New to MyFitnessPal!

Hello Everyone! Hoping to find some more friends on here! I hope that we can motivate eachother! I'm 22yrs old and need to loose about 40-50 pds. I'm starting at 210. I'd love to have some ppl starting at the same weight help me out but I don't care who you are or what your weight is because were all here for one thing right? To loose! :-) Feel free to add me if you want!


  • interceptor311
    interceptor311 Posts: 980 Member
    Good luck :-)
  • feel free to add me, im always up for a chat , and always here for support :)
  • Yup I think this site is great I just discovered the message boards they say you lose more when you add friends.:smile:
  • Mariabellantoni
    Mariabellantoni Posts: 26 Member
    Hi my name is Maria & I new to the site as well. Im hoping to find some support to lose all this weight Ive gained. Feel free to add me if you would like support. good luck.
  • Hi, my niece turned me onto this site and I think it will help me mucho. I am going to tell all my friends too. I need to lose 20 pounds. If I can help anybody, let me know.
    I live in East Texas, Have grandchildren, been married 25 years, Ride a bike and just enjoy life.