Hi! I'm new!!! :)

Hi everyone! My name is Erin and I'm 23 years old. I just gave birth to a beautiful baby girl on January 28th so I'm really looking to slim down by summer time!! I'm currently a full time mommy/wife and starting Wednesday I'll also be a full time college student!

I made a MyFitnessPal account about 3 months ago while I was still pregnant, and I forgot all about it until a friend reminded me yesterday! I'm so excited to begin my journey to a healthier lifestyle and I'm really hoping to make a lot of new friends along the way!!

Feel free to add me to your friends! Encouragement from others is always a good thing to have!


  • Congratulations on your little cutie!
    Good luck to your weight loss, motherhood, and college. (:
    I added you. Feel free to message me anytime.
  • Congratulations on your little cutie!
    Good luck to your weight loss, motherhood, and college. (:
    I added you. Feel free to message me anytime.

    Thank you!!! Good luck on your goal as well! I really like this site, I have a feeling it's going to make things a bit more fun :)
  • Hi and congratulations on your baby! I too am trying to lose my baby weight, I gave birth to my second baby in October. Feel free to add me if you want any extra support :)
  • I have a 6 month old son and I am trying it lose my baby weight also. Feel free to add me.
  • Congratulations on the baby. Add me. The bigger the support, the bigger the success.
  • Congrats on becoming a Mommy! Kids are a wonderful blessing! I recently started using this site too. I just found out that I have a sensitivity to gluten and have had to drastically change my diet. After about 3 weeks I noticed I started losing weight and all of my health issues had improved. So I decided to start recording everything I eat in hopes of staying on track. Then last week I went and got a gym membership and have worked out four times already. I wish you great success and I'm here anytime you need support!
  • whayamean
    whayamean Posts: 50 Member
    Grats on the new baby! I'm trying to get a few more lbs off before we start trying for a 2nd and this has been a good place to keep help keep it all in line.
  • Yeah for new Mommy's and wanting to get back to their pre-baby bodies! My little guy will be four months old next month-time to stop putting weight loss off! Good luck to you!
  • VoodooLuLu
    VoodooLuLu Posts: 636 Member
    congrats with your little angel!!! all of you are welcome to add me!!!
  • I'll add you! I'm 21, in las vegas
  • Clarimusic00
    Clarimusic00 Posts: 96 Member
    I am always looking for more motivators and people to help motivate. I find it keeps me coming back everyday. So anyone is welcome to add me if you are still looking for motivators!
  • snlperdue93
    snlperdue93 Posts: 210 Member
    Congrats on your new little one! I too am a full time Mommy, wife and college student. I have 4 kids (two step) and I am trying to lose the baby weight from my youngest (age 8) that just has not budged....yet.... Feel free to add me if you want and good luck in your journey!
  • thank you so much everyone!! all this support will definitely make losing weight a lot more motivating and kinda fun!!
  • Feel free to add me too. I'm a stay at home/work from home mom. My youngest is 16 months and I'm trying to get back to my pre-baby body. I really enjoy this site and everything it offers. And, I'm fortunate to have meet some really fantastic and encouraging people on here. The more support the better for sure.

    Congrats on the new little one and good luck with your journey!
  • Congratulations on the new baby and being a college student!! All so exciting. Lots of luck!
    I sent you a friend request. :)
  • luvred51
    luvred51 Posts: 163 Member
    Congratulation's on the birth of your precious new bundle of joy. :flowerforyou:
  • Sharonsimon
    Sharonsimon Posts: 56 Member
    Wow new mum going to college and losing weight you are going to be busy I hope you have a great support network around you, I hope you achieve everything you set your mind to add me as a friend if you wish I will try to give you support when I can.,