Zumba & wii fit results! plz!!

Does the Wii fit
& the wii Zumba work?

could you show me results? pics?
Im thinking of getting wii fit, but not sure if its actually worth the money..& i already have zumba.

Does zumba really burn 1000 calories an hour?


  • If you already have Zumba (I'm assuming on a DVD?), and if money is an issue, I wouldn't get the Wii Fit JUST for that. Perhaps if you plan on purchasing other games specifically for exercising and it will be a long term investment.

    Just as an FYI, I take an intense Zumba class every Monday night at my gym and I usually average around 530 calories in 50 minutes. I have also used Zumba on my PS3 and I've burned a a little less than 150 calories in under 25 minutes. Everyone will be different. Good luck!
  • I have both and I don't think wii fit works very well, but it's better than nothing. Zumba for wii works, but you will only burn as many calories as you put the effort in. Go to this website www.zumbacalories.com to help gauge how many calories you would burn based on your intensity. I love Zumba for wii because it's fun and I don't have to worry about looking like a fool in public ;) But I do both.
  • danigirl1011
    danigirl1011 Posts: 314 Member
    My gym membership is $20 a month and the best investment ever. I do zumba up to 4 times a week and have lost 42 pounds. i have added a few other things in like elliptical and 30 day shred, but zumba is the main thing i do and it works like a charm for melting off pounds. Cant really vouge for it on wii, but i like it at the gym better than the dvd's.
  • Apryl546
    Apryl546 Posts: 909 Member
    Why are you worried about results.. You're pregnant. Shouldn't you be worried about gaining a little weight and being healthy rather than burning many calories to stay small?

    Just curious since you didn't give any background as to why you are curious about results and calories burned during such activities.
  • thatgirl125
    thatgirl125 Posts: 294 Member
    with zumba wii in a 23 minute session I have burned 176 calories.
    in a 46 minute session I have burned 388 calories.
    Everyone is different, I would say it is worth doing definitely. I have not tried the wii fit or whatever it is though.
  • pineapple1989
    pineapple1989 Posts: 195 Member
    I am completely behind the Wii Fit... the main exercise I do its 30 mins on the Wii Fit every day (try to do 2 x Wii Zumba instead a week) and I do one Zumba class per week as well and I have lost 24lbs in 2 months :)

    Its quite expensive if you dont have the board but I reall do think its worth the investment... I think you can get some less expensive boards which arent the "official" Wii boards, but not sure how good they are

    Good luck with it anyway :)
  • crystal8208
    crystal8208 Posts: 284 Member
    I burn right around 500 in my Zumba class at the gym. Not sure about the wii version, like a PP said, you only burn as much as you put in and I'd think it would be easier to "fake" it, or do the motions smaller while on the wii. Personally, I bought the wii fit and I do use it occasionally, but it mainly is a dust collector. :laugh:
  • Auds85
    Auds85 Posts: 2 Member
    I use the EA Active Sports for the Wii (the more workouts one) and I'm going the 6 week challenge but I also use the workout on my own after that on there as well. I think with that and this website it's been working alright for me. I just started the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred though and I use a balance ball as well and do crunches on that. I try not to use ANY of the clalories I burn when I workout and just my daily goal of 1200.
  • Fat2FitChick
    Fat2FitChick Posts: 451 Member
    You don't have to gain weight during pregnancy in order to have a healthy pregnancy. If you are eating clean and work out a little it is still ok. Just don't train for a marathon or super intense workouts but you can certainly exercise while pregnant.
    Why are you worried about results.. You're pregnant. Shouldn't you be worried about gaining a little weight and being healthy rather than burning many calories to stay small?

    Just curious since you didn't give any background as to why you are curious about results and calories burned during such activities.
  • abigailmariecs
    abigailmariecs Posts: 192 Member
    You can take a look at mine. I have been doing Wii fit. I bought the board and game for $48.00 used at a Game Stop. I want to get a Gym membership but that is still a few weeks away. I need to prove to myself that I will really exercise every day before I will spend money on a monthly membership. I really like the Wii fit but have only been doing it for about a week and a half. I have lost 5 lbs using it and twice a week I pop in Tae Bo for something different. I am thinking about Zumba but have not bought it yet.
  • leslielightfoot
    leslielightfoot Posts: 34 Member
    I do Wii Zumba almost every day. I have been doing it for a few weeks and love it. You burn a lot of calories IF you get all the steps down right and can follow along and put lots of effort into every move. If you struggle with the dance steps, then you won't burn half as much because you will be missing the movements and cardio that go into Zumba. If you are coordinated and can figure out all the steps, it is so fun. Wii Zumba does have a part for you to learn the steps. I didn't go to that section b/c I had already done Zumba in the past and remembered most the moves.

