5'6" females looking to get to 130-140's

Hi. I'm starting MFP for the 3rd time (hope this time sticks) and am looking for women who are 5'6" with a GW of 130-140. I used to weight 183# 2 years ago and am down to 161#. I continue to yo-yo from 161 to 157ish and can't get past this point. The weekends are usually tough....I live in a golf course community and weekends consist of golf which also includes drinking : (
Working out is not an issue for me....I work out 5 times a week and do multiple 5K's and triathlons throughout the year. I have been alot better this time around with meals throughout the week but the weekends kill me....looking for some girlfreinds with similar goals that can help with the motivation : )


  • I am at 140 and have been trying to reach the 130 mark for a while now. Like you I actually do exercise quite a bit and have begun the Insanity program. I am going on week 3 and hoping to see some results from pushing myself a little more. More than the number on the scale I am looking to see some improvement on toning which seems to be evading me lol but I am really motivated to stick out the 60 days. We'll see! :)
  • OceansForever
    OceansForever Posts: 221 Member
    That's me. I started at 182 and hope to get to 135.

    Thankfully, I am now at 165 but hope to break the barrier to the 150s by the end of March :)
  • Zalitharia
    Zalitharia Posts: 34 Member
    I am 5'6, I started at 188 last March. As of this weekend I hit my original goal of 140, but now I'd like to get down to 130. I stepped it up a notch after Christmas, started p90x, started running, stopped drinking, started tracking calories so the last 14 pounds came off more quickly than the others. Part of me is hoping that the next 10 come off quick too, but I'm also shifting my focus to building strength and endurance and less on weight loss, so it may or may not happen quickly... time will tell.

    I'm just starting phase 3 of p90x this week, and just finished C25k yesterday and am planning to improve my 5k time for the next month or two, so my exercise plan won't change for at least 5 weeks. However, the p90x diet plan says in phase 3 I need carbs! I'm scared to get back to eating more carbs since it worked so well limiting them, but I know I'll also need energy to bring to the workouts. It makes me nervous!

    I was stuck around 160 for awhile too. Keep at it. Keep motivated. And maybe try to change things up a bit to kick start yourself again.
  • dryteway
    dryteway Posts: 2 Member
    Hello, I'm at 164 with a goal weight of 135. I started out at 184 on October 1, 2011. I'm great during the weekdays, exercise regularly, eat properly, and so forth, but those darn weekends are very intimidating and challenging at times. However, I'm still in this healthy way of life to win it. I've been seeing great results, but seem to slow down during the month of February - my birthday month - which I gained 4 pounds. Yesterday, I've regained my self control and now back in the running to lose this weight! Working out is not my issue either. I, too, am seeking MFP friends to encourage me with my weight-loss goal, and I, in turn, will encourage them as well.
  • I hear ya... I'm at the same weight currently and striving to hit 135-140. I'm more than willing to be a motivation buddy if you want. :)
  • Yup yup! Started at 181 and my Goal Weight is 135lbs and I am not even thinking about where I am going form there. My problem was always not having any patience and looking beyond my set goals, therefore setting myself up for failure. I am around 5'6" and this time I am going to take it 1 pound at a time!
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • drivingtodothis
    drivingtodothis Posts: 11 Member
    I'm right there with y'all. I started out at 185 and now i'm currently down to 166. Hoping to get in those 30's before too long :) I'm really having a difficult time keeping motivation with logging everyday. I'm a college senior graduating in May, so I'm hoping to keep up with everything to start the summer off right and look great walking across that stage! Good Luck everyone.
  • kristelpoole
    kristelpoole Posts: 440 Member
    I'm 5'6" also and been hovering around 149-152 for what seems like an eternity. I'm trying to get down to 130.
  • HI there! I am in this category as well. This is my first time on MFP and about 6 years ago I lost 11 pounds at WW. I have two friends who are on this site and invited me. I am currently at 160, 5 foot 6-1/2 inches and would like to get down to 150 first then 145.

    I would love friends in this category as well! :) Sometimes I feel like its impossible to stick to the 1300 calorie a day diet. Anyone else feel that way?

    Anyhow - I will friend you!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • Chezza021
    Chezza021 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi there.... Me too 5'6" started at 180 a VERY long time ago.... MFP was fantastic then I went off thinking I could do it on my own and haven't lost any more (although I haven't gained much either) I am currently 143lb and would LOVE to get to 132lb..... Anyone feel free to add me as a friend .... I use to have lots but it appears that the ones I use to have seem to have 'disappeared' like I did for awhile.
  • chrislin2011
    chrislin2011 Posts: 168 Member
    I am also 5'6". I started at 217.4 the beginning of November 2011. I am now down to 188.8. My first BIG goal is 165. I don't know where I would like to get down to. Friend me if you want.
  • swarla
    swarla Posts: 105 Member
    I am right there with you. I have been around 148-155 for so long, I don't know how many times I've lost and gained the same few pounds. I am trying to get down into the 135-140 range. I actually enjoy exercise and love running but my problem is that I have a hard time sticking to a diet or staying in my calorie range.

    Please feel free to add me!
  • You sound a lot like me!!! My goal is in the 150's, but I have about the same fitness level as you and I weigh 170 right now
  • vettle
    vettle Posts: 621 Member
    Hi all! Just wanted to jump in and say good for you all, this can be done.

    I am 5'6", I started off at 172 pounds and now I am at 130 and have been since December (with a dip down into 125 in January actually which was too skinny for me). When I finally figured things out, I started eating 1600 calories a day and when I worked out I ate my exercise calories back.

    You need to eat the proper amount of food or you will plateau (which I eventually did at 145 pounds for 4 weeks, only eating 1300 calories a day). Now that I am maintaining, I eat about 1700 calories since I kept losing weight on 1600 cals.

    I also do strength training and cardio circuits so my body shape has changed like crazy. People think I weight 120 pounds because I look so small (into a size 3-5 now).

    Also, for a great podcast and website, check out my profile page for the name. It has been instrumental in my success.