Tummy Tuck

SO I have lost a total of 65 lbs since I started my fitness journey about 2 years ago and I am very happy to see the changes that I have seen. I have gone from wearing an xl shirt...18/20 jeans to a medium top and a 10/12 jeans...Although I am very happy with the accomplishments that I have achieved this far I am very uncomfortable with all of the extra skin from my weight loss and two pregnancies. I am scheduled for a tummy tuck surgery in a week and am very nervous and excited at the same time...since scheduling my operation I have quit smoking...and with that and the combination of me being really nervous I have reverted back to some of my old eating habits...I do not know what to do to keep motivated and stay on track pre-op and post-op seeing as I will not be able to workout for at least 6 weeks after surgery...has anyone ever had this surgery? and tips? a bit of encouragment?


  • Bridget0927
    Bridget0927 Posts: 438 Member
    I have not and have been wanting to soo badly!!!!!!
    I am sure it will be great and you will be so happy when its done.

    Im friend requesting you now to see your progress if thats ok!!
  • cnartker
    cnartker Posts: 12 Member
    Good for you!!!!! I am struggling with the same "belly flap" from 4 c-sections. Remember why you lost this weight in the first place!! I would buy something that you will be really excited to wear this spring/summer and use that for motivation!!!!

    Good Luck I can't wait to see the results!!!!!!
  • byrnette
    byrnette Posts: 39 Member
    Good luck!! That's a pretty tough surgery. Is it superficial (just the skin) or are the doing anything with your abdominal wall? You will be fine and so happy you did it when it is all said and done. Really! )because what I am about to write is not meant to scare you)

    The "good" news is that the initial recovery is one where you don't really have an appetite...between keeping down the pain meds and just being your waddling self for the first few days...-- you really will not be very hungry and may even lose weight...I found it all much worse than a c-section.

    My advice is to just keep tracking your calories...religiously!! And let this be the start of the non smoking you too! Just do not get down on yourself if you gain a little -- not now and not in a few months. There is a little problem with people who undergo surgery like that and then have problems with depression. You have all the tools at your disposal to lose weight and keep it off!! You can do it. Enjoy the QT and couch time while you have it and you will be up and about in no time.

    Congratulations on making this move!!