Lost 19 lb in 35 days... is this okay?

Hi all,

I have been at this for 5 weeks, and all I do is count the calories on MFP and do a 5K run (just over 3 miles) every other day. I have also had a couple of "cheat" days, on special occasions.

So far I have lost 8.6kg (nearly 19lb) - 1.72kg per week - but friends are telling me that is unhealthy weight loss.

I always hit at least the bare minimum calorie requirement (and sometimes go over my target), and I check my nutrition daily to monitor what I am not getting enough of. I am not leaving myself hungry (just snacking on fruit and veg rather than junk) and I drink plenty of water each day.

I just want some feedback from others who may know more about the right and wrong ways to lose weight, in case there is anything I am missing!



  • jmankin2012
    how heavy were you prior to mfp? What were your eating habits (calories) prior to joining?

  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    no it is not ok. gain it all back and start over!

    seriously, just dont count on losing that much that fast. some of it was probably water weight.

    keep going. eat enough to fuel your body.
  • gregavila
    gregavila Posts: 725 Member
    I lost 30 pounds in just about two months doing the same thing. Is it normal? Probably not. Is it unhealthy, I am feeling fine, eating well. My weight loss has slowed over the last month.
  • Joe_2012
    if you think you don't starve your self then you're good.
  • ToBeCountry
    ToBeCountry Posts: 81 Member
    Just my opinion......

    I lost about 15# in 28 days cutting out all processed food and adding moderate exercise daily to every other day.
    Trying to go sugar free as much as possible (no added or artificial sugar). I do feel better mentally too.
    I know of others that did the same as me and lost much more (they have more to loose and male). I feel that if you are eating well and getting your minimum daily intake you are fine.
    Keep up the good work.
  • mom2mozart
    mom2mozart Posts: 307 Member
    I've also lost weight far more rapidly than I expected. I lost 11 pounds in 25 days. But my eating habits have changed drastically. I was eating about 70 - 80% carbs before MFP. There were days and weeks I didn't eat a fresh vegetable. Now I'm eating them every day - at most meals... I also am watching my sodium intake. I was shocked at how much sodium restaraunts use...
    I've looked at some of the meals I ate routinely, 1000 calorie lunches... 2000 mg sodium in 1 salad. It is no wonder I'm losing weight so fast. My body is rejoicing!!!

    I suspect you are doing the same. We won't keep losing at this rate. Much of it is water weight initially. Just keep eating well, working out, and losing...
  • peachesop
    From your comments it does not sound like you are doing anything wrong, the real question to ask is how big are you? Most Obese people lose weight rapidly almost two pounds a day or more. Skinnier people will lose weight incredibly slow like 1 pound a week. The reason why is because they don't have a lot left to lose. If you are at a reasonable weight you are probably losing muscle and that depends on if you are not strength training and not getting enough Protein. The bmi may be a lot of BS but it can help in a way if you check it and it says you are at healthy weight (or near underweight), consider the amount of muscle you have. If you are a skinny person losing a pound of weight a day can be a problem.
  • Joe_2012
    since you eat fruits and vegs there is no need to worry, in my opinion.
    you are getting natural sugars which is a good thing, so don't stress yourself.
  • muppetsbear
    muppetsbear Posts: 80 Member
    I've lost 31 lbs since the 3 of Jan 2012. I came back after xmas weighing 330ish lbs. I cut out my snacks and started watching my portion size as well as started eating fruit and veggies. I don't feel hungry and I drink lots of water I have more energy to work out with and do the ellipticle for an hour 4 times a week plus weights. my daily intake had to be in the 4000 calorie + a day neighbourhood. At around 2200 a day I don't feel as sluggish so to answer your question your body will let you know if its too fast. I loose around 2 lbs a week now.
  • alexgow
    I'm 6 foot tall, 37 years old, and my weight was 91.6kg / 202lb, so not obese, just a little overweight.

    I have never had a huge appetite, but I work as a musician in bars so between rehearsals and gigs I probably ate convenience food more often than I should, and I have always liked a good few drinks. I have pretty much cut out the junk food altogether now, and I gave up the alcohol for the first three weeks (back drinking now, but not as much).

    Not sure about water loss as since dieting that is all I drink - diet sodas set off my epilepsy, and I would rather eat fruit than drink juice, and I live in the tropics so I drink a lot of water.

    I don't feel like I am doing anything bad to myself, but then people often don't - hence the question!!!