All This Work for This?

5 pounds. 1 month. My MFP goal is set at 1.5 lb/week loss. I have been under my caloric goal all but 3 days of the last month. I have exercised for at least 30 minutes (cardio) every day for the last 18 days.

I *have* lost 5 pounds. I am fully aware of the fact that that averages a respectable 1.25 lbs a week. But broken down, my numbers don't make any sense.

Here are the changes in my weight so far:

Week 1: -4.0
Week 2: -4.5
Week 3: +4.0
Week 4: -0.5

What gives? Is it hormonal (I have PCOS)? Is it water retention (I know I have a sodium consumption problem)?

Am I doomed to losing 111 lbs in dribs and drabs?

How will I sustain my motivation and effort with numbers like that? Why am I working this hard for so little?

I'm so frustrated! I'm hoping I can get some support, encouragement, fitness pals, and maybe even answers from the folks who are here.

Thanks for "listening."


  • Kimeanb74
    Kimeanb74 Posts: 29 Member
    Aww...wish I had an answer. I know some people need a little more calories to keep their metabolism going. Maybe the key is eating the calories not staying under??? Just a thought. I know I have a long way to go. We can't give up.
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    5 pounds per month equals 60 pounds in a year :happy:

    It's important to remember that you didn't gain all of that weight quickly and you shouldn't lose it quickly if you want a healthy and sustainable weight loss.

    Can you make your diary public so we can perhaps offer some suggestions?
  • xcheshirecat
    xcheshirecat Posts: 3 Member
    I don't even calculate my weight in my results. It never changed but I still lost 3 inches of waist. I get muscles, so my weight doesn't change
  • w2bab
    w2bab Posts: 353 Member
    I only lost 2 lbs my first month (January) but I lost 17.5" on my hips, waist and thighs. I chalked it up to muscle gain/fat loss. So far this month I've lost 9.5 lbs. Hang in there.
  • Misiaxcore
    Misiaxcore Posts: 659 Member
    Are you seriously complaining about this? Weight loss is not an exact science. Be happy you've lost 5lbs so far and deal with it.
  • MFPfriend
    MFPfriend Posts: 1,121 Member
    Make your diary public, and we'll be able to help more.

    A lot of things can cause weight gain. I'm up 6 pounds this week. I'm also on my period. Three weeks ago, I gained two pounds overnight. I was also 1500 over on sodium. I can lose two pounsd (water weight) in a week by drinking plenty of fluids.

    I know it's tempting, but don't go by the scale. It's mean. Judge your weight loss by how well your clothes fit, how much farther you can walk everyday.
  • 5 pounds is fantastic. That's losing weight at a very healthy rate. Like they said above, that's 60 pounds in a year. Who wouldn't be thrilled with that! Plus, I wouldn't worry too much about that 4 pounds gained. For me the scale can be a yo-yo despite fairly consistent performances with diet and exercise. You could easily be down 2 or 3 more pounds this time next week if you keep it up.
  • chammich
    chammich Posts: 104 Member
    There are certain foods that stall my weight lose, like dairy. If you are eating alot of dairy or nuts that might do it. Can you list what you eat in a typical day? Hang in there!
  • natalie412
    natalie412 Posts: 1,039 Member
    I tend to lose a bunch, then gain some back, and then lose again. Just look at your average - that is what is important!
  • livinginwoods
    livinginwoods Posts: 562 Member
    5 lbs is great. I am down 14 only since Dec. 1 but I am going to keep going. Never stopping. Can't afford to give up this time. Slow is better than not at all.........
  • I find what helps for me is keeping my metabolism steady throughout the day. I eat breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, supper. I drink at least eight glasses of water a day. This is close to a diabetic sort of diet. It has worked well for me. I also include protein with everything I eat.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    The slower you lose, the less the chance you will invoke the famine response which will sabotage your weight loss and leave you with having gained it all back with friends. I know losing faster is more motivating so it's one of those Catch-22 things.

    Some things to keep in mind:

    The numbers on MFP are just estimates. Just because it says you should lose X pounds a week, it doesn't make it true. I know when I started, MFP (and Daily Plate because I started over there) said I should be losing 2x as fast as I was. But over time, MFP started saying I only needed 1600 calories a day while I was at goal training for an IRONMAN! Give me a break! I'd have been skin and bones with that few calories. So I ignore what it says and use other ways of determining my BMR and how much I should eat to either lose or maintain.

