Anyone managed to beat emotional eating?



  • Hi - I also am over 300 lb from emotional/binge eating. I found support on here and have found low cal versions of foods I can't love or substitutes - sugar-free jello pudding with cool whip in place of ice cream. I've also replaced lunch with a protein bar or shake. And exercising most days DOES release endorphin s that help keep emotions in check. I'd check in with your doctor too. You may have underlying depression, and meds do help. Talk therapy is a big part of my recovery also.

    Kat, your post scares me just a little bit. Be careful with what you're substituting with. Cool Whip and Sugar-free jello can be just as unhealthy. I would stick to a recommended portion of ice cream. You could get a low fat - low sugar ice cream, and eat the appropriate portion and receive some calcium and still sate your sweet tooth. No-sugar items like non sugar jello can have unnatural chemicals like aspartame.

    There have been a few articles I have read that aspartame can actually make your cravings and hunger worse. And in some studies, other symptoms. <-- medical article on aspartame

    If you're going to go sugar free, search out products that don't have this product in them.

    I also want to warn you against protein shakes and bars. From my knowledge, they have tons of carbohydrates and are created for athletes and body builders. You could be doing more damage to yourself then you think.

    Proper diet isn't just about watching your calories. You have to be careful about everything you take in. Calories are a big part, but so are carbs and protein.

    (That said, I don't know you personally, you could very well know all of that already and know exactly what you're doing. If so, my apologies.)
  • tantalee
    tantalee Posts: 130 Member
    Completely relate to what you said. Also an emotional eater here. My life is also very hard.
    Also need to kick the habit of eating to feel the emotional hole/stop stress. Now, for instance, im drinking diet soda just to avoid running to the chips (had a very bad week)
  • WJZR
    WJZR Posts: 98 Member
    I just switched back to splend and milk in my DD iced coffee..... i am also trying to drink more milk..... 1 % of course. I hate soda diet or otherwise... but i do like diet icy tea. Twice a day.