
My doctor prescribed me Phentermine and I started taking it Sunday... So far it really has helped with my appetite, and it's given me a huge burst of energy.
I know this topic is 50/50 for everybody. Has anybody else had positive experience with this?


  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    I'm sure it can help, but what are your plans for controlling your appetite once you're off the Phentermine?
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    I took it 4 years ago when I first started out. I used it to train myself to eat appropriately, proper portions, and made sure to find ways to love exercise while I was on it. I did not want to depend on a pill to keep me at the right weight. I have not gained the weight back.

    Drink as much water as possible while you are on it. Drink more than you normally would need. Trust me on this. When you begin to plateau, come off of it for a few months or talk to your doc about changing the way you take it.

    Good luck!
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    Yes and No.

    Years ago I took it. Lost a bunch of weight but did not fix my eating habits and when I went off the pills, they were making me a little more nuts then I already was, it all came back with friends.

    If I had it all to do again I would not do it.

    My weight came off and stayed off with a good solid eating plan, more exercise and portion control.
  • livinginwoods
    livinginwoods Posts: 562 Member
    You already failed at the 17 day diet. Now you are using a dangerous diet pill. What is wrong with old fashioned diet and exercise and being healthy? All this yo-yo dieting is going to mess up your metabolism. You are going to lose it and gain it all back again once you are off the drugs. You are not morbidly obese. I don't understand Doctors who freely give out this stuff.

    I hope you lose the weight but I hope you can do it the right way.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    You already failed at the 17 day diet. Now you are using a dangerous diet pill. What is wrong with old fashioned diet and exercise and being healthy? All this yo-yo dieting is going to mess up your metabolism. You are going to lose it and gain it all back again once you are off the drugs. You are not morbidly obese. I don't understand Doctors who freely give out this stuff.

    I hope you lose the weight but I hope you can do it the right way.

    Phentermine has been FDA approved since 1959. It's not dangerous, and doctors do not freely "give this stuff out". Your comment is riddled with generalizations and inaccuracies.
  • creative1981
    creative1981 Posts: 182 Member
    I was on this a couple of years ago. I did lose weight and had heaps of energy but it did make me a little bonkers after a while. I was prescribed them by a 'diet Dr' rather than my regular GP and I think he let me stay on them for too long without a break. To be honest I think he was more interested in the money rather than my physical and mental health. I've heard since that you shouldn't be own them for more than 12 weeks in one go. Not sure how true that is.

    I am also heavier than I've ever been since coming off them. But I didn't make any effort to introduce healthy habits. In fact I ate very little.

    So it's a mixed bag really. I think they could help you introduce healthy habits (portion sizes, exercise etc) but I wouldn't stay on them too long and make sure you are closely monitored both physically and mentally.
  • Yea, I have defiantly been doing research on this drug. I've seen where some people hallucinated and a few other negative side effects. I've taken it 3 days now and only the first day did I have a negative side effect, and that was only a rotten taste in my mouth, which was controlled by drinking bottle after bottle after bottle of water. After that I haven't had much of an appetite but i've made sure to eat small meals during the day. Lots of fruit and yogurts, pleanty of water and honestly i've discovered that I like fish a lot more than I thought I would. Now I just need to learn to cook it more than one way!

    So far I haven't seen a real negative effect! Thanks guy for the support and comments, please keep them coming!
  • Also, the doctor I go too is a family doctor and she typically takes the patient off the meds after they lose between 30-40 pounds and she does follow ups.
  • Used phentermine for 6 months. Did help with craving and controling food. But after a few months I started getting this pain behind by breast and heart that really scared me. I also started hearing my heart palpate in my ears therefore I stopped taking the pills. I still have the ear ringing every now and then but the pain in my chest stopped immediately after taking the pills. Not trying to discourage you but I think you can do better without them. Also I was a little depressed a few weeks after taking them and I am not that type of person. My cousin lost alot of weight on the pills but now she is starting to gain the weight back. I have kept the weight off By trying to work hard and eat better. Just keeping it real with you. GOOD LUCK.:smile:
  • There are a lot of drugs that are "FDA Approved" that can just be flat out dangerous for some people to take. Take for example the drug can develop a rash and die within a few days of taking it, which is why you start with a very low dose and work up. You don't KNOW if it'll work for you or not, it's pretty scary. And that is just one, I just used it for an example because I take it.

    Just because it doesn't affect one person doesn't mean it won't kill another.

    I've been on phentermine, and it gives me a racing heart, dry mouth...but it works. But people my size shouldn't be on it, I lost a lot of muscle mass and was just becoming skinny fat. And coming off of it can be iffy, my appetite runs rampant the first few days I wean off of it.

