you just need to keep putting one foot in front of the other.... Baby Steps....
  • rufflestx
    who is that cute little person in your picture. Keep that baby foremost in your plans. I can see you as a teacher, for that little person. Show how you will continue to follow your goals.
  • Usbornegal
    Usbornegal Posts: 601 Member
    Good thoughts and ideas here on setting yourself close to maintenance and focusing on healing before getting back to dropping weight. Not gaining would be a huge win here - my weight went up 14 pounds last summer with my knee injury and surgery (all off plus more now).

    Perhaps your body is searching for the building blocks to healing. You might find the 'search for food' urges lessen if you focus on getting calcium for bones, iron for blood (think dark leafy greens and dry beans) and protein for muscle as main building blocks to your recuperation diet. Hope you heal soon!