Looking for quick and easy student recipes!

Hi there,
I was wondering if any of you have cheap, quick and easy to make healthy recipes? I'm a student so on a small budget and my kitchen is tiny between 5 of us so I don't like to spend more than half an hour cooking as other people need to use it.
Thanks! :)


  • Naughtybiscuit
    Naughtybiscuit Posts: 71 Member
    I make bean chilli - tin of tomatoes, tin of Asda Mexican beans, tin of lentils, packet of chilli con carne mix ... takes 10 min and costs about £2.50 for six portions!! Freezes ok (goes a tiny bit mushy but it's still nice). The calories in mine come out at 142 per portion :)
  • yum, thanks! :)
  • ili_s
    ili_s Posts: 66
    You could give this website a go > http://www.studentcook.co.uk/ Google is your best friend! :D
  • scargnar
    scargnar Posts: 4
    I'm not sure if you're in to the same types of foods as me, but here's what I tend to stick to for staples/combine to make tasty, easy, cheap food.

    The obvious ones: eggs, hummus, baby carrots, plain oatmeal, oranges, yogurt (I buy plain greek in a resealable container and add in frozen fruit, which I usually buy while on sale and freeze myself to save $$), beans, brown rice.

    I also buy a lot of feta (low-cal, fairly cheap too because a little goes a long way), spinach (I sneak some in to my food throughout the day to make it healthier/more filling, especially eggs or pasta), bacon (I don't eat much meat, it satisfies my meat cravings with just a small amount!), sesame sticks, and sixlets. Again, sixlets. I swear, those things are amazing for getting a chocolate fix, and only 35 cals. a tube.

    Also, garlic. It's cheap and adds flavor to sooo many things.
