Seeking friends with 60-80 lbs to lose

Hey Everyone,

I'm super active on MFP but I have realized that many of my friends have a lot less to lose than I do. I would love to gain some friends with 60-80 lbs to lose like I do. I will help motivate you and do my best to be supportive! :)

About me - - I am 23 years old, 5'3 and around 200 lbs. My major goal is to get to 135, but in reality, I would ultimately like to get between 115-125 to stay in the middle of the "normal weight" range BMI-wise.

~ FRIEND ME!!!!! ~

(Please write a little note when you add me so I know you saw this or just telling me a little about your yourself and your goals)


  • KristinLeAnn252
    KristinLeAnn252 Posts: 136 Member
    I'm also 23 and from my starting point, I had 63 lbs to lose. (:
  • sstahlschmidt
    I am 56 years old and trying to lose about 100 lbs So far I have lost 15 lbs. I am trying to work some exercise into my daily routine, but I realize I am not burning fat like I used to. Will continue to strive for this weight loss, because I feel better already.
  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
    Add me I used to be 23 y.o and I have 70lbs to lose
  • HWeatherholt
    HWeatherholt Posts: 283 Member
    Im Heather. I'm 5' 9" and started at 238ish. According to all the ideal weight calculators I should weigh in the 150s. Which would mean I need to lose 86 pounds. I'm starting with a goal of losing 40 which would put me under 200. Then go from there.
  • csuma74
    Hi my goal is about 150 so I have a long haul ahead of me I could use the motive and will certainly be supportive to all. :-)