running question

after work today i was going to run two miles and then run the hill by where i work should i just do the two miles or is it ok to do both


  • mabrywynn
    mabrywynn Posts: 64 Member
    do both! You can always stop or walk if you get too tired. But there is no reason for it to be a problem.
  • gmpearson
    gmpearson Posts: 138 Member
    Do both as long as you can! Running uphill taxes your lungs and helps build your VO2 MAx (ability to get oxygen to your muscles), where running downhill will tax your leg muscles and build your agility. Running hills is definitely harder than running on level ground, but the workout is super beneficial.

    If you are aspiring to be a "runner" per se, or one who wants to run as a primary form of fitness, it is best to incorporate many facets of running:

    1. Mid to long distances to build endurance
    2. Intervals to build speed
    3. Hills to build strength and agility
    4. Various surfaces (concrete, trails, grass, track, treadmill) to train joints and muscles on various impact types
    5. Strength training and dynamic stretching (post-run) to prevent injury