    I think it works when used correctly, working with a lifestyle change. Learning how to eat healthier, exercise, etc. It isn't something just to take because you want fast results. You're just setting yourself up for failure. If it is one thing I've learned over the years with my crazy obsession with my weight and dysfunctional relationship with food...expecting things to happen overnight or even in a few weeks just isn't realistic.
  • Lfinch08
    Lfinch08 Posts: 16 Member
    I have taken Phentermine about three times for about 6 months each time. It does help you lose the weight but only for a short while. As soon as you come off of it your appetite is worse that before and you feel like you could eat everything in sight and end up gaining all plus more back. Not to mention it also kept me up at night and I remember weeks of sleepless nights. Hope this helps, no judgement if you try and continue cause I have been there but I would try to do it myself first.

    Good Luck.
  • I agree they are bad news. I took them years ago. You couldn't pay me to take one now. Good Luck with diet pills. they are short term and you will gain the weight back.
  • I too was prescribed this drug about 4 weeks ago and have had no bad side effects. I have never taken a weight loss drug before and was never really into the fad diets or anything...did Weight Watchers about 10 years ago and liked that...just couldn't afford it this time around. I do drink a lot of water - but always did before. The weight consult I went to was with a PA who only prescribes it after an hour consult and if you are 30% over BMI.
    I do have to have monthly checkups and I am not sure how long she intends to allow me to stay on it. I never researched anything - except my brother-in-law has been on it along with another drug for about 6 months and has seen amazing results. We were both told that without proper diet and exercise this drug would have no effect. Definately curbs your appetite. I was struggling to maintain 1,000 calories per day for the first couple weeks but now am doing fine - staying in the 1,000-1,200 range most days and combining it with 30-60 minutes of exercise per day. I have lost 26 pounds in 6 weeks...although 12 of those were lost before starting the drug. My weight has always been up and down and finally at the age of 36 I feel like I have control and I am actually starting to like exercise for the first time in my life. Try something new - I am in love with Kettlebells (found a class at a local gym). GOOD LUCK to you - think long term not short term
  • I think It depends on the person. I've always played sports through out school but was always on the heavy side, so I know to begin with my heart was good. I started taking phentermine AFTER I took 2 months to eat right and exercise. This way I knew I could eat right without phentermine. This is why I say it depends on the person. Do you plan on eating right and exercise when your off of it? Then I think you should take it with a doctors watch. I lost 10 pounds on my own before phentermine, then started losing about a pound a day with phentermine ( I've been on it for 3 days now). 3 effecs from phentermine: sleeplessness, bunch of energy, no a
    Appetite. Good luck!
  • Shaneekwa
    Shaneekwa Posts: 130 Member
    A few years ago my doctor prescribed it and I actually lost the weight. The one thing the doctor did not tell me is to train my body to eat properly...(portions and more healthy meals). I ended up gaining the weight back because of it but it really does work. Like someone mentioned...drink lots of water (more than normal). You will find yourself extremely thirsty. Also, make sure you're sticking to a healthy diet...especially when you get off the pills. If I knew that what I know now I'm sure I would not have gained the weight back
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    I took it years ago and had good results. I lost about 45lbs with it, and I managed to keep it off for about a year and a half to two years. However, between allowing bad habits to creep back in and health issues that contribute to weight gain, I gained it all back and then some.

    It works great as a way to help take the weight off, but it will be up to you to keep it off. Use the time you are on it to teach yourself good eating habits while you don't have an appetite for the junk food. Also, make it a habit to exercise every day. You'll have to hold to these habits after you come off the pill to maintain your goal weight. I would further advise you NOT to deviate in any way from taking the pill as prescribed by your doctor. Too many people get this Rx and then take more than is prescribed. This is very dangerous. There are stimulants in the pill that raise your heart rate. If you take too much at a time, you could cause yourself to go into cardiac arrest. There's a reason you can only get this drug by a prescription.
  • farmers_daughter
    farmers_daughter Posts: 1,632 Member
    I took it, it was the best thing I ever did, and the worst thing I ever did.

    Ask me right now, it's still the most disturbing and most horrid thing I've ever done in my life. Not becuse of any side effects, but the mental game I'm playing now.

    I was on it for about 6 months, and lost 30 lbs. The doc took me off of it, and slowly I gained every bit of it and then some back. I could not keep up with the "burn" of my metabolism, and the "suppressing of my appetite" that the pill alone gave me.

    I'm glad I took it, becuase physically I was down to 180. I really was, in real life I weighed 180lbs. wasn't a dream.

    I wish I would have never taken it because I can't get back down to that weight on my own, hell...I can't get down below 200, wait, let me be completely honest....I can't get down to 205....I only weigh 210. (for today anyway)

    It gave me motivation, I saw the weight drop, I wanted to do more, I wanted to get out and be active....when I was off teh pill, that mental game was over, no longer did I have all this energy to "want" to get out and move, no longer did I push as hard as I did before.
    I hate myself today because I know that my metabolism will never be what it was with that pill, I'll never get to 180 again. I'm sad pretty much every day because of it, (yes, I can temporarily keep myself busy enough to get my mind off of it, every once in a while) but it is an every day battle. I stare at pictures of myself when I was that small. I cry, YES, I see a therapist over it, we haven't yet figured out what the real issue is or how to fix it.

