Lost my way.

Not posted before, thought I could do this on my own. I was doing OK, then whoops!! lost my way. Have put back on what I lost, plus an extra 5 lbs. Emotional eating and drinking. Need to get back into it again but think I need extra support to keep me in check. Head is now clear and back feeling motivated and positive. Think maybe if I had a few friends to keep me motivated I might keep going this time. I can offer the same support back. x


  • tami101
    tami101 Posts: 617 Member
    Lost my way a few times as well, I joined mfp in Jan. and I really love it! I think this format is really going to help me stay on track. Feel free to add me if you like.
  • Sent you an add request! :)
  • tuppance
    tuppance Posts: 132 Member
    Well done for getting back on the horse so to speak, I have lost my way a few times too but MFP seems to be helping me stay on the straight and narrow

    Feel free to add me too if you like
  • lyninit2winit
    lyninit2winit Posts: 70 Member
    Trying to do better this is hard. I am bloated and have reflux. i am trying to do a natural weight loss pill too. Sick of this. Over 200 lbs is the biggest I have ever been and I am struggling ! I have logged in this week but last time was 3 weeks ago. When I weighed in Jan i was 222.5 now I am 213. I need someone to help me stay motivated.
  • Add me if you like!:smile:
  • Same here...lost about 20 lbs 2 years ago and then gained back all plus 10!! Very depressed right now over 200+ is not fun...
    Need some motivation. Empty nest with my girls gone, hubby LOVES pizza and its all bringing me down. :( I guess just looking for that Kick In the A** needed to get back on track.
  • hi, i only have 1 friend that does this and i would like more please add me if you want... i dont know how to add people :)
  • I am struggling to with staying with it, have lost 8 pounds since Jan, I'm not finding it easy with work shifts and studying, however I am still keeping up with my Wii Yoga routine, I'm also on a wheat and gluten free diet, which tends to quite a bit higher in calories, anyway that's enough of my excuses. So what I'm saying is you can add me and maybe us girls can all jolly each other up, regardless of whatever else we have to deal with in our lives, let's do something for ourselves. :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • Hi!

    I lost my way quite a few times to.

    Lost 16 pound last year and it's all back!

    So now I'm here on MFP and do my best to stay motivated! I added you so we can help each other :)
  • purpleface
    purpleface Posts: 21 Member
    I'm the same! I lost 17 pounds & then gained 9 over Christmas :(

    Lets do this!
  • paisley2288
    paisley2288 Posts: 913 Member
    Hey, if you guys would like something fun to do that includes lots of people, I created a group today. It's The March Challenge. A group of us commented on a thread and came up with different exercises to do for the month of March. Here's the link. Hope you join! http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups
  • kcragg
    kcragg Posts: 239 Member
    I think when you start on this journey you can lose your way until you get the correct mindset. I do think using MFP really helps if you log your food and exercise daily. Also I love the fact that if you do exercise you can eat more (healthy food of course!).

    Just keep trying, you will get there. I thought I never would but I have:)

    You are welcome to add me.

    Good luck:smile:
  • JusPrettyMe
    JusPrettyMe Posts: 26 Member
    We've all lost our way at some point...I guess. Im usually a self starter, self-motivated person; but NOT when it comes to diet and exercise! And it doesn't help that my boyfriend is itty bitty and LOVES to bring his junk food home! Anyways, you guys feel free to add me and we'll see what we can work out!
  • Add me if you would like!:smile:
  • Hi

    Sent you an add request. Know what you mean about losing your way I have done it many times. Tried all sorts of diets in the past and put any loss back on plus a bit more. This site is great and after a week I have really got into it and am enjoying the support and motivation provided.
  • Sul3i
    Sul3i Posts: 553 Member
    Always a brand new day to start fresh! Welcome back!
  • optimaltouch
    optimaltouch Posts: 31 Member
    Same here. Lost 20 pounds, gained 10 back. Gotta stop emotional eating.
  • Good Morning! I have just started this journey on here myself for support, guidance and I alos love to motivate others but usually it's face to face. Sign me up and we can chat back and forth if you'd like!

    You can do this! Minute to minute, I say to myself. I have an addictive personality and the best way for myself to go into this is thinking of food as my addiction and security blanket. I have switched around the past few years from smoking, drinking, sugary foods, fattening foods, blah blah blah. There's more time for that another day!

    So tell me about you! where do you live? what do you like to do? who do you have for a face to face support group?

    My Mama shared with me the other day something they talk about in Weight Watchers is to just move, so I commute and I have been tapping my foot, shaking my hips and doing bicep curls on the 180 mile around trip I do twice a week for school. I have to say I have notcied some firmness :) Whoot WHHOOT!!


  • I'm on board!!!!!!!!!
  • rdsxgrl28
    rdsxgrl28 Posts: 165 Member
    Same reason I am here. Lost tons then bounced back about 40-50 so here to work on it.

    feel free to add me if you would like.