A couple of Questions...


Does anyone else feel like you're eating too much? My food diary calculates that I should eat 1540 calories a day but it feels like so much food. To the point that I almost never finish using up all of my calories. I know they say you're supposed to eat them all but then I exercise and I get more calories to use and it's like >.< I can't eat anymore. So what should I do?

Also, even with not consuming all of my calories, I wind up almost always eating more protein grams than it allots me. Is this bad? I thought protein was good for speeding up your metabolism? I don't have an issue with avoiding going over on everything else though, just the protein.

Please help?


  • khool4
    khool4 Posts: 7

    Congratulations on getting on a weight loss plan. You are in good supportive company.

    I was not eating all my calories, for the same reason you noted. I just felt like I was eating way to much, but my weight loss kept stalling. When I bumped up my caloric intake, the weight started falling off again. When you are giving your body the fuel that it needs to burn, it will burn it in a more efficient way. Try to stay close to your prescribed calories. I think the general concensus is that you don't need to eat your calories that are credited back to you from excercising.

    Good luck to you! Keep up the good work.

  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Our bodies are amazing machines, and can adapt to almost any situation. This is usually a good thing, but in the case of too few calories it can be bad. When you shave off calories, the body has to stop giving energy to parts of the body, the parts that are deprived are usually parts we want to build (like muscle, organs, and bone) and the parts we want to shrink are perceived as vital storage areas and are kept up or increased (like fat reserves), logically this makes sense, but it's not what we want to happen.

    You may feel like you're eating enough, but that's most likely because you, for so long, have been eating either too few, or not nutritionally healthy types of calories. It may take a few weeks or a month to become used to higher calorie intake, especially when you do it right nutritionally and every calorie works for you, but eventually, your body will account for the new intake, and you'll feel better about it. And when that happens, your metabolism will rise, you're fat reserves will be given a lower priority, and your muscle, bone, and organs will all become healthier.

    One way to combat the feeling of "fullness" is to break up your meals into smaller ones that you eat more often throughout the day. I have 7 to 8 meals a day of 350 to 600 calories usually, it means that I'm never stuffed, but I also almost never feel hungry (I require 2800 cals a day just to maintain).
  • Ahmee2034
    Ahmee2034 Posts: 1,330 Member
    I agree with khool4. I equate it to my savings/checking accounts. Just 'cause there is money in them doesn't mean I should spend it all in one day! :wink: Get it? I like to think that the calories I am "banking" as extra per day is like just storing up extra fuel. I too have a hard time eating my 1200 cals a day but I try to reach that goal, not the new amount after I workout. You know? At the end of the day, when you have "banked" extra calories from working out, try something. On that day when you close out your log and it tells you how much you should weigh if everyday were like today, keep track of that for about a week. The days you don't work out and the days you do. See if there is a pattern of more weight loss when you DON'T use all your banked cals plus your regular daily cals. There is a difference.

    You're definitely on the right track. I wouldn't stress out over it too much. Once you get the hang of it and develop your own routine, it'll become second nature to live a healthy lifestyle.

    Good luck!:flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • ktndj82104
    ktndj82104 Posts: 85
    You should try to eat as many calories as it allows you because it will help with your weight loss and going over a little on protein is not bad as long as you don't go way over. Protein is good for you its just that when you get way to much that its not good.
  • LovelessSoubi
    Thanks khool. I am trying to eat all of them, but its not just that it feels like too much, I also cant eat all of it.

    I still wanted to know about the protein grams? Is it bad if I go over on those? Sometimes it's by quite a bit, others not by a whole lot.
  • omid990
    omid990 Posts: 785 Member
    1500 calories go a lot farther when your eating healthy food, which is why you feel like your having a hard time. For an example, a bigmac is about 540 calories. Thats almost 5 plain turkey sandwiches. Healthier foods in general tend to be lower in calories in higher in protein and fiber so they'll fill you up a lot faster than say a big mac.

    try planning your meals the night before, which should help prevent you from having a bunch of calories left over late at night. Try eating foods like peanut butter, nuts, avocados, and cheese which are high in calories yet still nutritious. Its going to take a little practice before you can better gauge how far your calories will go.

    As for protein, this is come up a few times before and most people agree that the mfp protein count is too low. as long as your protein is not astronomically high, then its not a big deal if you go over. i think fat and sodium intake are things you should be more concerned about.

    And i respectfully disagree khool. I think that most (not all) people on this site have had the most success with eating their exercise calories. When i go running, i can burn up 1000 calories in a workout, which is completely impractical for me to eat all of so i try to eat about half of it. If you really can't eat them, then don't force it. Again, pre-planning is the key here. if you know you're going to be working out that day, then add calories throughout the day so your not left with a ton of calories later. If you can't eat all of them, then try to eat at least half.

    hope some of this helped
    :heart: aisha
  • timeforchange
    Sometimes I have the same problem, so I've looked for foods with higher calories that are still technically not BAD but are still sometimes considered a treat. For example, my favourite salad dressing is just plain old Olive Oil, Red Wine Vinegar, Salt and Pepper. However, The Gallo Olive Oil that my family uses is 80cals per 2 teaspoons. WELL 2 teaspoons is not enough to make an awesome dressing, I usually need 4 of 5.. which puts me at about 200 cals! That's pretty high just for part of a salad dressing! Then I sometimes add a hard boiled egg to the salad which is even more! See what I mean? Not super bad for you, but high enough in calories that it will get you to your allotted amount!
    Hope that helps,
  • yentasdoitbetter
    yentasdoitbetter Posts: 82 Member
    when i did the recommended, it said i was supposed to eat somewhere around 1400+ calories...i bumped that down to 1200 calories a day and dropped 5lbs the first week (i know its mostly water weight but still felt good) so try lowering it a little bit?
  • TaraDenise
    TaraDenise Posts: 164 Member
    I am working with a registered dietician and she has advised me to eat my allotted calories but not to try to eat the additional calories earned from working out. She allotted me 1800 calories per day, while MFP allotted me 1760 per day. 1800 is a LOT! LOL