All This Work for This?



  • PediDocChicago
    PediDocChicago Posts: 26 Member
    Try some strength training to mix it up! Your body gets used to the cardio (if you're doing the same stuff) very quickly. I was having a similar problem, and when I started doing strength training 2x per week, I started to see results. Also, sometimes you'll slow down for a week or two, but then the next week you'll see really good progress! I've only lost 7 lbs in 2 months... but you just have to keep at it! Don't be discouraged, at least you are moving in the right direction.
  • If you can't be helpful, keep your attitude to yourself. She's asking a legitimate question. (in response to Misiaxcore)
  • brittanidigby
    brittanidigby Posts: 247 Member
    I wouldn't be complaining if I lost 5lbs in a month.
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    There are a hundred different things that could cause the lack of weight loss. What's your water intake like? What's your fiber intake like? What type of workouts are you doing? Did you take measurements? Are you weighing at the same time each time you weigh? Did you weigh during that time? Did you weigh the day after a strenuous workout, where you were sore? Did you weigh a day after having a lot of sodium?
  • SmashleeWpg
    SmashleeWpg Posts: 566 Member
    Looking through your food journal for the past two weeks give or take, I notice one trend (and other replies have touched on this, but I'm going to go there again): SODIUM.

    It's CRAZY how much of an impact it can have on our bodies in terms of weight fluctuation, and that's before you even factor in time of month, weather, sleep patterns, stress levels, and all of the other wonderful things that affect our bodies on a daily basis.

    Think about how much water one teaspoon of salt can cause your body to retain? And then think about how much all that water weighs? It adds up very quickly, and there's your 4 pounds gain in a week!

    While the average American gets about 3,400 mg of sodium a day, here are the numbers you should be aiming for: the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend limiting sodium to less than 2,300 mg a day — or 1,500 mg if you're age 51 or older, or if you are black, or if you have high blood pressure, diabetes or chronic kidney disease.

    Try for the next several weeks to focus on filling on on non-processed, fresh, low-sodium food choices, and see if this makes a difference.

    And don't forget to drink a lot of water to keep things running smoothly!
  • NBransome
    NBransome Posts: 1 Member
    I just wanted to add that I tend to lose weight in chunks and then reach plateaus where I don't see any loss and sometimes gain a little bit. Those can be frustrating, and you have every right to feel discouraged (don't listen to people who are saying negative things on here that you shouldn't be complaining, it can be difficult to see that weight gain, especially when you are just starting out). But keep on trucking and eventually you will lose the weight. Alternatively, if you give up, you will just be back to where you started. You have to realize that there is no magic cure to quick weight loss, but slow and steady wins the race. You have to keep focused for as long as is proportional to the weight you want to lose. Also, I know I tend to gain when I am approaching my time of the month. Finally, keep in mind that muscle weighs more than fat and you are likely building muscle if you are working out more, but muscle will ultimately boost your metabolism and help you lose. Good luck!
  • mandylanerocks
    mandylanerocks Posts: 100 Member
    5 pounds is great!!! I've been logging on & trying again since December & I've only lost 12 pounds! its slow going, but its HEALTHY! I went on vacation. I didn't exercise once. I didn't log or even eat COMPLETELY HEALTHY. I didn't make horrible choices but I made good choices. Like, picking salads or fruit or vegetable. & I DIDN'T GAIN A POUND! I was so happy with myself :)
    you should be too!!!
  • chixdrag2
    chixdrag2 Posts: 19 Member
    I find that the goals that myfitnesspal set automatically for me were a little off, so don't go religiously by those numbers! It told me that I needed 1200 cal a day but the more I stuck to that the more I stayed the same. I think that number was too low and sending my body into starvation mode by slowing down my metabolism to compensate for the lack of calories...So I upped my calorie goals manually by about 200 calories and it seems to have worked - play with the numbers a little bit and experiment!
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,446 Member
    I have been plateauing for the last 3 weeks. This week I finally went down a pound. The prior 2 weeks I was down, up 2 pounds, down a pound up a pound and then finally I broke through and was back down to my current weight.

    The days I had more sodium I was up more. During TOM I was up a bit as well. The day after I did a heavier strength training workout I was up as well.

    Keep on being consistent and you'll get there.

