when will I see the results. Advice.

I need some impute and advice please. I have been working out and watching calories for over a month. I am showing almost no results from it. I would like to know if I just need to be more patient or if I'm doing something wrong. I did the 30 day shred workout. It's tough but a short workout. I finished it and I had a few days of rest and have started over. I am now on day 8 of it. I nearly have given up soda. I have it maybe once every two weeks. I try and drink 64oz of water a day but I haven't been able to finish all of it lately. I try to get in all the protein I'm supposed to. I also do elliptical machine 3 or 4 days a week 15-30 mins a session. I have a two year old though and I don't want to waste my whole day ignoring her and working out.

Now I have actually gained weight since working out. Which I'm assuming it has to be (at least some of it) muscle that I gained. I can tell I have gained some. MY body shows little improvement overall though. I just thought this muscle would start eating my fat and I would start looking leaner. I'm just frustrated. I workout, try and drink nothing but water and a lot of it, try and eat within my calories. I have been doing it for about 6 weeks with no visible results. I don't know what to do. Be more patient? Give up and save for liposuction?

Some additional info I am 5'1" I weigh 129lbs. I know that I'm not exactly over weight but I still have a lot of embarrassing midsection fat left over from pregnancy. It is so hard to get off. I have belly fat and huge love handles. I would like to lose inches. I would not mind the weight if I could just have a flat stomach and thinner love handles. Before baby I was 98lbs. I ate all the time and never gained. I packed on weight with the pregnancy over 50lbs. I really want to ideally be 115lbs though. Ok sorry for the novel.


  • russellma
    russellma Posts: 284 Member
    How many calories are you eating per day?
  • japruzze
    japruzze Posts: 453 Member
    Since your diary isn't open, I can't tell what and when you're eating. So its hard to make suggestions on ways to help. If you are showing a deficit in calories (burning more than you are consuming), you should be seeing a weight loss unless you aren't eating enough. If you think you are gaining muscle, then you should be able to see it and notice in your clothes. Muscle dosn't weigh more than fat. Its a volume thing. Think softball and golf ball. Both weigh the same but the softball (fat) is bigger and the golf ball (muscle). Also, losing weight isn't necessarily going to mean a flat(er) stomach. Losing fat will help, but toning is what you need to do and you can't spot tone. Although some serious ab work wouldn't hurt. Good luck. If you open your diary, I'll try to come back and take a look and see if I notice anything you may want to consider changing.
  • SFalconStorm
    SFalconStorm Posts: 77 Member
    If you're not used to vigorous exercise, it could be that you are retaining water to repair stressed muscles. Also, are you doing any resistance training? That's what really builds muscle. I'm not familiar with 30DS.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    I would say if you are new to working out that your muscle are retaining water to protect them and aid in recovery.
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    You only weigh 129 pounds. As far as weight loss goes, that's going to work against you. The less you have to lose the slower it comes off. Are you sure the stomach issue is actually fat and not loose skin from being pregnant? If it's loose skin it may only ever come off with surgery.
    PANZERIA Posts: 471 Member
    Honestly, it didn't take you one month to put on the weight, so it will take you more than a month to lose it.

    I have been working out hardcore for three years, and while in that time I've only lost about 30lbs, my fitness level is at a place where I can outdo any of my friends, I'm strong, and I exercise because I enjoy it.

    Keep going. It takes you 4 weeks to see results in yourself, 8 weeks for your friends and family, and 12 weeks for the rest of the world. Keep going and do this for you and your daughter - let her have a mommy for the rest of her lie.
  • lauehorn
    lauehorn Posts: 183
    Since your diary isn't open, I can't tell what and when you're eating. So its hard to make suggestions on ways to help. If you are showing a deficit in calories (burning more than you are consuming), you should be seeing a weight loss unless you aren't eating enough. If you think you are gaining muscle, then you should be able to see it and notice in your clothes. Muscle dosn't weigh more than fat. Its a volume thing. Think softball and golf ball. Both weigh the same but the softball (fat) is bigger and the golf ball (muscle). Also, losing weight isn't necessarily going to mean a flat(er) stomach. Losing fat will help, but toning is what you need to do and you can't spot tone. Although some serious ab work wouldn't hurt. Good luck. If you open your diary, I'll try to come back and take a look and see if I notice anything you may want to consider changing.

    Agree with this.

    Also, with 30DS, did you take measurements? That's a much better gauge for progress with any strength training based program than weight. You should see the inches coming off, even if the weight loss is stagnant or there is a small gain.

    We can't help with your diet without an open diary or more information about how much you are eating. You could be eating too little, which is common when folks start a weight loss program, because it seems counter intuitive to eat for loss.
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    You only weigh 129 pounds. As far as weight loss goes, that's going to work against you. The less you have to lose the slower it comes off. Are you sure the stomach issue is actually fat and not loose skin from being pregnant? If it's loose skin it may only ever come off with surgery.

    And chances are you aren't eating enough.
  • roander
    roander Posts: 192 Member
    You could be me. Except I'm 5/1 and weigh 154. I have had exactly the same experience as you! I've never exercised and I have a belly pooch. I eat right and almost always leave a deficit. I exercise 6x a week (JM Ripped in 30). My pants are no looser nor has my weight gone down more than 3 pounds in 8 weeks. Now I have age and daily medications against me, but still, NOTHING?? I'm not going to give up though. I feel things tightening up under there so I think I will do more cardio to help with the fat burning.
  • kchabby76
    Its going to take you AT LEAST 4-6 weeks of regular exercise and healthy diet to see any results. Weight loss is universal so you will lose all over, not just "trouble zones." If you drink enough water, (which is half your body weight in ounces), then you won't retain water. You have to eat LEAN protein, not just any protein. Remember to eat high fiber with the protein. You will be okay, just keep moving and give it more time. :)
  • Lisaliftsandruns
    I def do have belly fat and once I lose it I'm 90% sure I will have some saggy skin but I wouldn't mind it so much if I could get the belly fat off.

    I opened my diary but I'm scared what you guys will say because I was eating a lot of cheetos last week :blushing:

    I know that I gained an inch in my hips and waist since finishing the 30DS.
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    Um.. most days your diary is blank. Do you not track normally? A lot of the days you have filled in you aren't even hitting 1200 calories/day.
  • SunnyAndrsn
    SunnyAndrsn Posts: 369 Member
    While your long term goal is 115 pounds and a flatter tummy/decreased love handles, please take a look at the progress from a health POV. You've been exercising regularly for a month, and you are monitoring what you put in your mouth. This is a great step in the right direction, take pride in this!

    Many, many times I've "fallen off the wagon" because I became frustrated with how I *STILL* looked or what that the number on the scale was not the one I wanted. Had I stuck with it and looked at it from a health POV, I wouldn't be starting over now.
  • tretheb
    tretheb Posts: 42 Member
    i was not looking to lose weight just get in shape ... but .. i got this stair stepper .. and lost 5 pound fast ... kinda pisses me off ..LOL but the toning results was noticeable fast ... it's small and can be moved around easy .. and they say muscle weighs more than fat ... so expect some period of weight gain .. then it should start dropping when your muscle mass gets regulated ..
  • Lrt4uk
    Lrt4uk Posts: 174
    I def do have belly fat and once I lose it I'm 90% sure I will have some saggy skin but I wouldn't mind it so much if I could get the belly fat off.

    I opened my diary but I'm scared what you guys will say because I was eating a lot of cheetos last week :blushing:

    I know that I gained an inch in my hips and waist since finishing the 30DS.

    have you only been logging for a week?? It's hard to give advice based on just that, except that it appears that you've not been hitting your goal calories. I'm sure most will say you need to eat more.
  • Lisaliftsandruns
    some days I just don't fill it out correctly. I won't find what I am looking for or don't know how much I ate. I recentlyish started to keep up with it.

    I do have a question though With the added exercise to burn more than I take in I just stop when I hit the food one instead of the net one. Is that right? or should I always hit 1200 for the net?
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    some days I just don't fill it out correctly. I won't find what I am looking for or don't know how much I ate. I recentlyish started to keep up with it.

    I do have a question though With the added exercise to burn more than I take in I just stop when I hit the food one instead of the net one. Is that right? or should I always hit 1200 for the net?

    No your goal is your net goal. If MFP tells you you have x cals remaining you are supposed to eat those in order to lose your goal amount of weight, otherwise you may lose faster but will not be fueling your body properly.
  • DirrtyH
    DirrtyH Posts: 664 Member
    Since you havent' been logging very regularly it's hard to say, but I would recommend setting it to show you your sugar and sodium. I have a feeling you're going way over on those. While technically you should still lose weight while at a deficit even if your sugar and sodium are high, I would still recommend trying to stay within your daily goal for those.

    If you havent' been logging because you can't find the foods or don't know how much you ate, how can you know you're eating within your calorie goal? It is really really easy to underestimate your calories. You really need to get a food scale and start measuring everything. It sounds like overkill and it's not all that appealing, but it's going to save your life. And if you're eating foods that aren't in the database - add them! You can't lose weight if you don't know what you're putting in your body.
  • sbeisel1
    sbeisel1 Posts: 181
    Dont be scared of what people say about your diary, learn from it and improve. Take posted coments with a grain of salt and watch out for trolls that leave hideous comments to get you or others riled up.

    im not a medical professional, but here is what ive learned from my MFP journey and lots of research.

    I dont see sodium as an option in your tracking, track your salt. I see a lot of foods that have high levels of salt in them. salt in all forms can hinder weight loss, you may be retaining more water than you think and if youve been building muscle you can retain water at first(when they hurt you are building muscle, its repairing and is often heavier with water as it repairs) that being said, it will help you lood better in the mid section, give it time though the false water weight will come off if you eat right and drink water.
    Try to cut out or cut back on the processed deli meats or choose salt reduced ones if you must.
    aim for whole grains avoid over processed grains.
    MORE VEGGIES much much more. they are good for you if you dont like them google Vega whole food (im not vegan but love this stuff) message me if you want some tips on veggies.
    you need to drink more clear, caffiene free liquids, water, try lemon juice in water I like that hot it also helps with weightloss, try herbal teas, peppermint helps relevie water retention.

    finally, you might not be getting enough food, if you are working out like crazy perhaps your body is hungry and as a result you are in starvation mode and your body is storing every little bit it can.

    good luck,
  • russellma
    russellma Posts: 284 Member
    some days I just don't fill it out correctly. I won't find what I am looking for or don't know how much I ate. I recentlyish started to keep up with it.

    I do have a question though With the added exercise to burn more than I take in I just stop when I hit the food one instead of the net one. Is that right? or should I always hit 1200 for the net?

    For me, I wasn't really able to moved the scale until I started eating! I started trying to hit right around 1200 calories, per MFP's recommendation, but it was really disappointing, because I stalled after 5 lbs. or so. At that time, I wasn't eating back my exercise calories, so I struggled to stay under and felt desperate.

    So, what I did was lower my weekly goal to 0.5 lb/week and enjoyed an extra 180 calories (nom nom). I also have found success in eating back part of the exercise calories as well.

    So now, I get to eat 1500-1700 calories most days and hardly feel like I'm dieting, but I'm still losing weight! I'm not sure if it works for everyone, but you might consider giving it a try! Good luck!