    So, not everyone is going to be like me, but I'm going to say my case is somewhat extreme....but I am as plain Jane, everyday woman as you can get. If you're prepared for the emotional roller coaster after wards...yes take it.

    There's no amount of words anyone can say right now that will make you change your mind, your going to see results, and you will keep taking it. It's what the pill is supposed to do. Amp you up.

    Hope this helps.
  • Let's see where to begin I have a true love hate relationship with the med. I have taken it off and on since high school. I truly do love it and it has always worked for me. My greatest success story is losing 67lbs in 6 months this was achieved with lots of exercise and what I thought at the time to be a healthy diet(really wasnt'). After I stopped taking it I also stopped working out and ate whatever I wanted and gained it all back and then some. I was working night shift about a year ago and couldn't stay awake on my days off I would sleep 14-16 hours straight. It was miserable. My PCP prescribed me Phentermine at this time to help me stay awake and to lose weight I was at my biggest at this point. I took it off and on pretty much on my days off really to just stay awake and it worked and curbbed my appetite and I never have any side effects from this med. Everytime in the past when I have taken it daily and then stopped I always gain the weight back but now that I only take it a few days a week it seems to work best for me. I never took phentermine on the weekends because I usually drank on the weekends and you arent't supposed to drink with the med. I say go for it if you don't have the side effects and make sure you monitor your blood pressure! Good Luck!
  • I took it, it was the best thing I ever did, and the worst thing I ever did.

    Ask me right now, it's still the most disturbing and most horrid thing I've ever done in my life. Not becuse of any side effects, but the mental game I'm playing now.

    I was on it for about 6 months, and lost 30 lbs. The doc took me off of it, and slowly I gained every bit of it and then some back. I could not keep up with the "burn" of my metabolism, and the "suppressing of my appetite" that the pill alone gave me.

    I'm glad I took it, becuase physically I was down to 180. I really was, in real life I weighed 180lbs. wasn't a dream.

    I wish I would have never taken it because I can't get back down to that weight on my own, hell...I can't get down below 200, wait, let me be completely honest....I can't get down to 205....I only weigh 210. (for today anyway)

    It gave me motivation, I saw the weight drop, I wanted to do more, I wanted to get out and be active....when I was off teh pill, that mental game was over, no longer did I have all this energy to "want" to get out and move, no longer did I push as hard as I did before.
    I hate myself today because I know that my metabolism will never be what it was with that pill, I'll never get to 180 again. I'm sad pretty much every day because of it, (yes, I can temporarily keep myself busy enough to get my mind off of it, every once in a while) but it is an every day battle. I stare at pictures of myself when I was that small. I cry, YES, I see a therapist over it, we haven't yet figured out what the real issue is or how to fix it.

    So, not everyone is going to be like me, but I'm going to say my case is somewhat extreme....but I am as plain Jane, everyday woman as you can get. If you're prepared for the emotional roller coaster after wards...yes take it.

    There's no amount of words anyone can say right now that will make you change your mind, your going to see results, and you will keep taking it. It's what the pill is supposed to do. Amp you up.

    Hope this helps.

    Having the mindset that you'll never get to 180 is for sure going to impede any success you may have. You CAN get down to 180, metabolisms CAN be fixed. Yes it's not going to be as extreme as the pill, especially the energy and appetite suppression. But you just have to suck it up and do it, the energy is there you just don't believe it. You're stuck in the "poor me, I will never get down to x amount of weight"

    I'm not trying to be mean, not by a long shot. But I've seen attitudes such as yours for sure set people up for failure, and not just in weight gain.
  • zbmb30
    zbmb30 Posts: 177 Member
    I've taken Phentermine a couple of times. The first time I lost about 20 pounds in about a month and a half's time. I was working out around 5-6 days a week and following a diet as well. That weight stayed off for the most part for about 2 years.

    The second time i took it, I ended up not staying on it very long at all. I started getting naseous feelings and a racing heart. The people that prescribed it for me that time didn't really seem interested in my health, so I quit it.

    The third time was this past fall. I took it from the end of October to the middle of January. I lost quite a bit of inches, 10 pounds, and my stomach got flatter. I really liked it because it gave me energy to get through a 10 hour work day and an hour and a half workout. In the middle of January I started having blood pressure issues. I usually have right on perfect blood pressure, but all of a sudden it was skyrocketing. I wasn't taking any other medications or drinking a lot of caffiene (I would go through ten bottles of water at work). When I quit taking the pills, my blood pressure went back to it's normal.

    If you take it, try and learn the right eating habits and keep a regular exercise regimen. If you start to feel different like something isn't right, stop them and call your doctor.