need more workout suggestion.

I am new to the getting healthy and fit thing. I just bought a treadmill and started walking on it and eventually I will be jogging and running. I also love love love zumba but i need some more workout options that I can do from home because I have a two year old and a 4 weeks old and its hard going to the gym with no baby sitter.. helppp....


  • angelcop74
    angelcop74 Posts: 82 Member
    Thats a tough one, as i HATE working out at home! haha Thats why i dont workout much, i get really bored at home! My best suggestion would be to take your walk outside if weather where you are permits. Grab a stroller, or bike with a baby seat and take to the streets! It will help keep you from getting bored fast :) Sorry im NO help.. being outside is the only thing that isnt boring to me, and im totally uncoordinated so zumba type workouts just frustrate me! haha
  • bazzawood30
    bazzawood30 Posts: 45 Member
    Quick intense tredmill workout that increases your cv capabilty massively.

    run 30 seconds rest 30 seconds 5 times (dont stop tredmill just jump to the side)
    short rest
    run 20seconds rest 10 seconds 10 times (dont stop tredmill just jump to the side)
    Short rest
    run 1 min rest 1 min 5 times (dont stop tredmill just jump to the side)
    Short rest
    run 20seconds rest 10 seconds 10 times (dont stop tredmill just jump to the side)

    The end you will be exhausted, I do this at 8.5mph when i started i think i was about 7mph.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Look on YouTube for some workouts you can do at home, including zumba style routines.
  • bcc112986
    bcc112986 Posts: 362 Member
    Core workouts are easy to do at home. Try variations on leg lifts, sit ups, crunches, push ups.

    Work on getting into the splits, I bet you will work up a sweat doing that. :)
  • Amber86queenbee
    I like doing body weight exercises and use dumbbells or a resistance cord. I'm also starting to get into some DVDs.
  • drea0703
    drea0703 Posts: 83 Member
    Get dumbbells for some strength training or ankle weights. I also highly recommend the resistance band! Living near a park, I see many mommies with the little ones just walking outside. Might be a good way to teach your kids some healthy habits early on.
    Yoga and Pilates DVDs could also be helpful.

    But no matter WHAT you are doing: Keep it up! Good work, girl!!!!
  • knucklescasey
    i dont think i will be running at 8 mph. id die.. lol im on 4'11 so my legs dont move that fast
  • knucklescasey
    Thanks everyone for the suggestions. I will try some work out dvds and stuff. i have already been doing zumba. and I really need one of those resistance bands. i want to tone up my legs.
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    On the treadmill, just do a variety of interval routines. Some days increase the intensity with speed, other days increase the intensity by incline, and some days a little of both.

    You can also view workout shows on and get fitness DVDs at your local library.
  • ballardr1
    Love the Wii Fit Plus with the balance board. Particularly the games: Snow Ball Fight, Big Top Juggling, Soccer Head Butting are my favorites. Sometimes I do the yoga, it is great for learning proper form.
  • siberianlilly
    siberianlilly Posts: 17 Member
    Hey Casey! Firs off congrats on the babies and you wanting to get into better health! I love that you posted your height, you and I are the same! Have you thought about doing something from beachbody? They offer several programs you can do, a online community to support you and coach, like me, that can be there for you step by step. Best of all it's totally free! You invest in as much or little as you want. I will say getting cardio in is the very BEST thing to replace body fat with lean muscle. Getting started slow, with the treadmill and Zumba are both awesome options. Another thing to think of when the weather gets nicer, putting the babies in a double stroller and go for a jog. Good for you and the kids! If you'd like more information about me and what Beachbody is all about you can go to to read about both.

    Best of luck to you!