Weigh in....

I'm new, introduced myself a little while ago but have a question....also, don't know if I am supposed to ask here or another board???
Anyway, I was wondering, when does everyone weigh themselves? I did this morning before I joined but now do I wait a week or what does everyone else do??? I am going to try my hardest to stay off the scale for a week *fingers crossed*


  • amstringham
    My plan is to weigh in once a week. I keep wanting to jump on the scale every morning, but I am hoping that if I wait a week, I will see more results?
  • sundance1983
    sundance1983 Posts: 9 Member
    Being a weight watcher follower for a while, we get told to weigh in once a week and where possible in the same place, same time and wearing same clothes (if poss) example i weigh a monday morning in my bathroom, with the scales in the same place and in my birthday suit. I ALWAYS have a sp (sneeky peek) during the week in the mornings but dont log it i just cant wait a whole week without seeing if ive done any good or not. Some people are dead against sp but each to there own :D

    Good Luck, its my first day too :D
  • ebsthename
    I weigh in once a week.... Typically Friday mornings.
  • itsuki
    itsuki Posts: 520 Member
    I weigh myself every day but only log it once a week. If seeing the number go up and down all week would bother you (it bothers a lot of people on this site, I've seen), then yeah, wait a week before you weigh again. If you're like me and you're just curious, and won't let a couple of pounds get you down, weigh in whenever you'd like. Weekly is pretty common around here.

    Just remember it's the overall change that matters, not the day-to-day.
  • timaeus_drache
    timaeus_drache Posts: 104 Member
    I've been doing every day, as soon as I wake up, but it doesn't really both me when the number goes up a bit or when it doesn't go down as much as I expected. Making it the first thing I do every morning gets my mind focused on the mission for the day. I wake up, weigh myself, and go eat breakfast with my goals in mind.
  • nakabi
    nakabi Posts: 589 Member
    I've been doing every day, as soon as I wake up, but it doesn't really both me when the number goes up a bit or when it doesn't go down as much as I expected. Making it the first thing I do every morning gets my mind focused on the mission for the day. I wake up, weigh myself, and go eat breakfast with my goals in mind.

  • jennifer52484
    jennifer52484 Posts: 888 Member
    I weigh in every morning around the same time. and then I email my weight to my trainer. Keeps you aware and accountable.
  • treesha450
    treesha450 Posts: 321 Member
    I weigh myself every day, sometimes several times a day. I record my weight every tuesday. I weigh myself in the morning after I pee. The reason I do it on tuesday is my days off of work are sun-mon-tue. I record my measurements once a month usually..
  • LadyBuell
    I officially weigh on Monday morning. As many others have said, I have the scale in the same spot and I am in my birthday suit. I do step on occasionally during the week just to see but I don't take any stock in those numbers.
  • nay1228
    nay1228 Posts: 64 Member
    Everyone has their own preferences, so do what feel right for you.
    I only log my weight once a week. Sometimes I do a spot check in the middle of the week, but not always.
    My hubby weighs himself every single day, and logs all his losses. That would drive me nuts!

    Good luck!