Hi! Looking for friends!

My name is Rachael. I am 32 years old. I have been a yo-yo dieter all of my life. I started to get chubby around age 8 and continued to be that way until the beginning of high school. I then began playing field hockey and really watching what I ate. I lost about 50 lbs and was skinny for the first time that I really remember. Then college, I slowly started gaining weight without realizing how much! Lost some weight before my wedding, had a son, gained weight, lost weight had another son, lost weight, and finally gained weight to where I am today. I would like to lose about 40 to 50 lbs. I have recently joined the gym again and I am really paying attention to what foods I put in my body! I would love people to learn from and so we can encourage each other!! Feel free to add me!!



  • Hi Rachael

    I'm micky and apart from the fact I'm 46 and don't have children you have just exactly described my life of yo-yo dieting. Mine has got out of control from looking after my dying mother and neglecting myself. Sadly she passed away 5 months ago so now I am trying to do what I promised her and start to look after myself.

    Good luck and please add me if you'd like. It sounds like we have a lot in common.

    You'll find a massive support network here :smile:
  • Added you!! Finding lots of support! Thanks!!
  • cindycoley19
    cindycoley19 Posts: 39 Member
    Welcome!! You will love MFP!! Good luck on your journey!
  • you can add me if you like!!
  • Colbyandsage
    Colbyandsage Posts: 751 Member
    Hi. I am 33 with 2 kiddos. Trying to loose 20. Feel free to add me :)
  • Welcome aboard. Feel free to add me as a friend if you like.
  • sk2775
    sk2775 Posts: 699 Member
    Welcome to MFP. It is a wonderful sight. I started using it nearly one year now and have lost about 63 pounds...I have about 15-20 to go. Good for you to start going to the gym and monitoring what you eat. Use all the tools of MFP in that log in your food intake and start moving and you should see some great results. Good luck and feel free to add me as a friend :-)
  • magicalamanda
    magicalamanda Posts: 35 Member
    Hi! You can add me if you like! I understand exactly what you mean!! I've always ALWAYS been a big girl. Even in middle school I think the smallest size I wore was a 12, and when you're 11 all the other girls are in like a 3. The biggest I've been is a 22!!! If you want support and encouragement I'll be willing to give it to you! I plan on making a lifestyle change that will last for a lifetime!
  • Rab3a
    Rab3a Posts: 7 Member
    Hi. I'm also new to the site and would like to find some friends to keep me motivated. I am a 26 year old mother and all I do is work. I'm 6 feet and weigh 236 pounds now (lost 16 since December) and I have about 40-50 more to go. Prior to getting pregnant I weighed 200 pounds and I haven't gone back to my pre-pregnancy weight since. I've slowly been changing my eating habits and incorporating exercise into my schedule. Add me and we can motivate each other! Also, would the experienced users give me tips on how to best use this site? Thanks in advance.
  • heddiewilcox
    heddiewilcox Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Racheal,

    My name is Heather and I am also a Yo-Yo dietier. I have two children my son is 14 and my daughter is 10. I also would like to lose 30 pounds. Please add me as a friend so that we can keep eachother motivated.
  • robbi52
    robbi52 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi, a friend of mine introduced me to this
    app. I am also a yoyo dieter. Im hoping this
    will help me. I work 3rd shift so working out
    is difficult but, im trying:smile:
  • Seeing everyone's stories and progress is very helpful in staying motivated! Feeling good!!
  • Grlnxtdr0721
    Grlnxtdr0721 Posts: 597 Member
    You can add me if you'd like. I'm 28, married, with one child who is 3. I have always been active in sports, but with life being so hectic between working full time, going to school part time for another degree, having a family, volunteering, and everything else, I seemed to lose focus on myself and placed it on everything but me. But, I'm here to get everything back on track :smile:
  • sg1982
    sg1982 Posts: 69 Member
    Seeing everyone's stories and progress is very helpful in staying motivated! Feeling good!!

    HI Rachel! I am Silvia. I am :smile: WAS a yoyo dieter. Since 17th Feb I've been trying one more time, I've been doing good with MFP. I hope keep the good job up!

    Please, feel free to add me if you want, so we can keep each other motivated.
  • I am a mother of 2, married for 14 years and 34yrs old. When I was young I was very tiny, then the real world happened. I got very comfortable in my life and forgot about my own well being. I gained 110 lbs in 12 years and didnt even realize it. A year and a half ago we were invited to a wedding in Punta Cana and I was determined to beable to wear a bikini. I knew I was covered in stretch marks but I I could look good in a bikini weight wise then I was motivated. I started zumba september 2010 then started the zumba Toning in January. From Sept to Jan I had lost about 15lbs but was still eating like I had been, I change somethings but wasnt very focused. On Dec. 26 I actually woke up smarter. I thought if I am going to wear that bikini then I really needed to do something more. I got my husband to take all my measurements then I went downstairs and started surfing the web to find the best diet to acheive my goals. Thats when I came across the clean eating diet. Which is not a diet but a life changing experience. I couldnt believe that with in a week of changing everything we ate to clean eating, the energy we all had was incredible. And combined with all the zumba 4 nights a week the weight started melting off me. I also stopped snoring, which a year prior I was told I needed a machine to sleep at night. I also stopped taking my antidepressants. I felt amazing. Our trip was last May. And I wore that bikini and never have I ever felt that beautiful. Even when I was 120 lbs at 19 and 5'8". But knowing that I was able to go from 230lbs to 170 lbs and lose 60 lbs from Sept to May and it was because of my hard work. But then after my trip I fell off the wagon. I never stopped exercising but my eating changed. I started going to fast food restraunts, drinking alcohol and before I knew it I am hear today. I have sinced gained back 14 lbs and eat pretty bad. One good thing is I never stopped exercising. I guess what happened was I felt so good about my accomplishments that I forgot to continue. But I am back and have a goal of 30-40 lbs I want to lose.