Weight Watchers v MFP



  • aj_gettingfit
    I have a WW membership until mid March. I thought joining a tthe beginning of the year would give me the push I needed again but it hasn't. I lost 40 lbs on the old plan but this new PointsPlus program doesn't seem to work for me. It has worked for a lot and maybe its just me and I'm not being dedicated enough or something but I can't seem to make it work for me. I came back to MFP on Wednesday so we'll see if I can have some success on here.
  • lrichardson2360
    lrichardson2360 Posts: 225 Member
    I am doing both and have just found success with both. With MFPs I stay connected with other people who are going through the same journey and share stories and tips and with weight watchers its just more of an accountability thing in addition to sharing in meetings things that work and don't work. I don't think its a lose lose situation. Just try it and see what works best for you. You can always cancel WW...maybe you can get connected with some different people and learn something new that you didn't know before. Hope this helps!

    This ^^^ I'm doing both, I like both and since September I'm down 31 lbs.
  • sparkly96
    I did weight watchers and lost 39lbs a few years back. I tried it again a few years ago and it was different. I got tired of hearing at meetings "why are you even here". I'm 4'11 and weighed in at 156 thats why im here. Of course the people who said this to me had more weight to lose but it was annoying. So i tried weight watcehrs online which was good. It's a good program and i was successful but find that i learned everything there is to learn from meetings. Anytime i needed to lose weight i go back to what i learned from them and it seems to work with out spending the money or hearing stupid comments. The online program can get costly. MFP is great because it offers the message boards, food and exercise diaries like weight watchers online BUT it's free.
  • thedeegan4
    thedeegan4 Posts: 422 Member
    I joined WW a few years back, and followed it religiously the first week... Imagine my dismay when I saw a weight gain of 3 pounds.

    My first week following MFP: I lost 6 pounds. And MFP is free!

    Food is not comprised of points - it's comprised of carbs/proteins/fats and other nutrients. And that's what a person needs to learn to track to learn lifelong healthy eating habits. Points = gimmick.

    Just my .02 :)

    If you only stuck wiht it for a week, that might be why you are so against it. I have learned so much from WW...more than I learn on here. Food isn't all about calories either. My mom has lost over 50 pounds on WW (and kept it off for many years). I lost 26 when I joined the first time (and kept it off). I know many other people as well that have had a lot of success with WW. To each his/her own.
  • MrsSherrill
    I have done WW before and honestly i hated that i had to pay for it, it didnt motivate me and i was in school so i didnt have the time to go to meetings or time to cook things at home since i was never there so i had to buy all ww frozen or premaid foods which were ok but never really filled me up. and even that got expensive. again, maybe its because i didnt have the time to do it the right way but honesly since day 1 on MFP i LOVE it. its free and soooo easy. i have learned so much and know how to eat correctly. i know how to eat normal and everday foods based on calories NOT POINTS, which i never understood how that worked. Also, the stuff on ww kept changing, like the box would have a certain amount of points on it then when i entered it into the system on the computer it would be a different amount than what they had on the box. it kept chaning to much so it wasnt consistant. for me its easier to just learn to eat nautral foods with calorie counting vs points because i would probably have a hard time figuring out points even after i would be off the program ... just seems like extra work. why worry about points when calories are so much easier to keep track of. my again, thats just me. different things work for different people. i like the freedom i have with my food and workout choices that MFP gives me.
  • dawnstrassburg
    I did WW and lost about 7 pounds in a month, but constantly calculating all the poitns was a pain and I gave up, that was 2 years ago. I started MFP on Jan 3rd, since then I have taken off almost 20 pounds and show no signs of stopping!!!!
  • lovinmysoldier
    lovinmysoldier Posts: 156 Member
    I say if you are looking for something new and WW seems right for you then go for it. I LOVE WW! I did it a year ago (along with many other times) and it really got me off to a good start. After about 6 months I got burned out and found something new. It was great place for me to start to get my eating under control and then mentally I just needed something new. I have tried multiple different approaches and honestly they are all based on the same principle. You won't know until you try. Be sure to make yourself commit to at least doing it for a few weeks to a month before you decide it isn't for you to give your body time to adjust.
  • richelliott1
    richelliott1 Posts: 27 Member
    My Wife is doing WW and started the same time as I started (again) on MFP. She has lost 25lb in 5 weeks and I have lost 18lb in 5 weeks.... HOWEVER

    I don't think I like the PRO-POINTS system, I like the fact that you can eat any foods but for me that just would not work. I love the way MFP you track calories directly and not via a points system.

