Hey, you! Come a little closer.... I won't bite.

Hey All... I'm 6 weeks into MFP and I am loving it! 8 lbs down and I am feeling great. I have a few really supportfive friends, but I'm looking for a few more. I love friends that hold me accountable if i'm not logging in, not tracking my food, and not exercising. I will be sure to do the same!

A little about me.... I'm 31, engaged to to be married, and don't have any children (except a doggie, but I'm told I can't claim her on my taxes)

I work in a management position and am going to school for my MBA and planning a wedding (yeah I'm a little busy).

I would say that travel is my biggest hobby (albeit expenseive!) Went to England last September (where FH is from) and the prior year went a little travel crazy going to San Francisco, Washington DC, Toronto and Italy. Additionally, I lived in Trinidad and Tobago for a year while studying abroad (best food ever!!! Mixture of soul food and Indian = heaven. Needless to say I gained 20 lbs.) I also lived in Guatemala for 2 years while in the Peace Corps.

I can't wait to meet you all!!



  • Tiff587
    Tiff587 Posts: 264 Member
    Hi! Great post!
    Friend request sent!

    This site has made such a difference to my weight loss, I love having the support and I love seeing everyone's success on here! When I'm having a bad day seeing all my friends working, exercising and losing defiantly inspires me!

  • Hi Merrylea!

    Welcome to the fitness wagon! I'm in the middle of my MA in Literature and just got married two months ago, so I fully understand the stress of staying healthy in spite of a hectic schedule. I've just joined MFP a few days ago to help out with the process--trying to tone up after two years of crazy diets (20 pounds in two weeks? INSANE). I'm hoping that this will prove to be the tool I need to consistently build new habits without panic-dieting. Best of luck!
  • You all can request me to.... Having people in your corner that are rooting for you, and trying to obtain the same goal is great.
  • merrylea
    merrylea Posts: 34 Member
    I want to thank everyone for the amazing response. To say that I'm inspired is an understatement. I am so ready for this and I look forward to getting and giving support!
  • Sharonsimon
    Sharonsimon Posts: 56 Member
    I woud love to be your friend I need friends that take notice of things I don't do aswell as the things I do do your doing a great job keep it up and keep smiling ps I'm from uk
  • nickyeatrunread
    nickyeatrunread Posts: 173 Member
    Requesting! I'm 5 pounds down sofar (2 weeks since I actually started tracking, though I've had an acct since August) and am loving the support and accountability!
  • I am in a VERY similar position as you, working full time as an RN, going to school full time to obtain my BSN and then my MSN-NP, also planning a wedding with two doggies (I too tried to taxes...) It's all a lot to keep going with but I'll add you and we can keep each other motivated!
  • I want to thank everyone for the amazing response. To say that I'm inspired is an understatement. I am so ready for this and I look forward to getting and giving support!

    Awesome post merrylea! I have found this site to be fantastic for support and motivation. Continued success to you on your journey. Friend request sent! : )
  • VoodooLuLu
    VoodooLuLu Posts: 636 Member
    everyone feel free to add me!! the more support the better!!!
  • Heya! love your post :) I'm also engaged to be married woop Im from England tho :) love travelling, although i've not been outside of weurope as yet :o hehe you sound very motivated and cheerful, would love to be friends :) think my RL friends are bored of the same enthusiasm lol! :D ... and dogs should deffinetly count as mini people! ^_^
  • Mellocare
    Mellocare Posts: 47 Member
    Cool, it's nice to meet you! I'm 18, live in Kentucky and could use more friends on my list. The more support the better, I always say. I try to keep up with everyone I add and am not afraid to give suggestions or gentle nudges if desired. :)
  • Adding you now!

    Welcome and good luck in this adventure :)