Women P90X

Hey all! I started P90X Lean today. If there are any other ladies that are doing P90X what were your results and are you doing the classic or lean?


  • JennBona
    JennBona Posts: 255 Member

    I'm currently on week 2 ...doing the classic version love it so far ....for me too soon to tell results, but feel great down a couple pounds ..good luck!!
  • I plan to start Thursday and have Wednesday's as my "rest" day since it is typically a 12 hour work day for me. I'm trying to convince my boyfriend to do it too. After reading all the material I'm really excited to start.
  • I did two months of Classic P90X last year, then broke my foot and never got back on track with it. In those two months I lost alot of inches and was able to fit into jeans I haven't fit in, in a long time. It gave me the best results I've ever gotten with exercise and I do alot of different things. I'm not running so much these days so I decided to start again today with the Classic program. It is hard but well worth the effort for great results! Good luck to you....and all of us doing the program right now!
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    I did around 1-2 months of it last summer. Saw some good results in that time, with strength and body. I stopped because I wanted to focus mainly on my lifting at the gym. I couldn't really do both at the same time (only ended up doing p90x around 2-3 times a week that way)

    I did the classic version.
  • AmyEm3
    AmyEm3 Posts: 784 Member
    Tomorrow is the start of week 4 for me. I'm doing the classic version. I lost 1.5lbs the first week and then gained it back. Haven't lost any pounds or inches since then.

    I don't have a pull-up bar so I don't do those and use a band instead. However, I was able to do three pull-ups at the playground with my kids and I don't think I've ever done a pull-up in my life. I think it's helping my running too. I've run longer and faster than I ever have since starting P90X.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    I started the Lean version last week, but then we had BEAUTIFUL weather this weekend, and I decided I'd rather be out hiking in the mountains than holed up in my basement doing Yoga X with Tony Horton. :-)

    I'm still going to try and do the rotation in order, but on my own terms. (i.e. - if I want to skip a day to go on a long bike ride or a hike instead, I'm going to do that)

    And if I'm being 100% honest with myself, I'm kind of predicting I'll end up a complete P90X dropout before the end of thirty days. haha Even though I've only done 3 days, I feel like the workouts are too yoga-heavy (I despise yoga) and the cardio isn't challenging enough. The strength/core work is very challenging, but I really miss traditional cardio.

    We shall see!
  • I really really want to try P90x.
  • trixirn
    trixirn Posts: 130 Member
    On week 2 :) I can't seem to install my chin up bar properly so I feel like I am missing alot.
  • I did my 1st day today and decided to do the Lean. I dont want any muscle mass just want to be toned and drop 34 pounds. I am gonna stick with it. If any of you would like please add me :)
  • darlilama
    darlilama Posts: 794 Member
    I've done 30 days a couple of times. When I started I felt like I was going to croak. Now, I realize how much stronger I am. I'm not super-good at taking measurements regularly, so I'm not really sure what those were… but I visibly saw a lot of difference! I did a round of the lean and then a round of the classic. I mix up my workouts, so this past month I did Ripped in 30. I think I'll go back to P90X lean for March! Guess I should probably take some measurements!
  • Rboch
    Rboch Posts: 53 Member
    I just finished day 1 of week 3, feeling really good. I haven't lost any weight yet but I've lost 1 inch on my waist, 1 inch on both thighs, and 1 inch on my hips! I would definitely say take your measurements!! And write them down somewhere so you can compare. Whether you do it at day 30, 60 and 90. Or every two weeks (like I do) It will keep you motivated seeing results even if they aren't on the scale just yet.
  • theonly1iknow
    theonly1iknow Posts: 90 Member
    This group started p90x this week/ last week.
    I've just finished week1 of lean, lost 3.5lb this week after a 4 week plateau. Hoping to get well
    On my way to goal with p90x and tone up in the process.
  • I am doing clasic
  • BOLO4Hagtha
    BOLO4Hagtha Posts: 396 Member
    I just completed my first ever Day One of the Lean schedule. I don't feel sore, yet!, but I am sweating so much, I can't tell if that's tears in my eyes or sweat from my eyelids! I liked it so far...let's see what tomorrow brings!

    Good Luck!

    P.S. How do you log this? Circuit training?
  • sarahc001
    sarahc001 Posts: 477 Member
    On Week 2 (Day 12- legs & back) of lean. Subbing in plyo for cardio x, and cardio x for yoga. Surprised how much easier it is on week two than week 1. Haven't lost weight since starting x, but I've been sore and I'm guessing my soon-to-be-ginormous-muscles :laugh: are swelling/retaining water from the exertion.

    Bisera1128, I'm logging with a HRM under cardio just for calories burned (even when it is strength.) For any of you out there with a droid, there's p90 droid which is pretty good for tracking weight/reps on the strength days. I'm guessing there's a similar app for the iPhone...good luck!!!
  • mom2scc
    mom2scc Posts: 99 Member
    so thinking about getting p90x! me and hubby going to do it together! im excited!
  • I just ordered my P90X.. I'm so excited!! Can't wait to get started...
  • MizCJ84
    MizCJ84 Posts: 335 Member
    Hey all! I started P90X Lean today. If there are any other ladies that are doing P90X what were your results and are you doing the classic or lean?

    I am finishing up my 3rd week of P90X. I have lost about 6 pounds since I started this program, and I can feel I've gotten stronger and am able to do all the moves better and better each day. I'm not sure if my body looks much different yet, but I figure I haven't even finished the first month so I'm not really worried about it. I will be posting my 30 day pics in 11 days so look out for them. Good luck to you if you do start the program. I really love it so far.
  • lschuttem
    lschuttem Posts: 82 Member
    what equipment do you need to do P90X? i thought you didnt need anything but the site says you need a pull up bar and resistance bands? does it come with those? and i dont know about the pull up bar...does that need to be drilled/installed in ur house? or are there alternatives that are as effective?
  • crimznrose
    crimznrose Posts: 282 Member
    I'm doing the P90X Lean for my first 90-day session and instead of a pull up bar got the heavy duty resistance bands. It can work the same arm muscles and I found one that mounts over a door for more overhead workouts, but I don't want to mount a pull up bar and am not as concerned about the upper arm strength to do a pull up as I am about general core strength and becoming fit. I guess the pull up bar is necessary if you want the full workout but it's not for everyone.

    Anyone else doing P90X, please add me so we can discuss our progress and get motivation from each other. :happy: