Starting my weight loss journey



  • heeytheresunshine
    heeytheresunshine Posts: 33 Member
    water, water, water! As much as you can. I have a bottle I carry EVERYWHERE I go it holds just over 24 ounces. I fill it minimum 3x a day so I get at least 9 glasses a day, usually more. If you drink soda, cut it out of your diet. If you're a caffine addict like me try to limit that as well. I drink 1 cup of tea w/ 2 packets of splenda if I need a boost, maybe 1 day a week.

    fruits and veggies- make sure you get as close to 5 servings per day.

    exercise as frequent as you can. Sometimes I have to trick myself into it. I've had days where I do 20 squats everytime I go to the bathroom. Sometimes I make 10 trips to the car bringing in groceries. Park at the side of the store farthest from what you're going in for.

    And most important to me is make sure you find a group of active friends here on MFP I was gone for close to a month but got emails from friends asking me where my butt was and reminding me to stay accountable. I can talk to my MFP friends about things my real life friends may not understand. I browse my friend's food diaries. I don't criticize what I see, but I use it as an idea source and sometimes hit them up for recipes.

    Feel free to add me!

    Oh, and EAT! Don't starve your body. Eat as close to your calories as possible. If you go over, tomorrow is a new day. I see a lot of people that eat 600 calories a day and are so happy with their progress and then after about 30 days they're gone. They can't survive on so few calories and they over eat, get frustrated when they gain weight, and quit.
    Thank you for all your ideas and tips! They are extremely helpful and yes I love my coffee, and apart from water that is the only other thing I drink. I am trying to limit myself to once a day. I agree with talking with people here on mfp about things my friends won't understand, they are all super thin and wouldn't be able to relate. Thank you and good luck on your journey!
  • heeytheresunshine
    heeytheresunshine Posts: 33 Member
    welcome to the journey

    feel free to add me
    Thank you and good luck!