


  • fatgirlzrule2
    fatgirlzrule2 Posts: 172 Member
    Zumba is fantastic!! I agree, it can be tricky and it takes a few times to get use to the moves, but just stick with it and it'll come to you. I go to a class once in awhile, but mostly I do mine from home, using videos of classes that are on youtube. I like that option because I can pick the songs I enjoy.
  • Cheryl943
    I just got the Wii Zumba party and have done a couple of the warm ups so far. I think it will be a great work out but I have to start slow so I don't hurt myself. I'm old and fat so am much happier doing this in my living room than I would be in a gym. I hope to be able to get through an actual workout in the next week or so.
  • thekateb
    I think it is the best way to get your cardio in. It burns a TON of calories in an hour and you don't even realize it because it is so much fun. Also if you take from different teachers you are constantly working different muscle groups. Try it, you will love it!
  • shadowkitty22
    shadowkitty22 Posts: 495 Member
    I <3 Zumba but only in a classroom setting. I don't seem to have as much fun with it when I'm doing it at home by myself. My current instructor has lots of booty shaking in her routines so I always feel silly shaking my butt in class as if I were at a club, but I just put on a smile and laugh my way through it. Various websites say that I burn anywhere from 900-1000 calories in an hour doing Zumba but we'll see how accurate that is when my new HRM that my mother in law bought me arrives (bless her heart).
  • Laoch_Cailin
    Laoch_Cailin Posts: 414 Member
    I really really love zumba, I started when a friend dragged me. I was lazy and overweight. Now I'm addicted. I can only go once a week (but regularly break into dance in my kitchen with my daughter lol). I credit it with toning my thighs (always been heavy, I NEARLY have a gap now), my arms, my waiste, my bum and my self esteem is through the roof.

    I feel like a back up dancer for some famous band at every class, in my head I'm an amazing dancer, probably not so brill to the person behind me lol:wink: . Give it a go though and I really hope you get a great class xxxx