    I know that, because of water retention, I lost in a stair step pattern. I'd lose big one week and then only 1 pound the next week and I did that for my entire weight loss phase. Maybe your stair steps are going to be 2 weeks each and in the next two weeks you'll lose another big chunk.

    Finally, if you have PCOS, you are most likely insulin resistant. This means you can't use the protein and carb numbers that MFP suggests. Carbs will slow down your metabolism because of the insulin response you have to them. You need to eat high protein, low carb to lose weight, if you are insulin resistant. You want at least 70 g a day of your food to be protein and to keep carbs under 100 g as the bare minimum. (When I was losing I was keeping carbs around 45-65g a day and protein around 90 g but everyone is different and it depends on how many calories you are taking in overall.)
  • livinginwoods
    livinginwoods Posts: 562 Member
    Also, start measuring in inches. I was frustrated with my weight loss a month ago and I started to measure inches and I lost a little weight but did 10.75 inches in one month and that made me realize that inches is just as good, if not better, than losing pounds.....
  • HisMissus
    HisMissus Posts: 119 Member
    I usually notice a weight gain the week before my period so maybe it is hormonal or water retention. Did you eat/exercise differently that third week when your weight increased. I've "only" lost 8lb in 6 weeks but I've noticed a massive difference in my body shape and my clothes definitely feel baggier. Try tracking your vital statistics measurements as another guide to your weight loss x
  • fatty_to_fitty
    fatty_to_fitty Posts: 544 Member
    take the mostly naked before photo its worth it

    measure yourself

    check fat % and muscle %

    note: 5lb in 4 weeks is amazing. Don't stop.
  • vvanm
    vvanm Posts: 157
    I had 70 lbs to lose and it took several years of being more stubborn than my metabolism to win. Some months after sticking to a diet every single day I would lose one pound! I am older (61) and my body tries to discourage me in every way before it gives up the pounds. Possibilities are 1. water retention; either sodium excess or I read that fat cells, after releasing fat fill up with water for awhile. 2. Insulin spiking and blood sugar levels that cause cravings making it difficult to make healthful food choices. 3. Hormone imbalances (low Thyroid) 4. Stress and cortisol levels. Those were my personal demons, but being aware of them helped me keep on course. Think long range progress and as long as the scale is budging, you are making progress. Five pounds is a wonderful start in the right direction.
  • mooglysmom
    mooglysmom Posts: 319 Member
    Firstly, 5lbs in one month is great! Please don't get down on yourself for that!!

    We are not on The Biggest Lower. We are not going to lose weight in ten pound increments. Losing a pound per week plus some is a perfectly acceptable thing. Take a breath and keep trucking.
  • I totally feel your frustration, as after the first couple months of weight loss, I know average 5 to MAYBE 6 pounds a month! I hate that it seems to be taking FOREVER. I'm now down to my last 18 pounds! I would NEVER take back anything I've done this last year, because to be back where I was last March would be hell. You just have to keep telling yourself that a loss is a loss, and be cool with it. I think it's just sometimes how the body works.

    You could try adding more workouts in; I was doing 5 a week at one time, but it didn't seem to do much for me. Maybe it will for you though!
  • StrongandTender
    StrongandTender Posts: 44 Member
    It makes me nervous, because I know every choice I've made wasn't one I'd be proud of, but my diary is now public. I appreciate the feedback so far. I'm going to keep reading and trying to take in what everyone says.
  • I would try an eliminate what processed foods you can, cause LOTS of sodium are in those foods which makes you retain water. Try and cut out sugar as much as you can. Apples are good for fiber, which will help with your weight loss. Drink lots of water. Oh and a good alternative for potato chips is the "All Natural Pop Chips", they come in all kinds of flavors (I'm a HUGE chip fan, and that was one of the hardest things for me to slow down on). 20 Chips are around 100 calories, and YES at times even I admit to eating a whole bag (which isn't too bad occasionally, as it's about 300 cals, and on a workout day I'll indulge).

    Just don't let anything stop you! Find healthy alternatives to the foods you love, that's what I've tried to do.