
Anyone else here hypothyroid? My thyroid was burn out by radio active indione at the age of 16 because I had hyperthyroid and the doctor said that hypothyroidism was easier to control then hyperthyroidism. My thyroid was removed and I was put on levothyroxine. I gain around 40 pounds in 5 months and when to see the doctor to be put on a higher dose, but my tsh lvls came back normal. I've manage to loose 50 pounds in 4 years now, but my calorie intake is only about 1000 per day and 6 miles of jogging every day!!!!!!!!! I think it's so rediculus...... I don't know how much longer I can take this


  • iqnas
    iqnas Posts: 445 Member
    i have hypothyroid as well...I currently take Levothyroxine.
    However, I eat 1500 a day with light/no exercise, and I seem to be losing weight fine...
    Maybe up your calories a bit (by 200-300) and see if you can handle that? You seem to be working out plenty, so it shouldn't be an issue.
  • I have hypothyroidism and don't have a problem losing weight.

    Is that 1000 NET??

    You need to eat more, your body isn't getting enough fuel to live and do a 6 mile jog.
  • cutie2b
    cutie2b Posts: 194 Member
    Hi. Hypo here too...If you need a friend, add me.
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Im the same way just keep plugging along I take Levothyroxine as well....my doc did however check my liver and adrenal levels...make sure that your getting adequate sleep and have a sleep study done...no sleep means weight gain...im going for more liver tests myself tuesday...calories for me is 1000-1500 regardless of working out and i keep carbs under 180 daily
  • jadesign19
    jadesign19 Posts: 512 Member
    Hi, There is a hypothyroidism group on mfp. I find it extremely supportive. I've been stressing with hypothyroidism for 10 years (more than that but they just called me post partum depressed). I don't run as much as you but I do the low calorie two miles a day, I complain often of only losing ounces if anything. I will be seeing a new endocrinologist next week and I'll pass along any info I find to help others.
    It's a struggle. It's unfair. There is no quick fix. But at least we are confronting it so that we aren't going to become any larger, or suffer from other diseases. Knowledge is power, so look into the hypothyroidism group info. Hope this helps. You aren't alone.:smile:
  • cutie2b
    cutie2b Posts: 194 Member
    I have hypothyroidism and don't have a problem losing weight.

    Is that 1000 NET??

    You need to eat more, your body isn't getting enough fuel to live and do a 6 mile jog.

    Although I agree 1000 calories isn't a lot, she basically doesn't have a thyroid at all after it was irradiated and destroyed, and if her meds are off, she's going to have a different experience from other people because she doesn't have a working metabolism at all. So it's going to be harder. Even having a limping/injured thyroid on a wrong dosage of meds will be better than no thyroid on the wrong dosage of meds.

    There's a hypothyroid group on here too. You might want to join that under Groups.
  • AmoreCouture
    AmoreCouture Posts: 255 Member
    I lose weight fine as long as I'm on my medicine. It sounds like you're not eating enough. If your levels came back normal, look at other things like your food and exercise. Make sure you're not going over in sodium, and you are netting enough calories. If you've been eating really low net calories for a while, then you probably hit a plateau.
  • Maybe your doctor is old school. If "normal" range is .5 to 5, and over 5 means hypothyroid, that's a pretty broad range. Mine was around 4.5 my whole life, and I was symptomatic my whole life, but symptoms were ignored and Dr's only cared about the TSH number. Finally had a fluke test over 5, which got me sent to endocrinologist, who said they're starting to realize that while up to 5 might be normal for some people, some people may be hypothyroid when TSH is over 1 or 2, and I was obviously hypothyroid. Dr is aiming for 1, and TSH is close to that now, and for the first time in my life, I seem to be able to lose weight by dieting. My point is - normal range is too broad for many. If your TSH is, say, 4.5 but you still have reflex delay, fatigue, coldness, hair falling out, etc... you may be hypothyroid even though your TSH is "normal". Maybe get a second opinion. Just sayin'.

    Still - what the others said about getting enough fuel for that much exercise also has some merit - starvation will lower metabolism, too. Thyroid isn't the only thing that affects metabolism. LOTS of things do. Good luck.
  • Also have hypothyroidism. Very new to all of this. Everyone just blamed my weight gain on menopause. Now I know there is something else going on. Meds seem to help a little, however the sleep deprivation is a problem. Glad to know there is a group here. I will be checking it out.
  • bjbixler
    bjbixler Posts: 253 Member
    I have hypothyroidism/hashimoto's and I've managed to lose 72lbs so far. So it IS possible.
  • gentlebreeze2
    gentlebreeze2 Posts: 450 Member
  • I'm hypo too, but not having too much trouble loosing weight. You could try upping your calories a bit like so many other suggested, but try talking to your doctor about what you need for you :)

    There's a group for people with hypothyroidism btw :) Quite a few people on there, feel free to add me too, always looking for more supportive friends :)
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    I have hypothyroidism and don't have a problem losing weight.

    Is that 1000 NET??

    You need to eat more, your body isn't getting enough fuel to live and do a 6 mile jog.

    This. Whether you have a thyroid or not, you are absolutely not consuming enough calories. This is the reason you're not losing weight, not your thyroid.
  • I am Hypo too, and take 200mcg of Levothyroxine per day. Just joined this site today so will see how i go with it. mostly depends on my mood as to how much i eat (or dont) and also my sleep pattern is very irregular. Must get some scales lol so i can keep an eye on whether i am losing or not! I do zumba toning and zumba (consecutively) twice a week, don't own a car so have to walk everywhere. Will be interesting to see if i am actually losing or toning lol or both. Add me if you like :)
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    I have had a hypothryroid for over 10 years... I use Synthroid. I have never had a hard time losing weight though - so make sure your meds support your levels.. I would also consider eating more.. 1000 cals of food a day with all that running probably has you at a scary deficit, but that's only my opinion.

    Good luck
  • 2012Sonya
    2012Sonya Posts: 37 Member
    I have an under active thyroid as well. I'm on synthroid and the medication has helped tremendously with my energy levels etc. however I cannot eat the same calories as others can without gaining.

    I've lost 49 lbs so it is possible!

    I just accept the fact that my body's metabolism is slower than others and I eat less.

    When I exercise more that does help!

    You can do it. Don't give up. This is a life long journey. :)
  • i have hypothyroid too. I take Levothyroxine
  • kattydid65
    kattydid65 Posts: 65 Member
    Me too! Me too! After all these wonderful people on MFP. I had every excuse in the book as to why I couldn't lose weight. Menopause, Thyroid meds, physical disabilities (Bad back) you name it. But with all the support and resources that people provided, I am finally accomplishing my weight loss. Everyone is different. I am on a 1200 calorie and I try and stay away from diary and carbs. Yes I have carbs but they are strictly from veggies and meat. This works for me. I have included oatmeal in the morning. I love all the wonderful ideas from everyone. Another thing important to me was taking my meds on an empty stomach and waiting a couple of hours before eating. My doctor never mentioned anything to me about that. I wish you the best of luck and success. Everyone on this website is SO POSITIVE and motivating!