Favorite physical sensation...



  • ball858
    ball858 Posts: 395 Member
    Mines a bit of pleasure and pain with a good Deep tissue / sports massage
  • rcc1988
    rcc1988 Posts: 125 Member
    When I hear really moving music or see an especially amazing piece or art, or sometimes when I hear a nice voice whispering (doesn't have to be saying anything in particular), I get this really lovely tingly feeling up the back of my scalp.
  • SofaKingRad
    SofaKingRad Posts: 1,592 Member
    Someone lovingly running their hands through the hair on my back, then making little corn rows down my back.
  • Luke_Quist
    Luke_Quist Posts: 43 Member
    Cleaning out my ears with a q-tip.

    Me too. :)
  • Having my back scratched or someone playing with my hair.
  • stephm112
    stephm112 Posts: 297 Member
    When you have a creaky joint and you crack it. Aaaah yeah. Arthritis here I come!
  • FINISHING a hard hour workout with the personal trainer
  • ClareB13
    ClareB13 Posts: 202 Member
    Or hot showers. I could happily spend my life in the shower if I had unlimited hot water and no conscience :)

  • frilly7483
    frilly7483 Posts: 56 Member
    Getting into clean bedsheets after a bath, soooo comforting!
  • twinmama1987
    twinmama1987 Posts: 566 Member
    Crunching through crisp snow... its oddly satisfying.
  • I love my hair being played with, but that doesn't happen enough....so I'm going to have to say slipping into a hot tub or shower with sore muscles. Hmmmmm....
  • Not to be gross but using the bathroom after you been holding it for a long time

    hahaha. i was trying to think of an answer, but yours is right on the money! haha.

    hahaha---strangely in agreement

    ^ What they said. :D Relief!

    And the feeling I get right before passing out from complete exhaustion at about 9pm every night.
  • somebody playing with my hair.

    This! And having my back kissed
    Well, that is getting into the sexual category. I love that jello legged feeling after a good workout (or bedroom session) where you feel like your legs can't possible hold you up and then walk down a couple flights of stairs. It's kind of a trip. Beyond that, I totally agree with the above, but I totally count that as sexual because your body's response to it definitely is...
  • I've got to say that other than the obvious which you discounted in the first post my favorite sensation is the tingling I get up and down my spine when The Star Spangled Banner is played. As a combat vet, and a huge patriot before that, nothing moves me like hearing "O, say can you see................"
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Being in a warm pile of blankets.

    Also, chewing chocolate. The texture...it's so perfect.
  • When you have a creaky joint and you crack it. Aaaah yeah. Arthritis here I come!

    This reminded me... popping/cracking my back = amazing.
  • MyFeistyEvolution
    MyFeistyEvolution Posts: 1,014 Member
    Back rub and playing with my hair.

  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,832 Member
    Getting a massage.
    That first blast of hot water in the shower.
    Popping my hips.
    Stretching in the morning.
    Using a Q-tip, it kind of tickles.
    Puppy kisses.

    ...I could go on and on.
  • Firefighter_Jay
    Firefighter_Jay Posts: 426 Member
    The rare time I get a hug from a home owner, or a family member after a tough call. Brings me to tears every time.
  • Justjoshin
    Justjoshin Posts: 999 Member
    The pump.

    Feeling your skin stretching, the blood pounding into your muscles..