Help for a New mom!



  • dawn33
    dawn33 Posts: 34 Member
    I'm a new mom too. My daughter was born that end of April and sometimes I find it really hard to keep motivated and exercise. I will say seeing other moms on here doing well keeps me motivated that I can do it. I am still breastfeeding...not at much since my daughter eats baby food etc but still doing it...everyone always said oh you'll lose tons of weight when you breast feed...I don't feel like I did. I have 20 more pounds to go for pre baby weight and I want to lose another 20-30 after that. My husband and I want to have another baby but I want to get myself healthy again before we start trying. It's nice to have other moms on there though to chat with!!!

    We can do this with the support of each other so add me if you would like and keep up the good work ladies!!!
  • Mythel
    Mythel Posts: 72
    Hi! I'm not a new Mom (my boys are 5 and 3) but I did BF both of them (for 19 months & 21 months respectively). I work full time and pumped daily, multiple times a day, 5 days a week, for at least 8 months - per child. That's something like 800+ pumping sessions! Anyway...with my first child I dropped all my baby weight plus about 20 extra pounds (I contribute the extra weight to an extremely stressful couple of months I went through though.) My first son was always in the 100th percentile AND loved to nurse so I really think he was taking more calories than I was putting in. It took about a year to lose all my baby weight (this was with no exercising or dieting of any sort). Almost the same thing with my second son, however it took about a year and half to lose all but 5 pounds of my baby weight (I have since put on about 20 pounds. Ugh.) once again not exercising/dieting.

    I think dieting while BFing is a bad idea....however eating healthy and watching portion size is a great idea!! While you BF you need a higher calorie intake than you normally would. So EAT! Just don't eat junk (*ahem* I'm talking about you chips and donuts.) I noticed that most of my weight loss was towards the end of nursing my boys and right after they weaned. I wasn't as hungry and my daily food intake dropped dramatically.

    I would say don't rely on BFing to make you lose your baby helps but it's not a miracle cure.
  • Hi! :) I'm a new mom too, my 2nd son was born at the end of july 2011 and I have a 2.5 y old too. It took me 1 year to lose 20 pounds after my 1st son, but I had gained 35 pounds during the pegnancy... I bf'd him untill he was 13 months old. But I too feel that I lost more weight towards weaning time. As for my 2nd son, I have the same weight then when I came out of the hospital... So here I am! I'm also looking for new frienships to keep me motivated, so feel free to add me! :)
  • ShefMum
    ShefMum Posts: 48 Member
    Feel free to add me if you like. Don;t be in too much of a hurry to lose those lbs while you;re breastfeeding. That's nature's way of making sure you can feed your baby (although didn;t you find you lost weight at first?). Sue
  • Hi I had a girl in sept and also bf. I thought I would lose more weight but have only dropped 8 lbs since her birth.
  • Hi! I had my son in August 2011. At first I lost weight, but then was tired, not exercising, and.eating junk food. Now Im 5 lbs from the weight I delivered my son. Im to join a gym right now and will be.going work part time. Anyone have tips or advice on how to fit in exercise?I just joined this site tonight.
  • chayden78
    chayden78 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I have my baby girl in June 2011, and have lost 50 lbs since having her. I did gain about 70lbs while pregnant (way too much) and was needing to lose weight before I got pregnant, so I want to lose another 80 lbs.

    I am breastfeeding, but have noticed that when she started solids, I wasn't nearly as hungry as I was when she was bf exclusively, and I figure my calorie burn has probably dropped.

    I lost the 50lbs by watching what I'm eating, but not cutting too many calories, and exercising every day. It was great in the summer, I was out walking 10km every day with her. Now I am back at work and having a tough time fitting in exercise. I would rather work out right after work, but I feel guilty being gone for another hour, and only getting 2 hours with her before she goes to bed. I need to remember that I am doing this so she will have a healthy role model growing up. She is only 9 months, so I doubt she even notices that one extra hour I am gone!

    If it's nice out, I will skip the gym and take her for a run in the jogging stroller.

    Does anyone else have almost 100 pounds to lose like me? Or have you done that? How did you do it?