Looking for friends

Hi! I'm new around here, but loving the community of support! I'm looking for some friends to help keep me motivated on my journey to lose about 175lbs. I lost about 15 before I joined... only 160 to go!! :laugh: I just keep reminding myself that it can be done!


    BIGJIMMYU Posts: 1,221 Member
    It sure can be done! I lost 42 before coming here last week and 3 more since! Add me!
  • Monkee8088
    Friend me, friend me, i love faeries too :)
  • colleentrt
    Well good luck to you faerugreemqie, my sister just lost 89 lbs and I have not seen her this happy in a long time! She looks great, she feels great and the more she looses the more motivated she gets! I on the other hand don't have that much to loose but she is motivating me to loose the 10 lbs I can't seem to loose after I quit smoking. Don't give up you can do it!
  • hebbsgrrl
    hebbsgrrl Posts: 77 Member
    friend me if you like :) good luck