
hi all.fairly new to this. im down 18lbs but honestly im really really finding it hard to stay motivated lately!!! any tips??? need all the help i can get as i wasnt to stick at this!


  • hollybelles
    hey mrs....

    need to give meself a good ould talking to also!!! once we get into the walking / jogging now we'l be grand... hopefully... couch to 5 k app will help hopefully... and cum ere... your doing fab girlie! fair play to ya... just think where you were this time last month and where you are now.. and the difference...!!! whatever your doing, keep going at it.. cos its working....

    see ya tomoro!
  • hazev74
    hazev74 Posts: 252 Member
    aw thanks!!! see ya in the morining....oh bloody joy its only tues....