what am i doing wrong?



  • pinkita
    pinkita Posts: 779 Member
    One other thing...if you are not using a Heart Rate Monitor to calculate how many calories you are burning during exercise then that would be a good investment to make. When I got mine it showed quite a large difference in my calories burned. Before you start "eating back your calories" you want to make sure they have been calculated correctly.

    Stick with it, keep logging, keep moving, and you will be successful!

  • thanks everyone i am not going to quit i started today with my new plan of attack and i am going to take time over the weekend to sit down and put in everything i eat! i hope i can keep it up!

    You CAN keep it up!! Tracking everything you eat will really help you see where you are at daily. You have a ton of support here!!
  • IvoryParchment
    IvoryParchment Posts: 651 Member
    There's no way you're going to see progress in 3 weeks when you're eating that much sodium. The water you retain will weigh more than the fat you reduce.

    And I would also suggest getting a food scale so your measurements are accurate. Some of those quantities look like awfully round numbers.
  • Try exercising and see what happens, but if you still don't see anything try this. Go to the doctor and get a checkup. Have them check all of your body functions, even your testosterone levels. I had extremely low testosterone levels and now with weekly shots I am up just a little higher than what it should be. Weight has been falling off of me. If everything does check out, eat around 1700 calories a day and cardio... cardio... and more cardio...
  • tsaustin
    tsaustin Posts: 52 Member

    I looked at your log and it seems you are eating too much sodium. This can cause you to retain water and not lose any weight. You could also drink a more water daily. You are doing a great job staying under you calorie goal but you seem to be going over your daily grams of fat. An idea would be to switch your salad dressing to low fat. Another way to make you full with less calories would be to eat more fresh fruit and vegetables.

  • joybell32
    joybell32 Posts: 252 Member

    On February 15th, you had corn. Clearly this one ear of corn has caused all your problems and it will probably lead to your eventual death as it did the Mayan civilization.

    lol, thats so true! i almost died when i read that!
  • sagetracey
    sagetracey Posts: 607 Member
    Lots of great advice for you already. Please don't give up. You need to be in this for the long term. And also don't feel bad if you do eventually choose to go down the route of weight loss surgery. Just be sure to research very carefully and work closely with your medical team to make the choices that are right for you. I opted for the lapband last April and have now lost 56kg. It was right for me but that doesn't mean it will be right for everyone. It is an option, but it is only one option that is open to you.

    Good luck.
  • bettyjeanbell
    bettyjeanbell Posts: 4 Member
    At the end of the day, it is all about calories in and calories out. One of the best investments I ever made to take the guess work out of the calories in/out equation was getting my metabolism tested. I haven't found a good way to google metabolic testing. What I would do is call your local gyms until you find one that does "Metacheck Metabolism Testing."

    Make an appointment and have it done! it will tell you exactly how many calories you can eat in a day to lose weight then to maintain it for your unique body.

    After you've done that, purchase a POLAR heart rate monitor (they're the only ones that really work) with a chest band and wear that when you workout. Get one that counts the calories you burn and stores them. Then, when you exercise, plug in the calories you burned into MyFitnessPal along with the type of workout you are doing.

    For the remainder of your day, make sure to be tracking ALL the food you eat and drink into MyFitnessPal.

    A couple other pointers that might help:
    1. GO TO SLEEP! Not sleeping 8-9 hours per night causes your body to create stress hormones (cortisol especially which is released by your adrenal gland). Cortisol causes you to crave high-glycemic foods (such as breads and junk food). High glycemic foods cause your blood sugar to spike which increases insulin production. For this, all you really need to remember is that insulin is a fat storing hormone released when you consume carbs. However, when you eat low GI foods (such as proteins) your body produces the fat BURNING hormone, glucagon.
    Not sleeping will create a lot of problems with your metabolism so make sure you get your Zzzs!

    2. No matter what diet you decide to follow, make sure it is balanced and made up of mostly low-GI foods. Low GI foods are foods that are rated 55 and below on the Glycemic Index.

    3. You may have a food allergy. It probably wouldn't hurt to get checked. I had a reconstructive surgery to my stomach in 1999 and continued to suffer from all sorts of problems such as IBS, insomnia, severe cystic acne, and many other things. In the end, it was a gluten intolerance! When I cut out gluten 100% (you can't cut out gluten "sometimes" - if you have an intolerance it is all or nothing) most of my health problems vanished. I couldn't believe it but you had better believe I am 100% gluten-free now!

    If you need more support, gimme a holler at http://nutrition.black20fitness.com. Hope this helps! Hang in there!
  • You have to stay firm and postive. I know that the weekends were becoming my downfall. But recently I have started working out everyday and I really see a difference but I have also learned not to weigh myself. I know we are almost obsessed to do it, but I was not seeing anything different but my clothes were different. And you have to trick your body sometimes. Change your workout and change your food. Ultimately it is all about calories in, calories out.