need encouragement to cut down the alcohol

I have such discipline during the week as far as staying healthy. However, every weekend I find myself drinking too much socially. I am considering seriously cutting it out of my life (at least for awhile), but I think I really need some support. How do you handle social situations where a majority of your friends drink?


  • MalibuBeth
    MalibuBeth Posts: 87 Member
  • hollyberry2012
    Do you want to cut down on the drinking because of the calories or the alcohol or both?
  • MalibuBeth
    MalibuBeth Posts: 87 Member
    well, i tend not to eat as much real food because i know of the cost of calories. also, i just generally don't feel the greatest after drinking. so i guess both. it's just SO hard because my social circle really is surrounded by alcohol all the time, and i have SUCH a hard time saying no.
  • crysmcd1
    i would just make it a point to make a decision and stick to it. maybe while out have them put your "drink" in a glass with a lime wedge and in turn your friends will believe you are actually drinking? i gave up alcohol in december. not that i had a problem with it, but i made the decision to lose weight, losing the alcohol was part of the deal. and im sure your friends will understand if you tell them why you're doing it. hope this helps. :)
  • hollyberry2012
    You are such a beautiful young lady. I say find just one thing to do on the weekend that is outside your comfort zone. Just one. And then report back to us how that makes you feel and how it changed your behavior the rest of the day and weekend.
  • secoke
    secoke Posts: 69 Member
    This has been a hard one for me too! During the week it isn't that big a deal, but if my husband opens up a bottle of wine and pours me a glass, or we go out with friends, forget it!

    I don't know if when you go out you need a DD but volunteering to be the DD has helped me keep my drinking in check since I know people are depending on me to get back home. Also if I know I'm going out at night I will usually put in my drinks on my food log earlier in the day so I can see before I even start drinking what I'm looking at calorie wise (it helps that I always drink the same thing).

    Hope that helps and good luck.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    It's extremely tough, but once you get started it gets easier. I gave up drinking for lent one year, but still forced myself to go out because I didn't think it counted if I didn't have the temptation. The first week was BRUTAL...but it got easier. My friends got used to it too, and it stopped being awkward after a while as well.
  • chellyhuff
    It's not easy. I can tell you that I started drinking a glass of water so I had something in my hand. The sugars alone in alcohol will kill any fitness goal. On a side note if you are around smoking (first hand or second) and drinking it's dangerous. Look up Esophageal cancer. It's the only way you can get it. It was sobering enough for me. lol. Good Luck.
  • SuffolkSally
    SuffolkSally Posts: 964 Member
    I have every sympathy as I struggle myself. If I'm out socially I find it really hard to just "have one" even though as I only drink wine that wouldn't be too bad for calories. Like you, most of my friends drink, some heavily. I made the decision to really go for weight loss and to cut out the alcohol completely. I've just told everyone as I go that that's what I'm doing. They've mostly been sympathetic, admiring, or incredulous! Some have said perhaps they should do the same, but I've made it clear that it's just something I'm doing for myself, not any kind of criticism of them. I've actually really enjoyed being sober! I've been very popular as the nominated driver so it hasn't damaged my social life, but on the other hand I've done lots of things I wouldn't normally do and met a whole bunch of other people outside the usual drinking circles. It has made me realise (not that I'd ever say or show it) just how boring drunk people can be...
  • missystinky
    missystinky Posts: 15 Member
    I'm with you. By the time the weekend comes, I want to relax and unwind. I did read that red wine is the lesser of evils. LOL Happens to be my poison.

    Maybe limit yourself to 2 drinks, on social nights. Then have a soda (or cranberry juice). So you're not empty handed. Helps having to "undo" all the damage during the week.
    I did just read an article that most women who work out hard, drink hard too. Interesting but sad.
    Good luck.
  • MalibuBeth
    MalibuBeth Posts: 87 Member
    Thank you SO much guys. This is definitely the kind of support I am looking for! Hoping I can make a change this weekend!
  • Bpothik13
    Bpothik13 Posts: 135 Member
    I feel your pain...I am also a social drinker on the weekends and that often begets other unhealthy choices (the late night fast food run and the cigarette that I crave with the alcohol), so I am also considering going on the wagon, as well.

    I don't know that I have any good advice other than having supportive friends who understand is most important. One other thing was that I was reading on Yahoo last night about "20 Metabolism Boosters" and they said alcohol will totally impede it, si I guess I need to keep that in mind, as well.

