calories burned during whoopie

Why does MFP does not let us use our intimate moments as cardio workout.... I found my way around it by selecting wrestling , and cut the time in half since I don't think I exerted myself as much If I was wrestling ,.. maybe next time I will ..LOL ..... But it would be interesting to have options on slow, medium, fast .... top, bottom.. etc...... am I alone ? Hope I didn't offend any one.....


  • recker80
    recker80 Posts: 19 Member
    i agree lol. its true. we should be able to track any activity that is above the "laying in bed status".
  • liog
    liog Posts: 347 Member

    I guess you could wear a HRM to give you a calorie count.
  • parvati
    parvati Posts: 432 Member
    Mine has a chest strap.... I have a visual & it's not very sexy!!! Lol

    I guess you could wear a HRM to give you a calorie count.
  • bwallner1971
    bwallner1971 Posts: 41 Member
    Wrestling LMAO!!! I was wondering this same thing.
  • npeters519
    npeters519 Posts: 87 Member

    I once logged it as "horseback riding, general" Figured that was the appropriate choice due to positioning....
  • Raclex
    Raclex Posts: 238

    I once logged it as "horseback riding, general" Figured that was the appropriate choice due to positioning....

    That's hilarious! I log it as speed walking, 4mph!
  • LOL Those are so funny !!
  • erinnnnn
    erinnnnn Posts: 1 Member
    LOL. I always think of that too but I don't end up sweating much so I wonder if i should even count it!
  • mugsisme
    mugsisme Posts: 127 Member
    They also don't let you log house work. When I spend 45 mins scrubbing my mirrors vigorously and vacuuming I figure I earned the calories burned. (I actually googled them and found a site that has a calorie burned counter.)
  • Well , I googled a few sites.... I think I like the amount of calories burned when MFP calls it Wresting..... But now I know that it all depends on , shape, position, bed size., in the mood or not in the mood, if begging starts it or foreplay takes place...if you do it out of boredom or curiosity.or if it is an emergency !!! .. ( WTH ) TOO scientific here... WAS hoping for just a general Number !!!