Hey Everybody!!!

I never formally introduced myself! I'm 24, residing in NC and I am currently motivated to lose weight so I can join my hubby in the military!!! I'm down 25 pounds and I thank God for the ladies who sent me to this website! It has totally changed my life!!! I'm down to losing a pound a day with strict dieting and exercising!!! Well feel free to add me!


  • MsBrownBeauty
    Hello, This website is great. I have been using it since Jan of this year and I am down 15lbs so far. I am looking to lose 80 to 100. So feel free to add me and nice to me you I am originally from SC.
  • LenaMena87
    LenaMena87 Posts: 469 Member
    Yay nice to meet ya!!!! We're only here because the lovely military put us here!!! The only thing nice about this town is the beaches!!!!!!