    Best of luck to you!
  • IveLanded
    IveLanded Posts: 797 Member
    I completely understand. For me, I just went cold turkey for a month. I bowed out of most social events and stayed home and didn't drink at all. And, honestly, it wasn't that bad. And once I was in the habit of NOT drinking, it was easy once I DID go out to just have 1 drink.

    I also make sure to eat and hydrate appropriately if I know I'm going to be drinking.

    I have found that after going a month cold turkey, my tolerance is way down, which is nice because I drink less. And also, if I do drink more, I feel worse. That is definitely encouragement to take it easy!
  • Krohnie
    Krohnie Posts: 286 Member
    I decided that I was going to give it up for lent, and by the time we got home from a stressful day of work followed by a long ash wednesday service with two little kids, I was ready for a drink, and I had one. Then this weekend I had a few too many, and all that go along with that- eating while drinking and the day of the hangover the next day!! So I'm going to do it. I'm done with alcohol for the rest of lent. I'm really struggling with motivation and having any weight loss at all, so hopefully this will be the push over the hump for me!! Good Luck- feel free to friend me if you want!
  • djgmom
    djgmom Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in the same boat...I'm a beer drinker so you know that goes right around your middle. And I would have a couple every night just to relax from my crazy life with kids. I stopped doing that last week and boy was it hard. I did let myself have a couple on Saturday as a treat, but I really have to tell myself mentally to find something else to do. My other problem is tasting everything I'm cooking about a dozen times before it even gets to the table. I love to cook and I probably eat all my meal calories just sampling and then sit down and eat a whole dinner. That is my biggest meal problem!
  • abrn93
    abrn93 Posts: 77 Member
    Maybe find a new circle for a while?
  • SuffolkSally
    SuffolkSally Posts: 964 Member
    I completely understand. For me, I just went cold turkey for a month. I bowed out of most social events and stayed home and didn't drink at all. And, honestly, it wasn't that bad. And once I was in the habit of NOT drinking, it was easy once I DID go out to just have 1 drink.

    I also make sure to eat and hydrate appropriately if I know I'm going to be drinking.

    I have found that after going a month cold turkey, my tolerance is way down, which is nice because I drink less. And also, if I do drink more, I feel worse. That is definitely encouragement to take it easy!

    Oh that's so encouraging! I've been wondering how it will be if I allow myself to drink again - I haven't had any cravings, and if like you can stick to one I shall be so happy!
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    I drink, socially, and I enjoy having a few cocktails with my friends or a glass of red wine in the evenings. That being said, I recently have cut back quite a bit on my social cocktails. Offering to be the DD once a month or so really helps, because obviously I'm not going to drink if I'm driving. And the other motivator to cut back, has been "do I want to lay in bed and feel like crap tomorrow, or do I want to go to the gym?" Gym it is! So last time I went out with friends I had a vodka soda, a glass of water, one more vodka soda, and then water with lime for the rest of the night. That way I had a drink in my hand so I didn't feel awkward, but I was sober and didn't use up all my calories on booze. Plus, I got up and went to the gym and had a great workout the next day!

    Alcohol ISN'T the enemy, but too much can be. At first it's hard to be out with your friends and not drink or take shots or whatever, but it gets easier because you get used to it. You can do it! Plus, everybody loves having a friend who doesn't mind driving every time :)
  • hapoo100
    hapoo100 Posts: 940 Member
    I drink, socially, and I enjoy having a few cocktails with my friends or a glass of red wine in the evenings. That being said, I recently have cut back quite a bit on my social cocktails. Offering to be the DD once a month or so really helps, because obviously I'm not going to drink if I'm driving. And the other motivator to cut back, has been "do I want to lay in bed and feel like crap tomorrow, or do I want to go to the gym?" Gym it is! So last time I went out with friends I had a vodka soda, a glass of water, one more vodka soda, and then water with lime for the rest of the night. That way I had a drink in my hand so I didn't feel awkward, but I was sober and didn't use up all my calories on booze. Plus, I got up and went to the gym and had a great workout the next day!

    Alcohol ISN'T the enemy, but too much can be. At first it's hard to be out with your friends and not drink or take shots or whatever, but it gets easier because you get used to it. You can do it! Plus, everybody loves having a friend who doesn't mind driving every time :)

    ^^this. I offer to be the i have 2 reasons to not drink. My health and they health of my passengers.
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,871 Member
    Maybe just get a drink or two and nurse it. I'm not overly fond of alcohol, so I can't speak from experience about cutting back, but I will tell you alcohol is definitely not required for a good time. Plus, think of the $$ you'll save! The DD idea is a good one, too.