    I usually do 40-45 minutes a day and put it down as about 550 calories burned. I go high intensity for all the songs so I'm probably burning more (i need to gulp 2 full bottles of water while working out) but I don't have a monitor to know for sure.

    I'm seeing results. The weight is finally coming off and I'm feeling great.
  • Why are you worried about results.. You're pregnant. Shouldn't you be worried about gaining a little weight and being healthy rather than burning many calories to stay small?

    Just curious since you didn't give any background as to why you are curious about results and calories burned during such activities.

    Im curious because I was told by my doctors that I have to lose weight. I cant gain anymore. Next week Ill be in my third trimester (so excited!) and ive already gained a total of 50lbs. Which isnt healthy!
  • tapiagonzalez
    tapiagonzalez Posts: 54 Member
    I so AGREE with you about looking like a fool!!!! I love my Zumba Wii. I honestly don't know how many calories I burn when I do 40 minutes but, I will know tomorrow night when I do Zumba Wii because I was given a HRM (Heart Rate Monitor). Good luck to you on your weight loss goal!!!:happy:
  • Apryl546
    Apryl546 Posts: 909 Member

    Im curious because I was told by my doctors that I have to lose weight. I cant gain anymore. Next week Ill be in my third trimester (so excited!) and ive already gained a total of 50lbs. Which isnt healthy!
    Understandable then! Haha.
    My sister is due 8 days before you and she looks like she's only gained 15-20. She could be more but I have no idea.
    Good luck on losing a little bit then! :)

    Money isn't the problem. I just wanted to know if it's worth it to get Wii Fit.
    But, Zumba seems to do everyone else great, so I think Ill stay with that!.

    Im supposed to lose 10lbs, my doctor recommended.

    How much weight do you lose in a week doing Zumba. I know it depends on height & how much i weigh (im actually 5'3 and 200lbs), but, I just want to see how well it is.
  • jamiesadler
    jamiesadler Posts: 634 Member
    Does the Wii fit
    & the wii Zumba work?

    could you show me results? pics?
    Im thinking of getting wii fit, but not sure if its actually worth the money..& i already have zumba.

    Does zumba really burn 1000 calories an hour?

    I use the Zumba for Wii. It depends on how much you weigh as to how many calories it will burn. I weight 200 at 5'6 and in an hour of dancing my butt off I only burn around 700 calories. It is a lot of fun though and a great work out.
  • peachNpunkin
    peachNpunkin Posts: 1,010 Member
    If I were you, I would stick with a healthy diet of the food groups and walk daily. I don't know that it is wise to pick up zumba in your third trimester of pregnancy. Of course always check with your doctor. Word of the wise, The more walking you do, and the more active you are the easier your delivery will be. But I think I would stick with walking until you talk to your doctor.

  • Im curious because I was told by my doctors that I have to lose weight. I cant gain anymore. Next week Ill be in my third trimester (so excited!) and ive already gained a total of 50lbs. Which isnt healthy!
    Understandable then! Haha.
    My sister is due 8 days before you and she looks like she's only gained 15-20. She could be more but I have no idea.
    Good luck on losing a little bit then! :)

    Hahha, yeah. Ive NEVER been so big before!! It actually made me cry. xD
    Aww, cool. Congrats to her!
    & thanks ! (:
  • lkbuss
    lkbuss Posts: 2 Member
    I love doing Zumba WIi. You can customize your songs that it plays, and set it up so that you can do a quick 2 song workout or anywhere up to 10 or more! I usually go for 4-6, which is about 25 minutes. That's about all I can take at home with two little ones running around and trying to dodge them and their toys! Depending on the songs I choose, I burn from 383-505 during my 20-25 minute session. When I go to actual Zumba class (1-2 times a week), I burn about 800-850. That's a full, 50 minute class. And, I weigh about 260, the calories you burn depends on that. Anyway, highly recommend Zumba Wii, and Zumba in general!!
  • I enjoy my WII Fit especially for yoga and the balance games but it takes alot for me to get my heart rate up with most of the exercises. Have not tried Zumba with it though. Good luck in making your decision.