    Each to their own though so its whatever works, having your SO on the same journey though is fantastic!
  • fitzie63
    fitzie63 Posts: 508 Member
    bump for later
  • cPT_Helice
    I love, love, love WW and recommend it to anyone and everyone who wants to not only lose weight but keep it off and learn how to eat healthy. It is a lifestyle change and not just a diet. Yes, it can make you feel like you shouldn't be eating junk (as some other commented pointed out she was tired of feeling bad for eating stuff that is bad for her anyway). You know why? Because, for the most part, you shouldn't be eating junk. As for the comment about it not having the points available for your local baker. Neither does MFP have the cals for that. In fact, many of the values on here are wrong for both cals in AND out (burned). WW is accurate and it works if you work it. Period! There is a reason it is consistently rated so highly.
  • Pohudet
    Pohudet Posts: 179 Member
    I did ww, the online version, in the past, and it was successful. But this is much better! First of all, because it is easier to count calories rather than points! Second, mfp database is much bigger. Third, i like the forums here. Plus, its free! No-brainer for me.
  • xandra
    xandra Posts: 101 Member
    I joined WW a few years back, and followed it religiously the first week... Imagine my dismay when I saw a weight gain of 3 pounds.

    My first week following MFP: I lost 6 pounds. And MFP is free!

    Food is not comprised of points - it's comprised of carbs/proteins/fats and other nutrients. And that's what a person needs to learn to track to learn lifelong healthy eating habits. Points = gimmick.

    Just my .02 :)

    I totally agree. Calories are real world. Points are made up.
  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
    WW and MFP are both great, in my opinion.
    The only difference to me was the cost.
  • Char_marcus
    Char_marcus Posts: 141 Member
    I did WW a couple of years ago lost loads of weight, and when it switched to the new propoints i just couldn't get the hang of it everything was much more complicated and i ended up gaining even though i was sticking to plan.
    I have now joined slimming world as their plan is much more sensible and easier to follow and have lost 7lbs already in a week !
  • MakingProgress
    I've tried WW several times, but I am always hungry after a week or two. I start out fine, but after my points drop once or twice, I am starving. I may lose weight, at least until I completely lose it and eat everything in the kitchen, but eventually I stall out. And forget exercise ... Exercising on WW is a joke for me because once I start exercising, I start gaining. I can eat the exact number of points I'm given, and gain. I add back in the exercise point or two I get and still gain weight. I just don't think that for me, there's enough food.

    But not every diet works for every person. And if you're not in the right mindset it won't matter what eating plan you try ... whatever you do, good luck to you. :-)
  • daisy51981
    daisy51981 Posts: 166 Member
    I am currently doing WW PointsPlus etools ($12.95/month) and counting calories on MFP. Meetings are no longer available in the local area and I would have to drive an hour for the nearest meeting. I have done WW off and on since 2001 and quit each time because my friends would quit. I didn't have the willpower to go alone. I lost around 45 lbs in 2010 when the location closed. Both are excellent programs. I have 31 WW pts a day which is about 1200-1300 calories depending on the food. WW Pts are calculated by using fat, carbs, fiber, and protein. I'm not new to dieting at all and have at least 20 books and a ton of magazines on different diets but the main objective is to learn to eat healthy in a safe manner. If I didn't have a full time job, I would be sitting at home analyzing different diets, foods, and recipes to see what works for me and what doesn't. Whatever path you choose, I wish you the best of luck on your weight loss journey!
  • sallywilson06
    sallywilson06 Posts: 269 Member
    I did weight watchers a few years ago where I went to the meetings and had to weigh in every week. The only problem with it was that I could only go to the evening classes and I always bloat during the day with water weight so I would never be my exact weight until the morning. It was too costly as well and really if you know the points system and you know how much you are in-taking and putting out it is basically the same thing. Either way, good luck on your journey.
  • Gargwin82
    Gargwin82 Posts: 152 Member
    I managed to lose close to 60lbs on WW online. HOWEVER I felt really isolated. My reason from leaving WW is the stupid points system. It's a gimic to keep people paying. Just when you have purchased the books, the tracker (which they wouldn't sell to me since I didn't go to meetings I had to get a meeting member to smuggle me one), ect THEY CHANGED THE POINT CALCULATIONS! So EVERYTHING I had bought was now useless. Go to any second hand store and you'll see dozens of WW books that are no longer practical because they system has been changed.

    I like MFP, I like communicating with people, I like being able to figure out calories with simple math not points voodoo, I like not wasting my money!
  • Littlesparky09
    I use the old WW method. I don't bother with the new method as I know the old method works for me. I don't go to meetings or use the online tools, I use MFP for that. I get far more motivation from my friends on here and on the forums. As a PP said, I was also sick of other members at my WW meeting asking me what I was doing there because I wasn't fat enough (when I was close to goal weight). WW has had enough of my money over the years, wished I had discovered MFP a long time ago!
  • bessbla
    WW and MFP are both great, in my opinion.
    The only difference to me was the cost.

    I agree. I think if I had an amazing team leader running the meetings, I would have stuck with it, but I hated paying $40 a month just to have access to the e-tools function when the same function is on here for free.
    I tracked my WW points and MFP for two weeks and I felt I got more food with WW, which for me is not really a good thing.

    Whichever you choose is a choice in the right direction, so good luck!