Emotional Eating

I am notoriously an emotional eater. Does anyone have any ideas about how to avoid eating when you are doing it because you are emotional? I could really use some ideas because I know it is a part of my eating issues.


  • rebeccap13
    rebeccap13 Posts: 754 Member
    Is there a specific thing you are eating? I used to be bad with getting ice cream and a super salty snack and pigging out. Cheez Its are a serious weakness for me. I just have learned to not keep any binge-ing foods like that in the house. Running to the store is an extra step and another chance to think about if I really want something that bad or if I'm just using it as a way to cope with something else. Also, I've started journaling so that I don't keep things pent up until I explode and then turn to food to deal with it.
  • Read Tom Venuto's Book "The Body Fat Solution." He devotes about the first third to this very topic.
  • nahralynn
    nahralynn Posts: 125 Member
    Definitely make an effort to do something else when you feel that urge coming on. I either play a video game, read a book, crotchet, browse the web, make a phone call, or go for a walk. The more you change the habit whenever it happens the better it will get. I used to be a huge emotional eater but by catching myself and switching the habit I definitely don't do it as often, if at all, anymore.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    When you're overwhelmed with emotion, try turning to logic. If your problem isn't hunger, food isn't the answer. Try doing something physical instead.
  • I make tea. Herbal tea doesnt have calories or cafeine and the process of making something warm for myself is a relaxing ritual. I also just cant keep temptations in the house (dont look at the box of girl scout cookies on the counter...they ambushed me).
  • jimmie25
    jimmie25 Posts: 266
    The obvious advice is, to eat healthy stuff, instead of the bad stuff. i know from experience it's easier said than done and it requires time and patience. also, try thinking about WHY you turn to food. And whether or not you're REALLY hungry or if it's just stress. tell yourself that you can do better than that pizza, milkshake or whatever. I've come to term with stress eating and nowadays focus on eating the better foods more than fighting the urge. Acceptance is the road to success.

    Then again, if the eating has to do with anxiety, you might have to get that treated. Helped for me.
  • I, also, would love to figure away around this ESPECIALLY at night.

    I tend to be fine during the day with eating healthy, but when it comes to the end of the day, I go for carbs and junk food. Or any food for that matter.

    I am trying to remind myself that all the excersise I do will be in vain if I keep this up. But it is so hard. Especially when I try to sleep. My body is so used to that "comfort" feeling when I go to sleep.

    Any advice would be GREATLY appreciated.
  • ktdelsur
    ktdelsur Posts: 2 Member
    I'm feeling this right now. I've habitually had a snack between 8-9 p.m.....be it a bowl of cereal or whatever. It is a really hard habit to break..especially with PMS and the box of GS cookies staring at me that my husband got.
  • lorro
    lorro Posts: 917 Member
    It's worth identifying what your specific thoughts are at times like that and then coming up with a response to motivate yourself when the urge strikes. If you think this may help, check out the examples of self sabotaging thoughts and responses on this website: http://www.beckdietsolution.com/daily-diet-solutions/
  • God I can so relate , what i have found that seems to be helping me is, having a cup of tea or beef broth, something warm and soothing, and reading a good book that i can completely get into. I dont know if this sounds corny or makes any sense to any of you, but i also have found that when i dont give in i feel this "safe" feeling a sort of comfort in a strange way knowing that i am not abusing my self with junk. I just found out i am prediabetic so i know its so important not to give in and just finding other ways to deal with stress and also writing down emotions or feelings keeping a daily journal and writing at night when the day is done on how your day went getting it out on paper instead of building emotions up and then eating, hope this helps you. Hang in there just try these things even if you dont want to and eventually you may suprise yourself and they'll become second nature. Good luck!
  • I was an emotional eater too. A junk food night person. Doreen Virtue's book, "Constant Craving," completely changed my outlook on it. She has a lot of helpful exercises you can do and positive affirmations. I highly recommend the book. It's helped me tremendously.