Mexican quinoa salad (less than 200 cal/portion)

LyneLM Posts: 76 Member
edited November 2024 in Recipes
Just made this salad and will bring at the office for my lunches. Il will probably add some chopped lettuce or spinach.

Recipe Mexican quinoa salad (can be eaten warmed up or cold)

Uncooked quinoa, rinsed (3/4 cup) 420 cal.
Red kidney beans, rinsed (2 cups) 410 cal.
Canned corn, rinced (3/4 cup) 105 cal.
Beef broth (1 1/2 cup) 15 cal.
Green and red pepper, cubed (1/2 cup) 10 cal.
Cumin (to taste)
Origan (to taste)
Cayenne pepper (to taste)
Chili powder (to taste)
Onion powder (to taste)
Garlic powder (to taste)
Salt (to taste)

Put broth and seasonings in pot; add rinsed quinoa, bring to boil, lower the heat and cook for 15 minutes or until the liquid is absorbed.

Remove from heat, add the beans, corn and peppers.

Yields 5 portions of 1 cup (192 cal. portion)


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