Scale fluctuations

I have been weighing myself almost daily for the past month and a half now. The trend is that during the week when I am following a low-calorie (not too low but low) diet I loose weight very fast and then during the weekends when I fall off my meal plan (but not excessively) I gain it all back. Here is an example.
Monday: 144.8
Tuesday: 144.8
Wednesday: 142
Thursday: 141.5
Friday: 140.8
Saturday: 144.8
Sunday: 145

I am concerned that in fact I am not losing any real weight during the week but just water weight which is being regained over the weekend. Does anyone else have this problem? How do I break the cycle?



  • 1RBelle512
    1RBelle512 Posts: 53 Member
    My tried-and-true advice is this: only weigh in once a week! I typically weigh in on Tuesday mornings before breakfast to get a true picture of what I've lost or gained the week before.
    Weighing every day could really be hurting your will-power. I bet that when you see you've lost 4 pounds by Friday, you fall of your meal plan on the weekends more easily. Don't do it!
    Finally, I have to say, your profile picture is amazing! Congratulations on being in such great shape, and maybe don't worry so much about the numbers on the scale when you've got muscles like you've got.
  • thanks for the advice.
    sadly that picture is not me haha. I chose it as a motivational picture because the bone structure and body shape resembles what i could achieve rather than a lot of motivational pictures which I know my body could never be. Found it on pinterest haha.
  • sizzle92
    sizzle92 Posts: 1,015 Member
    You sound just like me. I can't stop weighing mon-fri though. (scale is at work) I really only count my Friday weight though lol.
  • mallory3411
    mallory3411 Posts: 839 Member
    You might be eating enough on the weekends to kind of get rid of the progress you've made during the week.
  • Cryssy81
    Cryssy81 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm having the same problem, I think it could be a water weight problem but don't really know:( I just hope this stage will pass!!
  • heeytheresunshine
    heeytheresunshine Posts: 33 Member
    Weigh yourself once a week, I was weighing daily too and had the same fluctuations. The best thing you can do to accurately weigh yourself is to do it after you wake up in the morning after using the bathroom because you have gone a few hours without drinking water so you won't be weighing all that water weight.... Remember a cup of water adds on half a pound. Also weigh yourself before showering because your body will absorb the water and it might affect your weight as well. Most important remember that while weighing yourself is important a scale weighs EVERTHING, fat, muscle, bones, etc. Good luck!