I didn't fall off the wagon....I jumped

head first right over that sucker!:mad: I love food, sweets and junk foods but healthy thing also, thing is when you eat CONSTANTLY(:blushing: ) nothing is healthy. So after changing jobs to a much more sedate job I started putting on weight quickly!! Now I am ready to work to get it off!! I won't say that I will banish junk, I have tried that in the past and failed! I will say that I can control what I eat and drink....So after 8 months off the wagon I am taking a flying leap back on it! This time I am taking my family along to help me out....cause I could use the support! I will log my food-and not lie to myself about what I am eating!!!!

Here we go again! I would like to have lost most of my weight by next fall to replace clothes for the season.,. Wish me luck :smile:


  • No biggy, just jump back on:) I am in here too. I will send you a friend request, we can support each other:)
    BIGJIMMYU Posts: 1,221 Member
    Excellent decision and welcome!
  • debbifluke
    debbifluke Posts: 1 Member
    Good luck! I've come and gone with different diets and exercise problems but always avoided the whole calorie/kj counting because it's seemed to complicated. I've found this app really helps me - even if I have bad days I'm much more aware about what I'm eating and I'll either try to exercise a bit more to work it off or I'll think twice. Hope it works for you too!!
  • ladyk1985
    ladyk1985 Posts: 5 Member
    Hey!! Ive just jumped back on the wagon too as i fell off.After day one going well im feeling hopeful,plus ive made a few friends to give me some support. Im here for support if u need it. we can do it!!
  • I Know what you mean, I went from a job that was very physical to a desk job and I put on 75lbs now I'm just trying to get back into shape. We all just need the right motivation to do it and keep going.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • The thing I love most about MFP is the support you get. I have fallen off a couple times but get back on.