Body by Vi?

kosmickait Posts: 5 Member
So my mom decided to buy a month of Body by Vi. I have never tried this before but it seems okay since the majority of the women in my little town are selling it. Lol. Anyway, What are some good recipes for it? Like what make it better? Also what is everyones opinion on it? I'm still sort of skeptical.


  • Embell0830
    Just heard about this recently. One of the instructors at the studio I workout at is now selling it and she brought in some samples of smoothies, which were really good. Two other instructors are actually doing the program and have had success with it.

    Curious to see what others say.
  • ClintTheys
    Wow seems like this is starting to really take off... have to question the whole sales concept. Have been contact by two friends who have been training for years and now they are contacting me trying to get me in..... not sure about it.
  • meycay
    meycay Posts: 29
    I've never heard of it... someone wanna fill me in?
  • chaceanne
    chaceanne Posts: 3 Member
    I use the Body by Vi shakes. I love them! If you purchased them you have a personal web page that you can log into and under transformation tools they have a recipe book you can download. My favorite right now is 1cup skim milk, 2 scoops of shake mix, 1/2 banana, 1 tsp of natural peanut butter and a 1 tsp of cocoa powder and blend. It's even good without the peanut butter or without the cocoa. Sometimes, I only add the cocoa powder alone, but the variations are endless.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    No thanks I will just continue to Eat healthy and exercise and save my money for others things.... You can by a nice commercial grade Ninja blender with a recipe book of over 250 smoothies, etc...... if your into the shake thing....... But to each there own.....
  • p0stdramatic
    No thanks I will just continue to Eat healthy and exercise and save my money for others things.... You can by a nice commercial grade Ninja blender with a recipe book of over 250 smoothies, etc...... if your into the shake thing....... But to each there own.....


    I'd rather eat food, and in the process get into the habit of eating healthy meals and making a sustainable change to my lifestyle.
  • kblu0816
    kblu0816 Posts: 1,627 Member
    :love: Love my Body by Vi shakes. I highly recommend them. My cousin, who is a PT, sells the product so well that he gets his for free. But anyways, it's a lot cheaper than most shakes out there. I by the one month supply. Just the powder and it's like $50 something. Which is a fraction of the cost of shakeology. To each his/her own though. It's even good mixed in with oatmeal if you're looking for a nice wam breakfast. The smoothie recipes are endless! LOVE IT!
  • r1ghtpath
    r1ghtpath Posts: 701 Member
    i like them because i double them as my protein shake. most days the shakes are the only reason i get close to eating my calories.

    i'm pretty boring though. i don't add much to mine and i don't change it up all that much :-)
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I know a couple of people who are doing it, and they've both lost a few pounds. To be honest, I would probably try it if it were in the house, but it wouldn't be something I would commit to long term. The worst part about it is how HARD some people who are doing it promote it. If you get x number of people to sign up under your name, you get your product for free. The company also uses the whole, "Do this, and you can win THIS much money or this fabulous trip!!!" I don't care for the whole process.

    I do hear that the shakes are good.
  • awaito
    awaito Posts: 18
    I use them. Not all the time. But i found that it was super helpful when i first started trying to lose weight. I ate a lot.. hence why i had gained weight... and found it difficult maintaining the proper calorie count. I used to eat a shake for lunch.. and it would satisfy me until supper... i usually would eat an apple or something as a snack mid-afternoon tho. They are tasty and there are sooooo many variations! You can add whateveryou want to them! I'm not really big on supplementing my meals with a shake to lose weight but i do enjoy them now and again.. and it's really helpful whenyou are busy with little time.. much better having a shake then hitting the micky d's drive thru!
  • toas14603414
    The Body By Vi 90 day challenge is simply amazing! I've lost 5" off my waist and down from size 10 to size 4... My hubby is down 35lbs. We decided to promote the challenge and I've become the top female producer. If anybody would love to try it... Friend me and I'll be happy to share my link with you and some recipes/meal plans.

    It's fun, it's simple, it saves you money. My hubby and I get it for free because we have referred three customers!