    ** I was skimming your diary. Eat more produce! :)
  • PhoenyxRysyng
    PhoenyxRysyng Posts: 24 Member
    There are days when a change in my measurements can carry me through the effects of a gain - definitely check to see if you've made progress outside of the scale!
  • tretheb
    tretheb Posts: 42 Member
    you have hit a plateau.. just ride it out .. keep doing what your doing and it will pass ... you will start seeing results again.... i bet it can be frustrating but don't give up
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    I'm confused. You've set your MFP goals to lose 1.5/week. In a month, you've lost 5#. That's just 1# less than what you've set your goal for. I'm not sure what all the concern is about and why people are expressing concern for you, sympathizing with you, wanting to see your food diary to help you lose more, etc. That's a healthy weight loss. Congratulations!
  • chub_b_gone
    chub_b_gone Posts: 18 Member
    Im an honest person so dont take this the wrong way. I looked at your food diary and you have a few glaring problems. The way you are eating you should be happy to lose 5 lbs. Its not easy but better food choices and making it a lifestyle change will help you keep the weight off for good.
    1) fast food for breakfast, you need to try and eat at home or pack it up the night before and take it to work w/ you..same w/ lunch
    2) sodium
    3) you take in more calories from snacks then you do regular meals some days
    4) no water in take or your not tracking it, you need water to flush out your system and youll find that you dont crave all the salt by doing so
    Try and keep all meals about the same amount of calories 300-400 that will keep you from over eating at any one meal.
    Find a water bottle that you love to drink from and take it w/ you everywhere.
    Buy fresh fruit and keep it on hand for when you want a snack
    Add more veggies to each meal, you can eat 2 cups of spinach and its only 20 calories and makes and awesome salad
  • treetop57
    treetop57 Posts: 1,578 Member
    You've set your MFP goals to lose 1.5/week. In a month, you've lost 5#. That's just 1# less than what you've set your goal for. I'm not sure what all the concern is about and why people are expressing concern for you, sympathizing with you, wanting to see your food diary to help you lose more, etc. That's a healthy weight loss. Congratulations!

    Just wanted to see that again!
  • doreenwc
    doreenwc Posts: 13 Member
    I know slow and steady if the way to go in most circles of thought but I will just put a thought out there. I lost 147 lbs in 8 months. I am hovering withing 10 lbs of that loss for 5 months. If you do the diet correctly, they guarantee 15 lbs off a month. It is healthy eating (fruits veggies and milk) as well as healthy accupressure-- no meds unless you include vitamins as meds =)

    I am not part of the company, just a client that LOVES the results she received and want to share. Besides I can use the motivation from others to keep the 147 lbs off as I am a food addict :(

    anyway.. also called the (can be dont by going to the offices in NY and NJ or online long distance)

    I lost 20 lbs a month, averaged 5 lbs a week. After the first week had LOTS of energy, there is no exercise during the diet unless you arleady do (due to the low calorie intake it would only be counter productive and make you hungry), my acne cleared up, many people had their doctors test them resulting in meds being reduced etc!... Feel free to ask me.

    Either way would love to make some friends and help motivate one another to get it off/keep it off.

  • StrongandTender
    StrongandTender Posts: 44 Member
    I went through all these responses multiple times, and except for 5 got a lot of food for thought, advice, support, and compassion.

    I thought about responding to those 5, but then realized thinking of averages works for inconsiderate/inaccurate/rude/harsh responses to posts, too. As my 5lb/month rate of loss is acceptable and even good although there was a 4lb gain in there, the 70 supportive comments are the ones I intend to continue rereading and using to keep my momentum going.

    Thank you again for your thoughtful responses and offering me support and assistance.
  • 2012asv
    2012asv Posts: 702 Member
    I have worked out harder than I ever have in my entire life... and lost all but 5 pounds. However, I was not eating enough. Also I've noticed muscles forming and things ARE changing, just not on the scale.
    Are you using weights? If not i would highly recommend it. Even small ones- I started with 1 lb wieghts!! Now i'm on 5 lbs and i can really feel and see the difference.
    Good luck to you .
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    When I wasn't eating enough I stopped losing weight and started losing muscle.

    I eat back most of my exercise cals and increase protein and I am now losing fat and gaining muscle.

    Try making yourself some chicken or steak for dinner. I loooove treating myself to a home cooked steak at least one a week. I also found greek yogurt to be a great snack, high in protein, probiotics and yummy! I like the oikos lime the best. Sometimes I'll have one for breakfast or as an after dinner snack
  • georgina1970
    georgina1970 Posts: 333 Member
    be thankful that your hard work is actually showing on the scales. 11wks on the programme, no cheating and I've only lost 3lbs/1.5kgs. Take your measurements once a month, they will tell the real story of how hard you're working!
  • BreK51
    BreK51 Posts: 19 Member
    If I am under my calorie allowance and exercise I notice I do not do as well as when I eat my calories and exercise. The body will go into starvation mode and fight your loss. Just what I have noticed.